Psychic Coping: Internal Imbalance with Absence of Awareness
Filling the gaps
We’ve continued to survive despite our undeveloped psychic and other soul abilities and our underdeveloped soul senses, but how has our consciousness dealt with this? Sometimes it’s not pretty but, here’s how to recognize the community imbalance of your instinctual animal self, our identity/egoic self and the soul self.
Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’
Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
Defining ‘psychic coping’
Look at me. I made up a new phrase and it’s called ‘psychic coping’.
Here’s how we will define that:
PSYCHIC COPING: How humans adapt to surviving with
underdeveloped soul abilities and soul senses.
This term is to explain that there is:
adapting we’ve had to do when it comes to avoiding our instinctual sensing and utilization our “sixth sense”
there is naturally some development of soul abilities and soul sensing we inadvertently accomplish
implies the importance in our soul abilities and soul senses in that it serves as a survival tool
Let’s dive into this a little deeper.
adapting we’ve had to do when it comes to avoiding our instinctual sensing and utilization our “sixth sense”
it is instinctual for us to be aware of, acknowledge, develop and use our psychic and other soul abilities, such psychic ability, intuitive ability and mediumship ability. It is also instinctual for us to be aware of, acknowledge, develop and use our soul senses, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and clarsentience. Not using them and/or being unaware of them is going against our instinct and a detriment to our holistic existence as human beings.
there is naturally some development of soul abilities and soul sensing we inadvertently accomplish
There is some development of our soul abilities that we all share. We have psychic and spiritual experiences like dreams that are premonitions, déjà vu (I believe these are psychic experiences), or synchronicities (our culture would coin as uncanny and meaningless coincidences). I would also acknowlegde that there is some degree of acceptance of soul abilities, as seen with intuition. Our culture is accepting of this soul sense because it is most ingrained in our spiritual selves, the closest departure to the soul journey, the direct line to our higher selves. We can see this with our own language- ‘a gut feeling’. This common phrase shares intuition’s common acceptance in culture but it’s depth isn’t fully understood by the underdeveloped intuitive.
That’s why I have defined it as underdeveloped - there is some development but, it’s not very functional and barely acknowledged or understood. Also, some people are more developed than others. Why would some people be more developed than others? Perhaps there is a a genetic factor, but, I lean more towards a nurture influence in the environment one grows up in. A family that expresses acceptance and awareness of soul abilities and soul senses will normalize, influence and raise awareness of these abilities for the next generation in their soul abilities and soul senses journey.
Lastly, just as we adapted to walking upright and developed certain degrees of melanin in our skin depending on where we live, our functional and developed psychic and other soul skills are survival skills that have helped human kind continue to thrive on this planet.
importance in our soul abilities and soul senses in that it serves as a survival tool
Without the communication of the soul
Our culture, heavy in a history of religious suppression and lost to a society of extremes, does not appreciate the skills of our psychic, intuitive, mediumistic and healing selves. The soul self is not seen as a universal trait as a human being. It is seen as an impressive super hero trait or a pitiful mental illness. Science cannot explain it or claims it has debunked it. Frauds flock to it to take advantage of the most vulnerable in our society. It holds mystery and skepticism, miracles and faith.
It is with us at all times, it’s free and, yet, we miss the opportunities to find our own individualistic power nearly every step of the way in life. Some are able to learn the lessons without addressing their soul self’s tools but, it is through spirit, that some learn what is most important in our lifetime.
Missed opportunities
It is understood that in our earlier childhood years, we are capable of learning so much, capable of having the purest energy and capable of learning our cultural norms. In some instances, as things stand now, we are the closest to our soul selves, our higher selves, at this young age. Our newness to this world of possibilities come with little understanding of the reality we are set in (that is defined by psychicly underdeveloped adults), but we are capable of infinite openness, and awashed in super creativity.
As children we are at peak time to develop soul awareness and to start understanding our psychic and soul abilities, just as we are able to learn other abilities like how to ride a bike, learn to tie our shoes or learn to read a book.
Unfortunately, it is at this time that the opportunity is lost in our culture. There is some movement towards the importance of “mindfulness” where meditation is seen in classrooms across the United States, which is a great start. This will help get the ball rolling with a generation of children being able to sit in their own energy, have experience in quieting their mind, finding the place where the soul can speak to the mind and body easiest.
We are aware of our internal imbalance
But how are we dealing with it now, us adults in a 21st century western civilized culture? How does our ageless soul adapt to an anti-instinctual reality that is based merely on the existence of a temporary body? Not very well.
As a child you are boundless. There is a lack of awareness to the confines of society’s judgement and expectations. So, you grow purely by your own fascination, instinct and curiosities until you hit the wall of culture’s demands of you.
At this point you are expected to do as you are told and be the human being that other people want you to be in ways that suits them or the culture as a whole. You are taught to prioritize your attention with money making tasks to put at the top of the list and for imagination and independence to be at the bottom of your list. Have it there but, do the “important” stuff first, like, math and science. Then, imagination can be fulfilled, if it is affordable.
One’s own mind does not hold too much value unless it can regurgitate formulas, state capitals and select the correct A, B, C or D option. Once regurgitated, it is easily disposed and forgotten- like a lot of other things in our society.
Understanding one’s soul skills is only a piece of a spiritual puzzle that we all have the birthright to explore. Unfortunately, our awareness of our individual spiritual journey or importance in exploring it for ourselves becomes suppressed as we get older. Ultimately, our spiritual journey is decided unimportant or nonexistent once we get into formal education.
There is no priority to discover and define our own purpose through our instinctual spiritual selves. Yet, through our instinct, we are aware of an imbalance. We are not participating in the conversation with our soul, we know it and we don’t feel right about it.
“There is no priority to discover and define our own purpose through our instinctual spiritual selves. Yet, through our instinct, we are aware of an imbalance. We are not participating in the conversation with our soul, we know it and we don’t feel right about it.”
4 ways we identify imbalance with underdeveloped soul skills
A piece is missing
Society can suppress information and dictate priority but, the individual is well aware of the internal discord. This can take place as feeling like something is missing in your world. More specifically a lack of purpose. Soul abilities allow for communication with your higher self that helps define your purpose and unlocks the language of the soul world. It’s that communication piece that is the big thread with all of these examples.
We try to find the missing piece through relationships, jobs, religion but, it always resides in yourself- it’s the communication that is missing.
2. I don’t belong anywhere
You feel out of place, like this isn’t my world. I’m disconnected. Even in the crowd, I don’t belong. The feeling is that you are not included in the conversation and it is true. You are unable to communicate, recognize the language of soul. Belonging actually sits in your own assurance of self, your own security as an individual. Communication with spirit and your own spirit is a way to build that assurance and awareness that we all belong and don’t belong.
We try to belong by joining frats, gangs, or cliques. Joining a group helps define who we are by who you associate with. Ultimately, however, the group cannot reflect who you truly are because, you are unable to communicate back and forth to soul, your higher self, to define yourself effectively.
3. No sense of control
You find yourself in perpetual cycles of the same problems and same outcomes. You are blind to the same circles of dysfunction. You cannot find the steering wheel to your own life and try to create control or just give in to the chaos.
Your soul abilities help you sit in your own power. You develop the relationship with your higher self with constant communication back and forth. It provides a partnership that creates self-assurance, self-forgiveness, prioritization.
We try getting control by hurting people, taking substances, become obsessed with work or creations. It is the communication with your higher self that brings the conversation to you, to give you direction, to guide you. The signs are there and that is part of the conversation, too. See my blog about synchronicities ‘Signs Form Spirit & Synchronicities’ to learn more about that.
4. Can’t get no satisfaction
Nothing is fulfilling. Sex is great until it’s over, then you’re back to where you started. Same for relationships, food, cigarettes. Satisfaction is fleeting and never a constant. The feeling of trying to find happiness is a journey of continual disappointment. Your spirituality helps ground you in satisfaction and sets your expectations that every little thing that brings happiness is something to be grateful for and gratitude brings more gratitude by lifting your vibration.
We try to find satisfaction in substances, people, work- noticing a pattern?
One thing to learn is how we see our world through underdeveloped soul senses. Going outside of ones self does not create change, though, at times it does seem to work out… for a bit. The changes we need to do needs to be internalized.
But, in a society that ignores this, and actually profits from this, it’s easy to not even know that internalizing is the first step in overcoming large personal hurdles.
How does soul ability development change these outcomes?
The patterns of dysfunction always lay with the lack of awareness or control of the soul senses, which allows us to receive information, and the lack of awareness or control of processing with the soul abilities, which is how we interpret the information received. There is self-assurance, self-confidence, self-direction and many other self’s to be had when a relationship with your soul self is developed and communication is understood and consistently attainable. Developing how you sense and process is the goal with soul ability development. Understanding the language of the higher self, the soul self will help you define your purpose, allow you to gain perspective, allow a comfort and truth of yourself that nothing external could ever bring you.
“Understanding the language of the higher self, the soul self will help you define your purpose, allow you to gain perspective, allow a comfort and truth of yourself that nothing external could ever bring you.”
More on this topic of ‘Psychic Coping’: