Meditation Basics for Developing Psychic Abilities and Other Soul Abilities
Meditation for the beginner
Here’s how meditation impacts your psychic, intuition and other soul abilities development.
Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’
Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
What is meditation?
Meditation is focusing your attention on the inside of your body by paying attention to the thoughts running through your mind, the sensations your body feels or the emotions that stir you. In general, it is a practice or perhaps seen as a way of training one’s self to focus.
What is the purpose of meditation?
Meditation can have many different purposes. Personally, I have used it to relieve stress, subside on-going high anxiety as well as connect with those that have passed on.
Other people use meditation for grounding purposes, to practice mindfulness, to practice concentrating or some people use it to transfer therapeutic energy to those that need it.
There are many different uses for meditation so there can be many different purposes to serve those uses.
The purpose of meditation for soul abilities development such as psychic abilities or intuition training
Meditation provides great practice for the developing psychic/medium/intuitive/healer with a couple of different advantages.
First of all, it allows you to become aware of your own energy, your own thoughts and your usual feelings and sensations. As a soul energy worker, it is important to know what being in your body feels like in order to receive messages through those soul/psychic senses. It is comparing sensations with your own usual sensations that allows you to discern messages from Spirit. Your body is the baseline and what you compare all other energy’s, feelings and ideas from. When you are reading others energies you base it off of learning to read from your own.
When you are interpreting others’ sensations you are interpreting it from your own sensations. You use your body and attention, focus, recollection to be able to identify with others’ experiences.
How to meditate
What we often imagine is somebody sitting with their eyes closed and legs crossed. This is one way to do it but there is no one particular way to meditate. Really what it comes down to is why you want to meditate, getting yourself comfortable and focusing on the sounds, feelings, and thoughts inside you. There’s no certain amount of time needed to be able to meditate. There’s no way that you can do it wrong, either.
What's cool about meditation is that you probably already do it. You don’t have to be sitting with your eyes closed to do it and is actually a natural thing that happens when our brain is in auto pilot. One of the mediums I have trained with says she meditates while doing the dishes. Another meditates and even speaks with Spirit, when she irons. I meditate while I drive, while I go for my hour long walks and when I’ve created artwork and music.
Generally, these are some steps for basic meditation:
Sit comfortably.
Close your eyes.
Take 3 deep breaths in and out, each deeper and longer than the previous.
Sit in your mind and let thoughts wander.
You can sit there for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, an hour or however long you want or need to. Some people can't stand sitting there in nothingness but that's the feeling you need to feel and know your energy. This is the first energy you need to connect with because, from here there's going to be a lot of differentiating with other energy's and yours is the bench mark.
My psychic medium experiences with meditation
I have to admit that, I had never really meditated before a few years ago. I did get a book that had a meditation exercise in it that I wanted to try out a long time ago but got frustrated when I had to stop my meditation to read the book for the next step. So, I tried it a few times then, just let it pass as another interest that crossed my periphery and left without a regret.
A tool for witnessing psychic & medium messages
My true interest in meditation began once I saw meditation in action during the one day mediumship development course that I attended at my local Spiritualist Church (which started my whole soul abilities development journey).
It was there that I was guided through meditation for the first time and realized the results of the meditation was how I could tap into my psychic/mediumship/intuitive abilities. Through meditation I realized I was able to focus inward and see the imagery painted in my head. I’ve seen it all my life but had the opportunity to talk about it out loud.
Once I was able to relay what I was seeing and have affirmations from others around me on my visions, knowings, feelings, then it became profoundly aware to me the power of meditation and how that was one way for me to access messaging that revolved around my soul/psychic senses.
Meditation allowed me to recognize the imagery, sensations and information flowing through my head without a task at hand, without having to solve a problem or being mindful of time in the process. I've been able to not only to receive messaging during meditation but, it's also allowed me to become a communicator for those that have passed.
A tool to deal with high anxiety
There have been a couple of times that I have felt an emotional crisis in my body, that I characterize as high anxiety. It’s days of perpetual heart racing, poor sleeping and the feeling of wanting to crawl out of my skin. it has surfaced at times that I didn’t see it coming. The first time I went to walk-in care to see if I could get medication to subside it. The second time I used meditation. I would do “White Light Meditation” three times a day and after 3 full days I came back down again. I didn’t have to go to the doctor, I didn’t have to spend money on medication, I’m able to do it whenever it comes around AND I don’t have to worry on getting addicted to pills. Listen, we all have enough problems, more pills isn’t going to help, IF I can help it.
While we are on this subject it’s important we start talking about why I’m bringing up meditation in the first place and how this fits in to your beginning practices as a discovering psychic…
It’s time to start meditating right now
Now, I'm not here to convince you to become a monk but, I am here to encourage your psychic/intuitive/mediumship/healing development journey to start exploring meditation, RIGHT NOW. I didn’t realize it’s importance until I had an encounter with someone who is interested in developing her own soul abilities like you are. This happened last week while I was in the idea stage of this post for your development. I like to think it was “divine intervention” and Spirit’s way of bringing this all to my attention to address to you now.
This weeks’ topic backstory
So, like I said above, I already knew I was going to be talking about meditation with you but, I have to admit that when I had this on my list for this week's subject I didn't understand the importance of why you needed this element right now.
During the time of thinking of how and why I was going to talk about meditation, I started visiting a few different threads on Reddit that are focused on psychics and psychic abilities and psychic development. I came across one person who was saying she was experiencing synchronicities and didn't know what they meant and wanted to see if anybody had some advice on psychic development. I got in touch with her and gave advice to start documenting details about her synchronicities, there's a message there. After chatting with her a bit more, she had mentioned that she considered herself a bit of a recluse and emotional, which she felt were signs of her "sensitive soul" attributes.
That's when it hit me that this is an immediate subject now for your development. I recommended meditation to her and a specific meditation, too. I gave her a link to a guided meditation and told her to start listening to this and this will help you connect with energy.
Time to start getting back into balance with your “community”
I was reading her last comment about considering herself a recluse and having a “sensitive soul” that I saw myself and realized that there is a certain degree of coping that we do to try to balance our evolved adult selves with our underdeveloped intuitive selves, the soul selves we were forced to let go of in the earlier years of our childhood. We grow up to undervalue our soul selves and it’s not until you become an adult with a life so out-of-balance that you realize that something, somewhere went wrong. It’s been so out of whack for so long you didn’t even notice how bad it was until you are coping by being antisocial, addicted and over emotional/unstable.
You've been estranged from your “community” (the internal world and energy of the mind, body, soul) for so long that this cannot wait any longer. So, right now, I am encouraging you to practice meditation to start bringing that balance back to you. Bringing yourself back into your own focus allows for you to rebuild the awareness you have forgotten, to learn to adjust to the world inside of your brain and start to show up to the conversation, ideas and emotions that exist in there, including tapping into and growing more comfortable with your soul/psychic abilities.
Meditation is the way to process and cleanse our energy after dealing with everybody else’s, at work, at school, at home.
We sometimes get lost because we’ve become so detached from our “community” we don't know what our energy is anymore.
We lose our own conversation within our community.
I'm so glad I had that exchange with that Redditer because she reminded me of the chaos we feel as out-of-touch human beings and when we are developing the soul abilities parts of ourselves we have to learn to re-tune into our own energies, thoughts and feelings. It can feel kind of intense to reconnect, even foreign, and understandably so. But, that's just because we've been "away" from it being a part of your human being since we were little kids, before we had tasks to complete and deadlines to meet and people to make happy.
Let’s get to it!
Guided meditation
It has helped me with reconnecting with my “community” and now it is time to bring this in for your psychic development.
A guided meditation is simply a meditation that I talk you through while you sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on what I am saying.
It's really easy to do to. Here’s what will go down.
White Light meditation
This is one mediation that I would recommend to start you with during your soul abilities development and it’s called “White Light Meditation”.
I have made a recording here for you to listen to and meditate to. Put some earbuds in and visit a couple times a day for a couple weeks.
Here’s a quick run down of what you’ll be meditating on:
In this meditation you are imagining a beam of white light emerging down from the sky to enter the very tippy top of your head. this beam enters your body and the beam becomes a liquid that starts to fill your body- starting at your toes, up to the tops of your feet, your ankles, your shins, etc. The light fills the volume of your body all the way to the tippy top of your head than spills out the top and drips down and all over your skin, outside of your body, to form a protective later. Some of the liquid suspends off of this outer layer like mist and provides a glowing cloud outside of you, around you. It is protecting you inside and outside. It feels warm and loving. You feel happy and accepted. Hold that feeling. Then, open your eyes when you are ready. This will take about 13 minutes to complete.
This is a common meditation and the one I practice the most. It does help me recenter when I need to simmer down or energize me when I just can’t summon energy at all. It also helps you on your journey of soul development by turning your focus on your community- the mind, body, soul connection that needs your attention.
I remember practicing this meditation a few times and it could go on for way longer than 10 minutes or way shorter or even have a profound moment in which it seems the whole room seems to light up while you are practicing this. That's a trip! I would recommend making this part of your routine twice a day for the rest of your life.
After a while, you’ll learn the script and be able to practice it yourself.
Meditation Resources
Meditation in this day and age may seem kind of weird but, has shown to have plenty of benefits.
Personally, I’ve felt the benefits of meditation and I would encourage you to start your journey to not only help with your soul abilities development but to really bring more calm and peace to your every day.
And now, let’s go down the worm hole with You Tube on… meditation!