Psychic Coping: 9 Traits of Underdeveloped Psychic Abilities and Other Soul Abilities
Psychic coping: developed traits
How you define the root cause of your underdeveloped psychic issues and ignored soul self can result in some common traits, syndromes and symptoms.
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Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
Psychic coping: recap
We all have soul abilities, be it intuition, psychic abilities, mediumship abilities, healing abilities. But, we must train these abilities in order to reap the benefits of having them and to gain control and perspective in our lives. How have we dealt with our underdeveloped soul abilities and underdeveloped soul senses when we cannot identify or resolve the key issue to our troubles? By coping, psychic coping, that is.
Psychic coping is how us, as human beings, multifaceted in animal instinct, ego and the soul self, cope without an immature set of soul skills (abilities and senses). We have skills that are underdeveloped and affecting us to the point of creating giant chasms in our everyday lives.
I’ve coined the term ‘psychic coping’ to address this discord.
4 ways we identify the source of unease
In my previous blog post ‘Psychic Coping: Internal Imbalance with Absence of Awareness’, it was discussed how we try to identify what the problem is that we instinctively feel due to a disconnect with our spiritual selves, or our higher selves. There are many ways we internalize this spiritual chasm. Here are the ways we identified in the previous blog post:
A piece of me is missing
I don’t belong anywhere
No sense of control
I can’t get no satisfaction
Feeling these impressions could give anybody a complex. Feeling antisocial or misunderstood is against the grain of being a human being, we are social creatures. When something feels out of place and we misunderstand how to try to make sense of the situation traits will inevitably result that show how we cope.
The traits that result from the absence of awareness
For years we live our lives unaware of our psychic and other soul abilities, living a life where we miss a piece of how we interact with our environment, how we process our environment, our impressions of this processing. How we have learned to cope without having this tool results in developing traits that lead us to living without harmony or peace.
I have coped myself with a life of anxiety and illness and now, after uncovering my own psychic and other soul abilities, I see how my life has changed dramatically due to connecting with my higher self and beyond. it is sad for me to think how a majority of us live a life, that is, a life beyond fulfilling our basic needs, without this incredible ability. I can see how living without knowing can be so damaging for the psyche and body.
This list may enlighten you. Perhaps it could help you identify a source of your burden. It could also motivate you to consider your full abilities. Perhaps it will inspire you uncover them to live a more well-rounded, fulfilling life.
Traits developed make up psychological categories but can also touch on the physical body, as well.
Once I became aware of psychic development, my psychic abilities, my soul senses, my soul abilities, I gained a purpose that I've been looking for for a long time. I’ve joked with myself for years about a song by The Who that seemed to be my role and curse in this life: ‘The Seeker’.
Always feeling like there’s something missing, something of mine to master, and, yet, I just couldn’t find it. It was a battle of constantly having my interests wax and wane, moving from one shiny object to another, only to move along still seeking.
Since my awakening, I am aware of the little things. I am grateful for what and who is around me. I have gained perspective with how far I've come, which I wouldn't have been able to see before- that bigger picture. Most importantly, I have a stronger understanding of the workings of the universe- where I belong in all of that, who I am and who I don’t have to impress.
What I was looking for was knowledge, which I found through my curiosities, but not The Knowledge. Now that I have it, uncovering my purpose and understanding the simplicity of it all, I now see what I was seeking, and maybe what Pete Townshend found for himself, was a closer relationship with my spirit and my intuitive, psychic and mediumship abilities. The Knowledge on the other hand is something I think about, but not something that plagues me.
Uncovering, discovering and developing my soul abilities has not been a cure all but it does accompany me when at one time I felt all alone. It also allows for me to observe that bigger picture, to understand that we're all in this together and to naturally introduce more compassion and more understanding for others as well as less judgement on myself.
Keeping this story in mind, take a look at the list below at traits we exhibit when we are living our lives with our underdeveloped or unaware soul abilities, such as our intuition, psychic, healing or mediumship abilities and underdeveloped or unaware of our soul sense, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience or clairsentience.
Also, realize that traits do not make up your lifetime. You have the ability to abandon or create new traits as an act of free will.
Here’s a list of some developed traits we acquire as a result of the absence of awareness and immaturity of our soul sense/soul abilities.
If you feel like you need to get away from people to be yourself, you are instinctively reacting to your sense to protect your spiritual and psychic energy. It is how you have coped with other peoples’ energies since you have been unable to develop how to control what you take in. You cope by avoiding people. It’s a wall of vibrations that is easier for you to handle when you shut it out. In general, that’s how it works. But, you have to go out there eventually, which means you need to develop control of your psychic/soul senses.
This is a result of secluding yourself and developing low self-esteem. No matter the direct or indirect causation, depression is another trait of underdeveloped psychic/soul abilities and sensing that can be curbed once awareness is triggered, control is developed and even when a purpose because apparent.
Anxiety happens when you think of going out into the world, when someone asks something of you that you truly want to be a part of but being a part of it means putting your fears on the line. Maybe it’s even taken on due to someone else’s anxiety. It’s uncomfortable, it’s draining. Understanding your soul abilities and soul senses helps you to learn what you have control of and how to protect and maintain yourself.
Fear of Failure/ Fear of Success
When one is coping with underdeveloped psychic skills there is need for perfection that heavily relies on feeding the ego. It’s perfectly fine to think you are good at things and to perform at your best but, if you do things out of a fear than you are not doing things for your soul or spirit. Fear is a tool of the ego. There is something intrinsic in being in touch with your psychic/ soul self that allows for imperfection to be okay, to be suitable. Underdeveloped psychic coping would be the need for absolute success or absolute anti-success because, the underdeveloped and unaware would be most concerned with feeding that fear for their ego.
Developing your soul skills would put self-forgiveness ahead of either fear of success or fear of failure and serve the higher purpose that we are need of being in touch of.
Low Self-Esteem
The immaturely developed soul self wants to be known and impactful. If it remains unknown or ignored, the true self cannot emerge and you live as an imposter. You can feel it when the dissonance resides inside of you. This confusion and lack of understanding can deeply impact your person greatly.
Your self-esteem seems deeply connected to our ego in society’s terms.
The funny thing is we evolve from meeting our basic needs to needing to fulfill an ego, to create a sense of worthiness for our social selves. The funny part also is when we go beyond that level of fulfilling the social self we are fulfilling our self-actualization and higher conscious selves that negates the need for an ego. So the ego that we build up with our self-esteem becomes unneeded once we hit that higher self state.
Nonetheless, we still need to build up self-esteem to transcend it and getting in touch with your soul self will help shed light on your importance and build that esteem. It will also take out your harshest critic, yourself.
Being the intuitive being that you are means you could have the ability to pick up on energies of others wherever you go. If you walk past someone in a bad mood you could pick up that low energy emotion and carry it with you. Then, your mood turns into their mood.
Additionally, being in such a state of mind of anxiety and depression, you can certainly just be moody from the low energies you have swam in for who knows how long, cycling over and over. It’s hard to pick your energy back up when it’s the norm. Also, you won’t be able to attract those with higher energy emotions to lift you up, those with higher energy emotions won’t want to be around a person of low energy emotions weighing them down.
Having ignored and underdeveloped soul abilities and soul senses means you have undeveloped or nonexistent coping abilities. Protecting your psychic and soul self is essential to combat this trait.
A large amount of these traits go along with an action of addiction. If you are feeling inadequate, lost, or unsatisfied, addiction becomes a way to feel or stop feeling. It’s a true coping mechanism that you feel you can control, when, in actuality, you are being controlled. I theorize that those with addictions would find it easiest to get in touch with their soul selves, soul abilities and soul senses because, I think they are the most ready to transition, seeing as though they try to do that with their addictions.
Someone who knows there is something missing, can feel it but, maybe not be able to identify it, could possibly turn their attention to trying to fill the gap that is missing. One way to do that is to be hyper-focused by turning your anxious energy into a quest into the weeds. This was a big one for me for a long time, especially since I take pride in my artistic skills and music production which, includes a lot of detail-oriented work. But, there does come a point when the detail becomes an illusion that only you can see.
Once I came to realize my psychic, intuitive and mediumship abilities, I found my obsession with details fall away and I now see things from a bigger picture than ever before. It’s pretty astounding to me, actually, especially when I see grammar and spelling mistakes when that was never really an issue before my spiritual awakening. But, seeing the bigger picture allows me to put into perspective the things that matter the most.
Body Malfunctions
A result of so much dysfunction can go beyond behavior.
Again, if you coping you will not be able to control or understand the sensations you are getting from the energies, people/animals/plants, around you. If you hang out with sick people and do not develop your soul abilities to block off receiving the messaging from others’ aches and pains, than you too will develop these sensations as well. I actually felt it the other week when I seemed to be developing similar symptoms to my coworker, who had a terrible bout of the flu. He was near the end of his sickness with chest congestion and coughing and I could feel it coming on, along with a headache and a looming awareness that it might be my turn to get down with the sickness.
Once I left my office and went for a walk, all symptoms were gone. And, I was sooooo grateful! It was my clairempathy that was kicking in.
Additionally, I lived several years with tummy troubles to the point that I pretty much developed every trait on this list to cope with my ailments. I believe these ailments, consistent in their nature but completely mysterious when it came to a decade long excursion to find it’s cause, were a result of that missing piece of dealing with the absence of my spiritual unawareness.
Oddly enough, I have spent many years avoiding but also developing a way to protect my energy, without knowing that that was what I was doing. So, when I seemed unemotional and apathetic, it was actually my way of protecting my soul self from the influence of others’ energies.
Coping With Coping
Okay, now what? You see all of these things in yourself or a few that definitely are your M.O.
You’re open to opening the doors of awareness.
How do you start?
It’s time to sit down, close your eyes and face your inner self. It’s time to meditate.
How to Develop Your Psychic Coping Tools
Let’s go back to meditation. You are working on your White Light Meditation to center and ground yourself as a developing psychic, to put you in the place to speak to yourself without distraction.
Now, we're going to add another meditation that will focus on visualizations to develop the awareness of where your energy is and how to close it off. It is with this meditation that you will learn how to restrict your place of soul sensing so you can gain control of your self again.
More on this subject of ‘Psychic Coping’: