Synchronicities & Developing Communication with Spirit
Synchronicities are signs
Source talks to us with these signs. Learning what synchronicities to look for develops your communication with Source and opens the possibilities of your soul abilities.
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Developing your language with Spirit
Source talks to us with signs, called synchronicities.
Learning what synchronicities to look for develops your communication with Spirit. Communicating with signs and synchronicities develops a symbolic language using the world around us and giving a mutual meaning to objects, numbers and events. Mutual meanings creates communication between you and Spirit where you both can work together.
All our lives we have mentioned and heard about 'the strangest thing' or a 'crazy coincidence'. In the world of Spirit, there is no such thing as a meaningless coincidence. In fact, these unusual happenings exist to grab our attention.
When it comes to your soul abilities (psychic ability, mediumship ability, intuition, etc.) development it is important to understand how 'The Source' or Spirit communicates with you through the world around you. One way it does that is through synchronicities.
The meaning behind these unusual happenings is where you and Spirit have the opportunity to communicate.
I never thought much about signs or synchronicities prior to my Spiritual Awakening in my thirties. I was too busy dealing with loneliness, lovers and little ones to be observant of what was going on around me as I grew up and out of different stages of my life.
Now, synchronicities guide my everyday life and bring me comfort, reassurance and a heads up to brave the restless waters of the tides of life.
Let’s get down to business and get your notebook ready to take on a soul communication development exercise to start to see what you’ve already been paying attention to and to start building upon.
Defining ‘synchronicity’
When googling ‘SYNCHRONCITY’ you get a definition that looks something like this: “the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.”
Isn’t that a coincidence?
‘COINCIDENCE’ according to google: “a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.”
Apparently, yes. So what makes synchronicity or synchronicities different from coincidence?
Let’s make formulas
Coincidence formula
event that occurs + another event that occurs + improbable timing = coincidence
Synchronicity formula
event that occurs + another event that occurs + improbable timing + obscure meaning = synchronicity
Let’s talk it out
In both coincidence and synchronicity you have at least two events occurring with unusual timing creating improbability, meaning it is unlikely for these events to occur so close to each other in the way that it happened. An example could be when you are having a conversation and say the word ‘oboe’ and then the TV on in the background says ‘oboe’ right after you said ‘oboe’. The echoing of the word, you saying it and then the TV saying it, happened with improbable timing. It’s also an odd word, so that makes this even more improbable.
What would make it probable is if ‘oboe’ is already top of mind, in the news or if something seen on TV moments ago was addressing 'oboes’ or a related subject like a concert band, a musician, a performance with a symphony.
The difference between our made-up formulas and experiencing these two very similar experiences is your perspective and awareness. A coincidence is “just a funny thing that happened” without further action. Synchronicity on the other hand, inspires introspection into what the occurrences are suppose to be making you aware of, going beyond the observable and turning it inward.
The logical dissonance of coincidence vs. synchronicity
Science doesn’t like us having emotions in which it changes the meaning of something. So, the logical route is for synchronicities to take the back seat to coincidences. In this day and age, there is nothing that can logically prove that an intention can change how something reacts or occurs, so coincidence is the safer term unless you want people to think that you are a little bit crazy.
However, people are just as curious about our examples of coincidence as they are curious about our examples of synchronicities, as seen on this website where Cambridge Universities Professor David Spiegelhalter wants to hear your coincidences for research purposes.
Then again, people are getting a little more adventurous with exploring intention (even if it is ‘unwordly’ or impossible to measure) when it comes to coincidence. Here’s an interesting read “The Science Behind Coincidence: What’s really going on when we encounter uncanny connections?” from Discover Magazine from January 2019 by Amy Paturel, that nearly borders wanting to say “synchronicities”, as opposed to coincidence, throughout the whole article. It puts a magnifying glass on defining coincidence in a more logical standpoint a little more than I do.
But, science sometimes can’t help itself but become illogical in the face of personal, emotional experiences. I mean science is a human understanding of the universe we exist in. It’s understood by humans- like, people. Here is a psychologist who sees synchronicities and not coincidences in this article ‘The Startling Science of Synchronicity’ from Synchronicity from September 2015 by Australian clinical and counselling psychologist Chris Mackey
The Baader-Meinholf phenomenon
Oh, and there’s also this. The Baader-Meinholf Phenomenon, or frequency illusion, which is science’s way of trying to make sense of synchronicity/coincidence by giving it a wacky name and adding ‘phenomenon’ on it to try to out-cool the word “synchronicity”, which can’t ever be done, but, nice try: ‘What’s the Badder-Meinhoff Phenomenon? by Kate Kershner from
It is the phenomenon that explains why you notice every yellow car on the road because, you yourself just bought a yellow car and yellow cars are top of mind to you. A yellow car is now a part of your reality and your everyday and is now more prominent in your mind and attention.
I don’t know why in my discernible mind this phenomenon is definitely legit but, on the other hand, really has no effect on my synchronicity experiences. I do notice my Honda every time I’m in a parking lot or pass by one driving around but, the difference is it has no meaning to me, so far. I do not have a striking moment that feels improbable or coincidental. This means it is not an object related to synchronicities for me. Nice try, Baader-Meinholf Phenomenon. Foiled.
Who dat making synchronicities?
Source, Spirit, God, the Divine. We chatted about that in my blog post ‘The Source, The Divine, God and Every Other Word I Don’t Want to Call… It’
Spirit (that’s what I call it- AKA the Source, the Divine, God, etc.) is connected to each of us to guide us individually, to help us ascend our consciousness, to guide us fulfill our destination in this lifetime.
It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to go into “the who” of it all. I’d rather not, too. Honestly, just know that whatever “it” is also includes yourself and whatever your good intentions are are the good intentions “it” has for you. If “it” isn’t acknowledged, “it” isn’t offended because, it’s all about you. ‘It’ is egoless- you won’t hurt it’s feelings. Awareness of it’s efforts is all it wants for you in order to live an easier, consciousness increasing life.
However, understanding what is being said sometimes takes information about who is saying it… but, that’s here nor there right now.
What is being communicated with synchronicities?
Sometimes, we need guide markers and that's Spirit’s way of trying to assist us.
For me, a main message with synchronicities is assurance. I am a creature of good intentions, but also with irritating self doubt. I get bogged down in the "do I, don't I" along with occasional procrastination. Once, I became more aware of synchronicities and began to develop and understand the language of synchronicities with spirit, I started to become more aware of how much Spirit was supporting me in the things that I do.
I’m on the right path
I know Spirit supports me by use of synchronicities, specific synchronicities. My "thumbs up" from spirit is when it uses my favorite number 63. (WTF favorite number is that?! Right?!) Luckily for me, seeing this number is more of a rarity than seeing a single number. So, when I see this number (temperature, how many more miles of gas I have left in my car, or 63 likes on a social media post), it's been communicated to me from Spirit that I'm on the right path and to keep on going.
When I notice that I haven’t seen my number in a while, it's time for me to reflect on why. Actually, I’ve reflected on that in the past couple of days since writing and talking about this topic and I haven’t seen my number in a while. I think I have just been so focused on building content for you guys while being very busy with my already busy life with a full time job, 3 kids and a home, that I'm not observing and I have each minute of my day filled with something that needs to get done or that I want to get done.
Perhaps, I’m waundering off the path and spirit is holding on to these 63s in order for me to look up and pay attention. If I go on longer without seeing my 63s and do nothing, spirit might have a way to derail me from what’s keeping my head down. Or, maybe I don’t need assurance right now and spirit is taking a little breather.
My instinct tells me the later is true because, despite the extra work I put into all of the content creation for NextGEN Medium, it flows easily out of me and gets me excited. These positive feels assures me my heart is leading and there is little resistance or conflict with my actions and my destiny (whatever that is 😆).
Interpreting assurances from Spirit over time has aided my confidence and actually parallels the ability of learning to ride a bike. Once I was able to learn how to balance myself, found where I needed to go by setting my intentions, and push off in the right direction, Spirit guides me for a few seconds then lets go and let’s me go on my own with my own perpetuated force.
Heads up
What else could spirit want to communicate with you? How about, ‘HEY, PAY ATTENTION!’
I had one frightening experience where I totaled my car one morning going to work. I amazingly walked away from my car with nothing but bruises and glass in my hair and pockets. I’m still unsure to this day how the accident even happened. Anyway, I remember my husband meeting me at the accident and was so awestruck at the sight of my car that he couldn’t look away at the devastation of my poor Toyota Corolla while he hugged me, nearly suffocating me with the strength of his hug. I actually had to push him away.
This was a pretty dramatic sign from spirit. I took this lesson as get ready for a big life change, because, as things turned out, I became pregnant that morning and found out about my new pregnancy weeks later. Spirit was communicating about another big bang that was headed my way by way of a second child and used the car accident to focus me on being vigilant- in a “Scared Straight” kinda way.
Recognizing my synchronicities
Synchronicity started for me once I started becoming aware of it's signs while attending on-going psychic medium development and after my spiritual awakening and first development class.
I started recognizing the signs around me. I have certain things that catch my attention- numbers, animals, echoing- that are signs from 'The Source' or Spirit. What the meaning of the sign is depends on the sign but, also the circumstance in which it, the sign, arrived or departed.
At first, witnessing and understanding synchronicities felt like a honeymoon. I was connecting with Spirit and we were talking. Now, it's become more commonplace as I serve Spirit and focus on the things that I need to do. Recognizing its messaging allowed me to trust in Spirit, be comforted with its presence that took my faith in it to another level of spiritual development.
Synchronicity steps
At first, witnessing synchronicities felt like a honeymoon- in love with 'Source', appreciative of it's attention and thought. Now, it's become more mundane as I serve Spirit and focus on the things that I need to do.
It's so easy to see something occur, be surprised of it's coincidental activity and then move along. Maybe you'll think about it later or bring it up in conversation. But the following steps turn a coincidence into a synchronicity, a meaningful message from Spirit.
What we are encouraging here is not only being more observant of your surroundings and objects, people, happenings, but also reading into it.
1) Awareness
‘Take off the blinders’ and see what is happening more often. Don’t get so lost on planning what’s to come. Live in the present.
2) Observation
Take in the signs that are around you and do not dismiss. Paying attention to what you are looking at is more focused than the “awareness” stage but still “objective” to possibility.
3) Reaction
This isn’t so much a part of your intentions but, a natural occurrence of the information received. If you have a reaction of surprise, it is communicated to spirit that you have gotten the message. Now it’s time for you to deduce.
4) Deduction
This is when we take a circumstance and ask our selves “Is there meaning?” That's when the coincidence becomes a "sign" or a message. Something has gotten your attention that is outside of your power and there is more to this “coincidence” than improbability. It was meant to get your attention and make you reflect.
5) Repeat
Meaning does require experience and multiple happenings. Synchronicities gain their meaning and integrity by multiple occurrences. Keep track of these and you’ll be able to gain a working communication with Spirit that will become a trusting relationship of guidance.
Creating synchronicity meanings
Like I mentioned above, synchronicities and signs have meaning that is agreed upon by both you and Spirit. That means creating meaning and understanding meaning goes both ways- with you and Spirit.
How do you create a meaning with Spirit?
Tell Spirit.
Direct it.
Say, 'When I see a penny, that will be a hug from my mom'.
Once I started being more observant and picking up on signs and synchronicities from Spirit, I became more experimental with synchronicity in trying to assign things meanings for Spirit to bring me. Or, I would pay attention to things that already had meaning to me and start seeing these things more often.
Just like in your journey, your efforts with Spirit are a give and take system, sometimes Spirit gives and sometimes you give. Efforts need to be balanced in order for the flow to happen naturally and uninterrupted.
Synchronicity examples
Here are syncronicities I've had to compare yours to. I actually keep a list of recent synchronicities in my Google Keep list, specifically as it's own list just so if something happens while I've got my laptop out I can quickly jot it down.
Here's what's on the list currently:
Did podcast today and blog yesterday and mentioned how I still couldn't get into table tipping. Sure enough [a local] Spiritualist Church doing table tipping event. See screenshot.
Here's a great example of synchronicity. I've expressed that I'm not a huge fan of table tipping (I will still go and see it, however. I will still give it a chance) and was chatting about it in a podcast episode.
When I visited my Facebook later on in the day, I came across a 'Table Tipping Workshop' from a Spiritualist Church in the area (that I love, btw). They don't post a lot of things so it was a wild coincidence that it was on my mind and then appeared in my FB feed that day (it even shows in the screen shot that it was posted 20 minutes prior). Some would argue that I'm the kind of person that would like people and organizations that would bring this up much more likely than other people or organizations so it isn't unlikely for this to appear in my feed OR that it may have appeared in my feed before but didn't notice because it wasn't so top of mind for me. But that moment, it called to me as a sign from Spirit that I was on the right path, not sure if it had to do with the topic but that me doing the podcast and speaking my truth/ my mind was the "right direction".
Affirmation: Talking with Scott today and he mentioned an old radio system called NextGen.
It was at this time that I was trying to come up with a name for NextGEN Medium and actually had a different name picked out with business cards printed and everything. Once I was selecting the domain, however, I decided to go with a different name. I hate naming things. I used to be in a band and naming it took forever, naming the songs was an act of God. My sons full name didn't get decided until I was in the hospital and suited up and having contractions. It's just such an important thing that means so much. I'm still not convinced of my son's name, btw.
So, when I pondered what to name this venture, I picked something that I was still on the fence about. Even if I had picked the perfect name I would still have had a hard time committing to it because, I'm waiting for that moment of absolution from myself that comes for other things, but not names, apparently. So, I decided on NextGEN Medium, still felt iffy, but went with it. The next morning, I was talking to my coworker who brought up an old system he used to work with. Can you guess what it was called? 'NextGEN'- not 'NextGEN Medium' but jut 'NextGEN'. That was confirmation for me, and a heavy burden lifted, that NextGEN was going to be the name. And, then, I could move on to worry about other things.
Had a moment of synchronicity today, December 17th at about 2:20 p.m. I was going for a walk on the route that I usually walk and I was listening to Aaron Doughty talk about the one thing you should do before you go to bed and specifically about using this slide technique. During my walk, it was lightly snowing and there was one point in my walk near the end when I actually slipped. It was at that very moment that Aaron said ‘slide technique’. I took that second to realize that this was a moment of synchronicity and listened closely to what Aaron was saying to see what I needed to take out of that. That's when Aaron was explaining the slide technique and as I listened I realized that this is something I did a lot growing up.
I think this explanation is pretty clear in that I was listening to Aaron Doughty, a guy who wants to “expand your consciousness” on YouTube, talk about the 'Slide Technique'. There was a point in his video in which he said the phrase “slide technique’ and, at that moment, I slid on some ice. I brought my attention as to why this would be a synchronicity so listened closely to what he had to say following my slippage.
Listening in, I realized that I have been doing the slide technique for a long time on my own, even as a kid. This was a realization that I'm still sifting through but interpret as Spirit wanting me to practice this more. Which is great. I like doing it.
Developing communication with spirit
It's time for you to put your syncronicities to the test. List what symbols and signs you already have in your life, what it’s meaning means to you and how you’ve experienced this symbol as a synchronicity.
Also, create a list on your Google Keep or use a spot in your phone to be able to record your encounters going forward. Be sure to use your steps: Awareness, Observations, Reaction, Deduction. Right it down- what you observed, what your reaction was, how you felt, what came to mind. What struck you in that moment? What do you think the meaning was?
After a while you'll be able to notice what specific things mean or even who they are from (more specifically a passed on loved on as opposed to the general 'Spirit world'), if you want to go there.
Synchronization conclusion
It's so exciting to become aware of the world around you, the spirit world that exists that you are now paying attention to because, it will surprise you in wild and comforting ways.
it might change your mind about how you understand the world and make things a little more clear concerning what you are supposed to do with yourself.
Further Reading on Synchronicity
Want more synchronicity examples? Here’s a blog post I made just for Synchronicity examples that I found on Reddit.
Here’s a link that takes ‘The Source’ out of it and just take pleasure in the feeling of being surprised from Syncronicities: A Sure Sign You’re On The Right Path by Gregg Levoy
Here’s some info that includes Quantum Physics into the mix, addresses the logic vs. emotional side of synchronicities and coincidence and a personal story from ‘Synchronicity Is Not Just A Coincidence’ by Robert Kopecky