About NextGEN Medium and Founder, Sarah Nickerson

While Sarah continued to work a ‘real world’ radio job and booking readings, she continued the blog, vlog, and podcast until the summer of 2021, when all three concluded together with the ending of the 63-episode ‘NextGEN Medium Podcast’. Following the ending of the podcast, Sarah begin a ‘Reddit Answers’ vlog which focused on individual questions posted subreddits asking questions about spirituality, psychic medium abilities and energy understanding. In later 2021, Sarah released a short eGuide long-windedly titled, “The Zero Effs, Splendidly Brief Beginner's Guide to Psychic, Intuitive, Mediumship and Healing Development: A no-frills, to-the-point, get-started-now guide to start seeing your soul abilities for yourself”. The eGuide contains concepts, instructions, and exercises to witness the soul abilities. In January of 2022, the companion 15-episode podcast ‘The Zero Effs Guide Podcast’ was released which provided some extra information on understanding the process as well as providing more discussion on the concept.

What started as one persons blog about the discovery of her psychic abilities turned into a resonating, multi-faceted resource for those world-wide to take on a spiritual journey and consideration for themselves.

The NextGEN Medium name first started as a way to promote founder Sarah Nickerson as a psychic medium. By 2019, Sarah had a year of spiritual awakening and discovery, testing and researching, theorizing and challenging this new reality and unfamiliar set of psychic/medium/intuitive tools that she discovered by chance (but not really). This journey led to an empowering new way of living on earth that moved Sarah to move from sharing these messages with curious friends, family, and acquaintances to moving towards a small fee for sharing her insights under the name NextGEN Medium.

But, after launching the NextGEN Medium website in December of 2019, Sarah felt compelled to not just have a website to gain new clients but to also share her journey, new understandings, and new guidance with others while bringing awareness that everybody has these innate abilities. NextGEN Medium gained the mission, once the blog writing began, to impart a look into one person’s personal spiritual journey to share with others for their own personal reflection and spiritual understandings for themselves.

The mission of the website soon became a resource was to make people aware of the universal abilities that could be uncovered.

This discovery and utilization could lead to the realization of self-trust captured by the founder, something missing for many people in many different spiritual states. The mission was to relay Sarah’s personal journey, growing understanding, and spiritual truths to help others connect and resonate with the idea that ‘you too can do this’. The website evolved into a home for the NextGEN Medium blog, vlog, and podcast with the intent of sharing and inspiring the next generation of conduits/mediums- which could essentially be any person coming across these media and information contained within them.

The blog, vlog, and podcast go going in January 2020, intended to share Sarah’s development journey and let others in on her gained perspective, spiritual understanding, and experiences of ‘the unfolding’.

Sarah also wanted to bring a different side to spirituality that didn’t seem to be represented- a side that is down-to-earth, self-aware, and relatable, complete with ‘f-words’, hoodies, and funny banter.

“Authenticity, no façade’” is always the motto behind the scenes and this is what Sarah was passionate on bringing- the most true version of Sarah.

NextGEN Medium continues to expand while continuing to serve it’s mission and purpose: to be a resource for those seeking development of their soul abilities, to discover a piece of themselves, to start a journey that is waiting whenever they are ready.

In mid 2022, the founder went full time with NextGEN Medium products, services, and programs, offering spiritual life coaching and meditation guide programs geared towards growing the relationship with the intuitive self.

About the Founder, Sarah Nickerson

I am very excited that you have across this page and are into it enough that you are learning a little about me. I have been on quite a journey to get to having this website and all these outlets to talk about something that has created such a positive change in my life and I’m very excited to share what I’ve learned and the resources I have with a community of curious cats like myself!

I had a spiritual awakening in the fall of 2018 as a result of a 6-hour intro to mediumship class at a localSpiritualist Church in Bangor, Maine. I’ve attended the gallery readings held with this organization for over a decade and finally had the chance to see if I myself had an ability to be psychic or get to know mediumship a little better. The group was led by the amazing Melissa Gabriel who sent me on a journey that led to months of seeing the world in brand new eyes and ears and every other sense.

I was able to tap into my psychic abilities in which I discovered my own mediumship abilities as well. They were always there, I just never paid too much attention to them. I’ve done readings, research and scoured the web for more information, attend and watch gallery and private readings and always reaching out to whoever I can to gain opportunities to grow my own skills.

Now, here I am still very excited to present what I have learned and wanting to do it in a way that is not intimidating for the newly aware and for those wanting to discover their own abilities.

My favorite thing that I have learned is that we are all capable of having psychic abilities and I’m so excited to not only present what I know first hand but also open a conversation for us all to share. The most important thing about this process is sharing because without that communication we all remain in the dark.

Join me in lifting the veil of mystery that is psychic mediumship by discovering and strengthening your own psychic abilities with this psychic development and intuitive training network where we can talk about our struggles and triumphs together.