Psychic Coping: Protect Your Psychic Self
This is where your psychic and soul skills can start to take control
There’s no going back now.
Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’
Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
Identifying how you cope with your underdeveloped psychic skills
Previously, we have discussed how humans are aware of an internal imbalance, which we describe as psychic coping. See ‘Psychic Coping: Internal Imbalance with Absence of Awareness’ and ‘Psychic Coping: 9 Traits of Underdeveloped Psychic Abilities’.
This is us trying to live a life without a fully developed psychic/soul ability skill set. We have some developed skills but not a mature set of skills that help us sense and perceive the messaging come in through the ‘soul world’, such an intuitive skills or psychic skills. This absence of awareness or under developed skill set leads us to an internal life out of balance. We feel alone, misunderstood, unsatisfied and confused.
This unnatural placement leads us to depression, anxiety and many other secondary and tertiary conditions, an unbalanced life of addiction or fear. Knowing what the absence of your soul abilities and soul senses feels like, identifying it’s traits, syndromes, symptoms and impressions is one way to identify that you are missing out on your birth rite skills.
Everybody is born with the capability to use your intuition, activate and shut off the soul senses and tap into and control your soul abilities, such as psychic/ mediumship or healing abilities. Some will develop them without much conscious effort, while others will have no formal knowledge that such a thing as soul abilities exists (such as clairvoyance, telepathy or conversating with ‘the dead’- I like to call them discarnates, not so weird sounding) and live a life completely disconnected from your higher-self.
You could still have no formal knowledge, however, and still experience psychic happenings. But if you are unaware of these concepts than they could very much remain a mystery of life, which there are many of.
Being able to entertain the idea that you are a psychic being puts you already in a small group of people that are conscious of psychic abilities/capabilities and open-minded enough to take on the responsibilities of the psychic/soul consciousness.
If you are in this group, then you are open enough to take on others’ energies. This could mean that you’ve coped with this underdeveloped intuitive skill set long enough.
Right now, it’s time to turn your coping into developing and I will guide you through that with the information here.
Putting an effort into protecting your energy will allow you to escape the feedback loop that you may find yourself in on a continual basis. This feedback loop could be perpetual financial issues, perpetual romantic endeavors, or constant and unexplainable physical or mental issues.
Soul abilities and soul sense development is not a cure all for all problems, that I am aware of… but, having more control over what seems ‘out-of-your-control’ can definitely help anyone.
The effort that you put into yourself with protecting your energy could feel like hitting a reset button for your own consciousness, focus and awareness to prioritize your internal self. That is what is most important.
If your internal self is unstable than the playing cards of goals and dreams that you managed to place and balance on top of your foundation will not stay steady for very long. Being a steady vibration allows for everything else to, literally, fall into place.
Once you get things going with protecting your energy, being responsible for your energy, your efforts will become easier.
You just have to get the ball rolling.
Ways to build and develop your psychic coping skills
White Light Meditation
Let’s start with a meditation that I’ve already recommended but that I can never recommend too often. This mediation helps empower and protect you.
White Light Meditation was the first meditation I ever came across in a book I bought years ago, actually, I’m sure it’s in several books I’ve bought. It is also the first mediation I practiced with a spiritual circle, which takes on a whole other level that you could rarely experience by yourself.
This twelve minute meditation is great to practice a few times a day for a few weeks when you are first starting out assessing where you are with your psychic self. It allows you to become familiar with where you psychically sit in your body, helps It helps you visualize your recharging of spiritual energy as well as setting in your knowledge that it is an external source that becomes internal and is something that we can share externally, if we choose.
4 steps of environmental energies
Next up is a process that helps outline when to assess and put to work your protection.
Basically, it’s when you feel your energy threatened which can result from a lot of different situations or people. This process makes you less vulnerable to having your energy affected negatively but also puts you into control of what you allow in or block out. Some situations you can’t avoid being in but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise your positive vibes. Here is a step-by-step process that analyzes how and when to protect your psychic self
Assess energy
When you come into contact with a new person or a particular situation, first you need to get a feel for the energy. This allows being aware in the moment. This is your objective point of view, no skewing of personal differences. Quite simply, put attention on different parts of your body. Ask yourself, ‘How do I feel right now?’
Feel and observe
Use your physical and intuitive/soul senses to take in what is around you, who is around you and what energy is being emitted. This is purely subjective and uses your soul sense to receive information and your soul abilities to perceive the information. This can feel different for different people in different situations. However you feel is how you determine your next steps.
Decide what is most beneficial
Now is your time to practice your free will. Now is the time that you take action and take charge of your intuitive power. Do you let in the energy or block it off? Is it beneficial energy or is it harmful energy? Breaking it into these terms allows you to gauge what your intention is as a soul being- will you take control of it or will you absorb it. If you choose to absorb than you take on the responsibility of the energy affecting you.
This can be good and bad. Good energy? Then the energy you have is met or elevated. Low energy? Then the energy you will have is met or lowered.
There is some bad high energy and low good energy. It’s your assessment that decides to reject the energy or absorb it.
Put into action: protection or absorption
Either one of these actions does not make you powerless, you still have a choice to cut off or open up no matter which way you go. What’s important is having the choice.
What’s important to understand is that, in the future, once you have more control of your ‘reception bubble’, you will find an automatic control switch will go off and you won’t have to consciously make this assessment every time you are in an ‘energy influence’ situation.
Acting on your ‘reception space’ starts before people are even around.
But, if you find that knowing the boundaries of this receptive force is where you are at then your next step may be cutting off others’ energy, but first…
You are in a place of power
This next part will put you in a place of knowing. You will no longer be a victim of inability. This is your responsibility now.
Visualization to Control Where Your Soul Senses Engage
Going through your assessment and knowing that you need protection, it’s time to do a visualization that is hard to believe that this is how it all works but, this is how it works.
I have given meditations for finding the place where ‘your soul sits’, now it’s time to use a visualization to draw back your reception net, your reception bubble- the invisible thing that absorbs information around you for you to take in and process.
This guided meditation turns your energetic field into a tool of inclusion or exclusion. It will help you visualize the process of awareness and retraction and allow you to exercise growing and shrinking your reception field. Use this visualization to invite or reject information around you, to engage the soul senses or keep them disengaged.
There it is! This is how you take action. Now you know what to do when there is a threat to your energetic field, or a benefit.
Now you have a freedom of choice and a new responsibility.
Congratulations! This is a big step!
More on this topic of ‘Psychic Coping’