The NextGEN Medium Vlowg


NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson

Found my (psychic/mediumship)gifts. Now what do I do to control it?

Going to the subreddit r/psychicdevelopment checking out u/Laura_59's question about her recently discovered abilities:

Recently discovered my gifts.

I've been on a spiritual journey for about 4 years now. The past 9 months I've had strange experiences that I can only put down to psychic/medium abilities.

It started off by hearing (intuitivley) names when I was around random people, I passed it off until one day the name "pete" was repeating in my head over and over until I asked the lady on the table next to me "sorry to sound wierd but do you happen to know anyone called pete?" And she said pete was her dads name who died last year.

Then things have happened where I've been daydreaming and thinking of random things, and a voice (outside of my head) has spoken to me and commented on what I was thinking about. For a while I thought I was mentally ill because nobody I know believes anything like that, but I am sane and "all there".

There are more but do these experiences sound like psychic abilities? If so how do I learn how to let them in when I say so and not just randomly happen?

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NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson

Why are mediums wrong?

Taking a look at the subreddit r/Mediums for this question from user u/Error_Code_Nobody: Why do mediums get things wrong?I've seen that mediums tend to get a lot more things wrong about the deceased than they get right. For example, I've seen mediums getting the name wrong, cause of death, etc.

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NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson

Third Eye Advice

Taking a look at a question from Reddit about third eye advice. This person has been practicing for about six months to 'open the third eye'. Has come to point when he can control it during meditation but is now noticing it happens during mundane tasks. He's not sure if he should be paying attention when it happens, if there is meaning behind it, etc.

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