Psychic Journaling: Tips to Document Your Soul Ability Evolution
Documenting Your Soul Ability Development
Documentation is one of the most important aspects of your journey into understanding your soul ability skills- those psychic, intuitive, mediumship and healing abilities. How to document, what to document, how I journal and your first assignment for your new journal.
Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’
Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
Why do you need a development journal?
Your journey is yours to keep track of. Who else is going to remind you of that dream you had that turned out to be a premonition? Or keep track of synchronistic events to draw a conclusion on what it actually means?
It’s you… and your journal.
Your journal helps you see your growth. It gives you validation of your skills. It allows reflection on past experiences and events and allows you to recall what you had forgotten.
There are different bits of information that, when seen in written word, allows for a perspective that you don’t allow to see for yourself.
It gives you permission to give your full attention on your growth.
It can even provide evidence when your psychic, intuitive or mediumistic impressions are more than theory. It makes them your truth.
The Tools
The Journal
Find a journal that is convenient for you. Think about the size- can you fit it in a bag you always carry? Can it fit comfortably on a shelf that you can access easily.
I love large, wide journals. Here’s the one I have- it’s a Leichturnn 1918. It’s a bit pricey but, it allows for lots of inclusions. I plan on a long journey with my spiritual journey so, the more paper surface, the better. It also has a hard cover so I can write in easily and it can be kept nicely with the added protection.
This journal is great in that I can write on the front and back of the same piece of paper without worrying about bleed through. I’m very conservative with the amount of space I use when writing entries, perhaps that’s the tightwad in me, so, it’s important to me that my journal can withstand both sides of one piece of paper being written on.
I also like that it looks special. It gives reflection of its importance to me. It’s my book of theories, possibilities, conclusions and unanswered questions. It’s my brain trying to make sense of my heart and soul. I don’t think I’m alone in that.
Also, if you set your journal the way that I do, you will need page numbers. That’s another great thing about my journal- it comes printed with page numbers. Man, I hope I can get a sweet endorsement out of this.
Writing Utensil
I love pens and that was an important aspect to me when choosing what I would use to write in my journal. I like bold and black, fluid but not messy. My penmenship tends to be on the smaller side and I wanted a pen that could produce precision, so I could clearly read back on my experiences. No smudging, and no bleeding through the sheets of paper that I will write front and back on.
You might want to get more artistic with your entries, which may include markers or pens of different colors. I would suggest that you do think about adding color to your utensil collection since color is an intregal element in the psychic, intuitive, mediumship world.
On-hand Notes
Something to anticipate if you do get a big journal like mine is I don’t tend to carry it around because I don’t like carrying a million things around with me and I can’t fit my large notebook in my messanger bag when I go to work or if I’m out of the house in general.
I would recommend coming up with a way to take quick notes when you don’t have your journal around. I often document in a bazillion places- using the default note program on my laptop, my Google Keep notes, my project management apps, and scraps of paper that I carry with me for weeks on end. At some point, I’ll gather all of my notes and write them into my journal- into the appropriate section the subject of that note belongs into.
This is not a great system because then everything becomes a note taking tool and then I’m carrying around (and lose) tens of scraps of paper and start losing track of what I’ve actually used to make notes on between apps and devices and post-it notes and torn off corners of scrap paper.
I would suggest getting a little notebook that can fit in your back pocket with one of those golf pencils, if you like to write things or using strictly your phone to text or email yourself messages, or a notes app on your phone. Learn from me and just get consistent with one place to put all of that stuff.
How I organize my journal
We are going to set up your journal like I set up mine. This is what you can do just to get started but, eventually you’ll find a way that works best for you.
Bullet Journaling 101
I set up my journal as a bullet journal. Bullet journaling involves keeping a running index of the sections in your journal, allowing you to add entries linearly, as they happen, then documenting in the index, in the associated category, the new informations page number. Some people go all out with the bullet journals, which, if I was younger and had more time, I would definately be one of those people. But, I’m old and jaded and don’t have time to completely obessess over my journal (although, I wish I could) so, mine’s not as impressive as some that you will find online.
Add an index
The great thing about bullet journaling is that it is a linear process. Your index starts your journal and serves as a way for your journal to be a living document- adding to it with each experience but still maintaining order to be able to compare and contrast when it comes to analyzing your experiences.
Adding an entry
Start your journal a few pages after the index page with one entry - a dream, information about a subject you have learned, a synchronicity that you noticed.
What to include in your entry:
What you experienced
How you feel
Your objective impression of the information
Including these bits of information will allow for objective observation and validation when reviewing your notes or being able to clarify for yourself how your perceive a little more clearly.
Categories to consider for your psychic/spiritual journal
Once your first item is added, think of a broad category or categories that you would like to include this bit of information in.
Document this category in the front of your journal on your index page with the page number(s) of your first entry.
Here are the categories I tend to use:
My psychic/soul ability history: This is the story of your psychic past, things that you remember that were odd and you think are connected to a psychic, intuitive or mediumship experience. Example: that premonitional dream you had when you were 10, remembering a memory as if someone else was watching, having a near-death experience that led to an unusual sensation.
Past readings or sittings for me: These are psychic/intuitive readings, medium sittings, tarot readings, etc., that were performed for you, about you. These are great to look back on to see what experiences became of these sessions. Be sure to document the date, who performed your reading/sitting and anything that you are aware of that resulted from their inclinations. Example: psychic readings, intuitive readings, tarot readings, gallery readings, etc.
Dreams: Recording a dream you had, being sure to include all details that you can remember prior to getting out of bed. Do not wait to record these, so leave your journal or a pad of paper by your bedside for when you wake up in the morning. This may seem like a non-rewarding task but, I am a true believer that a majority of my own deja vu experiences are from dreams I had over a decade ago and I wish I had a dream journal to reflect on to validate my theory.
Synchronicities: These are the ‘coincidences’ we notice- not just the ‘I thought about this person and, at that moment, they called me out of the blue’. That is definitely an example, but, synchronicities take other forms, too, including animal appearances, number repetition, echoing, etc. This is a way that ‘the source’ is trying to communicate to you in a less indirect way. Don’t ignore these. Document them and soon you’ll start to recognize the messaging. See ‘Signs from Spirit & Synchronicity’. Example: the cardinal that keeps showing up, the number that you’ve come across 4 times today, the echoing that keeps happening during conversations. Here are more examples that I compiled together from my blog.
Research Notes/ Class & Workshop Notes: These are your research notes. Learning the ins-and-outs from those with the skills and documenting it for your own safe keeping. Examples: online information you found, development class notes, etc.
Meditations: These are the experiences you have during your meditations. Some people have an intention that they focus on throughout their meditation, maybe this ushers an experience. Whatever happens, record it. Examples: the entity you came across in your meditation, what visuals you saw, the feelings you had during your reading,
Readings/Sittings I’ve Given: Are you practicing doing readings or sittings yourself? Then, keep track of the reading in your journey. Also, if you get validation after the reading or sitting, then you can label this information in this category as well.
Insights: Reflecting on your experience can lead to some epiphanies, new understandings of your abilities or clarification of this new world you’ve entered.
I tend to be focused on one or two of these categories at a time, it’s all my attention can handle- I’ve got to live my life, too, you know? So, there will be a time period where I’m focused on just what my meditations produce and the synchronicities I notice day-to-day. As time evolves, you’ll naturally wax and wane in your focus on these categories because that’s what you want to focus on. If the wants there, then the heart probably is, too. That’s probably a good direction, I would say.
Digital Psychic & Soul Abilities Journaling Alternative
Another way that I’ve tried journaling before was using Google Forms.
I created a template form that I would fill out and submit to myself as a way to create a digital journal.
It didn’t work for me, however. I’m just not that kind of person since I like to physically write, so, not my bag. But, I’m sure there is an app for general journaling that could be a good fit for you if you prefer to do your journal on your phone or computer through an app.
First entry assignment: your soul abilities experience history
I started my journal with specific events that I recall that, looking back, I recognize as psychic experiences starting when I was a kid until the specific timeframe when I became ‘awakened’ to my skills. These include premonition dreams I’ve had, coincidental experiences and even my own interest in the psychic/mediumship/intuitive world as a teenager.
I would suggest you start your journal with a look-back at your experiences, too. It will further your acknowledgement of how long you’ve noticed your own abilities and help you gain new perspective on how pervasive it’s been throughout your life that you were just unaware of the number of these experiences you have actually had.
This exercise of seeing the many examples you produce of your own psychic/intuitive/mediumistic experiences you’ve already had, can be quite an eye-opening experience within itself. It’s also a great way to catch yourself up to the present, where you are right now with your skills.
Using Your Journal For Your Psychic & Soul Abilites Journey
Customize to Fit Your Needs
With time, you’ll notice some categories I’ve listed as not needed in your journey or you’ll have new ones to add. Go with it! Your journey will be different than mine and so will the categories you use. Use your experiences to learn what you will need for your journal and adjust as you see fit.
Analyze Your Experiences
Write down every experience you have- through meditations, practicing and performing. It is through your experiences and your analysis that you will find your answers. Don’t look too far, because the answers may be more obvious than you think. Look at the big picture and don’t get bogged down with detail. Detail will develop once you are able to recognize and revisit your abilities. For now, just accumulate and analyze your experiences. You will have time to develop but, for now, just be open.
Schedule Quarterly Reviews of Your Journal
Be sure to revisit your journal a couple times a year or every few months. It’s your lessons, it’s your experiences and it’s your insight into your being. Sometimes an experience that happened a year ago could become something different from the perspective you gain looking back. I imagine if I had a psychic journal back when I was a teenager and documenting my dreams, I’d be able to provide evidence to myself of my ongoing theory that deja vu is me experiencing my dreams in waking life from years ago when I dreamed them, making them mundane precognitive dreams.
Reviewing your journal gives you great insight that no one else can provide for you. If you want the answers, you have to document.
And with that information, go forth and uncover your abilities by experiencing and documenting.
I’m so excited for you. This is a big step towards you becoming aware of your own opportunities. It’s limitless, frightening and stunning :)