This Is What My Spiritual Awakening Was Like

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NextGEN Medium: Journey of My Spiritual Awakening

What led up to my spiritual awakening could help you recognize your own story. Hearing my experience of it's dawn could let you in on what it was like. And revealing my psychic/intuitive/mediumship self is a part of your journey, too. Listen in as I tell you my story, what I learned and how it fueled my mission for your own dawning and discovery.


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My Spiritual Awakening

33 years, 3 kids, a hundred job titles and one development course later, I had my spiritual awakening.

It was unexpected and a surprise to fall into but, it was no mistake.

What’s important in your development is being able to relate to other peoples’ experiences while also accepting that your experience will be uniquely your own.

Here is my story. What I would want a you to take away from this if you are developing your psychic/intuitive/mediumship skills, is seeing that I really didn’t have a ton of psychic experiences before my spiritual awakening trigger into the psychic mediumship world. It took opening the door and using my brain in a way I had never done before for me to see the possibility of the truth that I had psychic/intuitive/mediumship abilities. Also, another takeaway would be the amount of time and effort it took for me to convince myself of my psychic/intuitive/mediumship abilities.

My spiritual awakening was not an instantaneous experience, nor was it a clear cut spiritual awakening. It involved time, emotional and physiological changes and the extra element of uncovering and developing my psychic mediumship abilities.

It is still going on today and will continue for my lifetime.

Here is my story… from the beginning


Before the Awakening

…Like, the very beginning

My life growing up was rather quiet. I think I lived a pretty oblivious childhood that any parent would hope for their child to have. There was an apartment fire that left my family with just about nothing when I was 10 that I think ushered in a more retrospective way of thinking but, I don’t think I harbor any trauma from that.

I grew up in New England with harsh winters and beautiful summers. A close knit, friendly community. I was raised in a nonsecular, almost nonreligious household, where my mother was very vocal about her more liberal political views.

Once I hit puberty, I gained an interest in ‘new-agey’ stuff and had an undeniably psychic experience at 13 that involved a premonitional dream about a pair of pants. Nothing extraordinary but quite extraordinary to me. But, other than that one experience, nothing else that I can recall really sticks out to me as a clear indicator that I possessed psychic ability. I was interested in astrology and divination. It was around this age that I had my first psychic/mediumship reading at a Borders book store. I didn’t document want he said to me other than one particular comment that meant a lot to me at the time which was that my drawing skills at the time were just the tip of the iceberg of what was to come.

At that time, creating art and making music were my main focus so anything psychic/intuitive/mediumship related really was just an interesting thing to look into but not what got me through the day. Music and art were therapeutic for me- a way to have my voice heard, a way for me to figure out my feelings, figure out what I had to say. Music and art helped me define who I was and I think at that age that was probably the most important thing to me at that time- was to figure out who I was.

Tapping back into ‘New Agey’ stuff

It wasn’t until I moved out of the house and went out into the world as a young adult on my own that I started venturing back into the periphery of psychic and mediumship curiosity.

I found a place that did monthly gallery readings. A gallery reading is when an audience sits before a psychic medium and the audience listens to the psychic medium reading the members of the audience. It’s always a hope that they would come to you to do a 5 to 10 minute reading. Sometimes they did. Sometimes they didn’t. Through the years, I’ve been one of those people that was usually the last reading of the night, or got no reading at all.

I started going there to peak my curiosity but still wasn’t sure to make of it all. I would go with an open mind to see what was said but still not disband my skepticism. Nothing bothers me more than being taken advantage of, being made the fool. So, I would go there to participate in the viewing but also not sink into it like it was the truth. I needed it proven to me. And, honestly, the only way I could feel a sense of truth was to be read myself and see how it worked out.

So, I’d visit these gallery readings once every few years or once a year. As the personal readings for myself started building up in number, I started getting a feel for which psychic mediums I resonated the best with, to put it more plainly- who I thought was legit. Eventually, I started documented the short readings the psychic mediums were putting out there for me. I had sort of a lonely ritual of attending these by myself, keeping to myself and really feeling more like an observer than a participant. Then, after a few years the readings I would get started getting less vague and more detailed, like, saying my brother would be able to help me with a particular problem and, without hesitation, would call out his name. Or, saying that they saw a new car was entering in the picture for me soon as well as a noting a sudden jolt, an intentional attention grabbing impact then a week to the day later hitting a deer on the interstate going 80 MPH and totaling my car (I walked away fine, believe it or not).

It was these more detailed readings, more convincing evidence, that I started to see there was something to this that was more than mystical. It had some truth to it. I started upping my visitations to once every six months - I didn’t want to seem too needy or greedy by visiting too much, but, these visits were becoming quite impressive in their accuracy and I wanted to see what else they had to say.

I always believed that I had to let some time pass, do my thing, make choices, create opportunities in order to earn another reading visitation. I didn’t want to do it every month, like some people do, to have someone script their future for them. That’s not living your fate. That’s doing what you’re told- that’s not my bag. But, I do like to check in, see what needs my attention. See what the psychic medium has to say and either act, ponder or ignore what they, or spirit, wanted to give me.

Curiosity started the trigger

This leads us to a few years ago. I had become a mother of three by this point, in my 100th career change and still plugging away at trying to figure out what to do with myself. Went to another gallery reading where the psychic medium that night said she’d be doing a one day mediumship course in the fall and to look out for more information on Facebook in the weeks that followed. So I did. And I signed up. And, then, I went there.

And, as stereotypical as a spiritual awakening can get, this course triggered my awareness of a whole other side of life that I had never been exposed to before, which lead to the trigger for my spiritual awakening experience.

Why did I lead all that history up to that last sentence? Because, I want you to realize a few things.

One- it’s not too late to have your spiritual awakening. I was 33. I had 3 kids, 2 as nearly independent beings, a mortgage, 100 careers and still hadn’t had that experience. But, I do believe that I needed that time to focus on building my work experience, my family life, evolve myself, to have this spiritual awakening.

Two- I know now that I have psychic/intuitive/mediumship abilities. I did not know that before the course. I didn’t realize the extent of what I possessed. It wasn’t until my spiritual awakening that I could be open to having these abilities. It wasn’t until I meditated and confirmed information with people or met with people and sat and read with them right there in front of me that I could consider myself having psychic mediumship skills. And, despite the information I had gathered from a year of practicing, I had a hard time accepting and even saying to other people that I could see and feel things that were psychic phenomena and that I could channel the dead, or, to put it in a way that people could understand it, be a psychic medium.

It was not an overnight experience, this spiritual awakening. Some stages have come and gone, some I wish I could still experience but I’d probably have to find some special mushrooms or something, but, this spiritual awakening is still happening. It will continue to unfold the more I experience, educate, exercise, conversation and research. It continues to open with me, now. And, it will never be over, even when my body can not function any longer.


The Trigger to My Spiritual Awakening

The day that changed my perspective on everything was Saturday, September 15th. It was an 8-hour ‘Intro to Mediumship’ class at a local Spiritualist Church.

It was directed by Melissa, our psychic mediumship guide person, myself and maybe 10 other people. Here’s a link to her book that she released recently and that I had mentioned in the podcast:

Melissa led the class by having us do a series of exercises with a break in the middle of the day.

Here are a few of the things we did.

A few workshop exercises

First, Melissa led us through the ‘Elevator exercise” which was a guided meditation that had us gradually going to a deeper state, a focused state. Rising up with an elevator, using colors of the chakras to stimulate visualization. Elevator reaches a white hall that led us to a room where we visualize sitting down and talking to spirit. This room is created by your imagination. Mine is dark and victorian. A fireplace on the far end, long and narrow, cozy with a leather couch and a tall wing back chair. I first meet with a spirit that is simply a fireball, a point of light. No face, no body, just a ball of light. Staticy, but held a voice. Called himself Gabriel. I felt him with a shock to my heart- that feeling when something hits you emotionally, like a shock of adrenaline- be it finding out good or bad news. A hit to the chest.

Then, Melissa led us through a ‘Forest walk exercise’ where she guided us through another meditation where we are walking down a path in the woods, come across a cabin, enter the cabin. Throughout the exercise we are coming across creatures, exploring the cabin. We are given few details and asked questions about what we see but are not told what to see, we are guided but not told 100% what to experience. The items we are asked about are part of the messaging that individually we are to research and discover the meanings. I come across a young deer with little nubby antlers, a small chipmunk. I hear the wind in the trees and crickets in the woods. I come across an abandoned, single room cabin with a front, covered deck. It has no front door, inside are paintings hung on the wall that take on a modern style, no figures, just colors artistically painted onto canvas. There is a cauldron in the fire place. We were asked to reach into the cauldron to see what was in it. I found raw pearls in the cold water. I scooped them up with both hands cupped together and saw their raw forms- not the perfect pearls you expect. What all of these symbols mean (the young deer, the chipmunk, the abandoned cabin, the art on the walls and the raw pearls) is drawing on my own conclusions and research.

Since this was a group workshop, there were plenty of people to experiment with. One exercise had us focusing on a message for the person to our left. We were guided to a quiet, focused state then, left to our own devices to receive a message for that person. It was with this exercise that I got in touch with my mediumship abilities, that I saw it and felt it for my first time. My first medium experience. I saw a picture of an old man. It was black, silver and white and so detailed it almost scared me how clearly I could see the pores in his face. He had cloudy eyes, which I interpreted as glaucoma. I could empathetically feel his sadness, the turmoil of the life he had lived, the strife. This was normal for him here. I then saw an old film- grainy, out-of-focus movie of life on his farm. The look of the movie felt like it was in the 1930’s, giving me a lineage of this man being at least two generations older than the man I was reading, speculating it was his grandfather. Again, black and white, more like light grays than white. I can still visualize his farm. I saw cornstalks, a smaller creature that could have been a goat or a dog. I felt pain in my eyes, in my head on one side, that I gauged as a feeling of having a stroke. He was old, lived to a very old age- into his 90s. I can recollect some of this in my own memory but, because I have documented this information I able to tell you more than I have in my memory. Please, start a psychic/spiritual journal. Once we were summoned to ‘come back’, we were asked to relay the messaging we had received.

My first mediumship message confirmed

The man that I did the messaging for confirmed that both of his grandfathers were farmers, that one grandfather had had a stroke and that the other had glaucoma and lived into his 90s.

This is a fine example of a one-off good guess, first-timers luck. Old people have strokes. They can also have glaucoma. Both things are more common problems as you get older. Living in the State of Maine, having farmers in the generations past isn’t unusual. These are good guesses. But, I wasn’t guessing. This was given to me, shown to me. The experience of seeing an image of man’s face so close to me, so clearly, with the emotional pain of his lifetime in my chest isn’t what I can clearly pass along but is quite startling to experience. Absorbing this old man’s story and give totem facts is what I could do, retelling the sights, the feelings into words, the probable issues that this person dealt with.

But his message was more than just verbalizing the sights and feelings, it was feeling the feelings, seeing the sights. Sensing the world as he had lived it.

We ran through a few more exercises before taking a break about mid way through the 8 hour class.

In my journal, which could be los in history forever if I hadn’t written this down, that the first couple hours of this workshop I felt really high energy- excitement, grateful, loving and built up a tight, anxious feeling in my chest. Once, we took the break halfway through, I literally wanted to run around the block to get the anxious energy out of my body- anything to release this intense energy. It was reminiscent to the nerves I would get before going on stage when I was a singer- excited but nervous. Once the break was over, however, the energy dropped and I started to become quite tired.


Zero Gravity

So, despite coming down from this natural high I had felt in the first part of the class, my focus started to deteriorate which carried on through the rest of the class. But, I was still excited about all the experiences and couldn’t wait to tell my husband what I saw and the confirmations I got at the workshop when I got home.

Phenomena Begins

That night, he and I went out for a rare date night. We had dinner and came back early because I was just so tired.

I remember hearing our one year old son crying and went up to comfort him and still with my coat on. I held him on the foot of my bed, lulling him back to sleep, then laid back and fell asleep myself.

Having started my spiritual awakening but not realizing it, I look back and can kind of see the occurrences and timeline as a sort of atom bomb. The class and execution of the exercises where the explosion, the mushroom cloud. Next, is the slow churn of smoke in the air, where the visual becomes suspended, or weightless. And that’s this next phase I experienced, though it only lasted a day.

It is also in this phase- we’ll call it the ‘Zero Gravity Phase’ since that’s what I titled this section- I just thought it was a cool name, honestly, I digress-

It is also in this phase that I started experiencing some strange phenomena.

When I fell asleep at the foot of the bed that night, it seemed like I couldn’t attain a deep sleep. I kept waking up, more so just being aware that I was waking up. But, the strange part was feeling that my eyes were closed- the sensation of your eyelid over your eyes, your eyelashes pressing on the lower part of your lids- but seeing the wall in front of me as if my eyes were open. All throughout the night I kept experiencing this ‘seeing-through-my-eyelids’ thing. I have experienced this before but it was especially pronounced that night.

I think of it’s strangeness because I remember mentioning this concept to a friend of mine a few years prior, something like ‘isn’t it weird when you can see what’s in front of you with your eyes closed, like, see it as if your eyes are opened but they ARE actually closed.’ He blinked and stared off and said, ‘That’s funny. I’ve never experienced that.’ And, I, sat back and just stared off in a different direction. Awkward conversation stuff, right there.

To me, in that conversation, it wasn’t weird or unusual. As you get older you start to realize what you experience is sort of universal for everybody it’s just not talked about, that’s what makes things weird not the experience itself, usually. So, when he looked completely puzzled and gave me an honest answer that moment has really stuck with me.

Physical side effects

So I kept experiencing that throughout the night. This disfunction carried on through the next day where I battled a terrible headache and just wanted to lay in bed all day.

Now, remember I had mentioned the atom bomb thing. Here’s where the shockwave comes in- the thing that disrupts your whole understanding, ravages the balance in your body and upends the plans you had made prior.

Monday rolls around and it’s back to work and all of the other regular day-to-day stuff. But, I’m starting to feel different, in my skin, in my head physically, in my space, through my eyes. Here comes the awakening and a rather rude one at that.


The Awakening

Super anxiety revisited

Two days after the workshop, that Monday, I started feeling an old feeling that I was scared of revisiting.

Anxiety. Super anxiety. It was anxiety that makes my heart race, keeps me from sleeping, awakens me with a snap of the fingers. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I have had this anxiety before. I’ve had quite a history with anxiety, actually. Growing up I had anxiety that related to commitments and events. When I hit puberty, all of a sudden my digestion became very different. It was like a flip of a switch, honestly- no slow progressive problem. It just started one day and never stopped. I spent 13 years from age 13 to 26 dealing with stomach problems that I didn’t know how to deal with or why they were happening. I saw doctors, went through with multiple kinds of tests, multiple kinds of xrays, MRIs and CT imaging but everything always came back normal. But, I wasn’t dealing with normal. It is with my stomach problems that I was scared to go to school, to commit to going out with friends, to have courage to be a part of clubs or sports or anything that required other people.

Throughout middle school, high school, college, part-time jobs, full-time jobs into my mid-twenties, I dealt with these stomach problems by not eating, avoiding social situations, dealing with anxiety and depression and helplessness. Anxiety was just a part of life when I did something that was a priority- working, going to class.

When I was in my mid-twenties, fate ended up presenting me with a full-time, contingent medical secretary position at a local hospital. It was a countdown as to when the position would end but, it allowed me to stay closer to home to my three year old and newborn than my previous job. I was determined to get a full-time position at the hospital and new my smarts, charm and determination would get me to what I needed for me and my family. Before I was traveling a lot and it was hard on me with my health issues and hard on my family life. Getting a foot in the door at the hospital would put me a better place for my health and family. The position ended and I was able to get a full-time position in the scheduling department. Carol, the supervisor of the scheduling department, could tell I was not too interested in the job and would send me over to the Gastroenterology department to help out over there. A position opened up at the Gastro department for a new position, a medical assistant and I applied for it and got it. Luckily, getting in before this facility switched over to only hiring certified Medical Assitants, which I didn’t have. I had plenty of experience in Medical Assitant duties but no certification- and I wasn’t going to go back to school to get certified just to make $0.75 more an hour.

In the right place

This journey led me to the very office that I had visited multiple times for my digestion issues, ironically. I figured my time here was to feel out my professional direction in the medical field, which I was pretty interested in, but maybe also figure out what was wrong with me. One day, the Nurse Practictioner of the office, the lovely Barbara, lent me a book written by a nurse who lived in Southern Maine, a local. The book was about foods that can cause problems with digestion and a method to figure out what foods could be causing problems with your digestion.

I had done elimination diets before but it never resulted in finding answers.

This time was different. After three days on the elimination diet, I felt brand new. My body felt nearly normal again. After a few weeks, I had a new lease on life. Food was my problem the whole time. The years of professional recommendations of fiber had me all wrong. That was the worst thing they could have recommended. Science had caught up with me and it finally had answers for me. My life was free again. I had never been so grateful for this gift and it still makes me feel a little emotional today. I was tied down for 13 years and now set free.

Here’s where the super anxiety comes in. With this new lease on life I finally committed to starting a band. I had wanted to be in a band for a long time. I did it. We wrote songs. We recorded an album. We played shows and traveled. It was fun and exciting and everything that I wanted that I never let myself have before. Until, one show. It was around midnight at a local pub in Downtown Bangor Maine. The place was packed, it was hot, I was dehydrated and drinking gaterode like a mofo. Halfway through the set, just before our mid-show break, we were in the middle of a song and I felt like I was going to pass out, or pee or shit myself. I didn’t know what. I wanted to run and started freaking out, in my head, on stage with all these people around. The spirits were high in the room and everyone was having the greatest time. And I was having a panic attack. I got through the rest of the song but barely. I stumbled off the stage, wildly opening the door to get out into the fresh midnight air. I started crying and telling the guys that I couldn’t keep going, that I was freaking out and needed to stop. The guys said that was fine and I felt defeated, ashamed, embarrassed.

New heights, quiet nights

This night triggered high anxiety in me that led to days of high heart rates, my brain on high alert, a hard time getting to sleep and then, when I did fall asleep, short spurts of sleep that led to only a few hours of sleep at a time. My brain would not shut off and my heart wanted to keep me going. After three or four days of this, I was at the end of my rope. I also had a show to play that night in another state. I went to walk-in care as soon as it opened and asked for some help. The nurse gave me some anti-anxiety meds to get me through a couple of days until I could see my doctor. She didn’t have to do that, in fact they were scheduled medications and she probably shouldn’t have done it, but she could tell that I needed some help.

It was then that I started to taking anxiety medication. We traveled to upstate New Hampshire and played a show there that night and I was stoned out of my mind on anti-anxiety medicine. Then, we played a few more shows but I couldn’t play another show without feeling panic. We stopped playing shows. And, we broke up the band.

I had never taken anxiety meds before then but things got so extreme that it was time or I was going to lose my mind, maybe literally. The heightened anxiety subsided but, the recurrence of that feeling haunts me and scares me to think it could happen again.

Skin crawling cure

Now that you can see my history here, this is the high anxiety that I had felt two days after the workshop. Torturous anxiety that felt like a noose around my neck. Both times, the phrase that replays in my head is ‘I want to crawl out of my skin’. Anxiety that covered me like a coat. A layer that I wanted to peel off.

I asked the workshop leader what her recommendation was and she suggested ‘White Light Meditation’ a few times a day. I did it. The following days, I would do it first thing in the morning, a few times during my workday, and before I went to bed. And, each day the anxiety and panic became less and less. Within a week I was nearly at base level, as if nothing had happened a week prior.

Exposure to the awakening begins

As the storm was passing and I was starting to level off, I started falling in love. Sensations were more pronounced and felt of gratitude and attention. The colors were rich, the sounds were clear, I could feel my hands just by thinking about them.

But, the greatest sensation was the feeling of how close I felt to the sky. The vast blue arc above me, around me, on me, it wasn’t untouchable. I was a part of it.

One visual, phrase, metaphor that I continually use with this feeling is this: I felt like the skin on the top of my head was peeled back, my skull was cracked open and my brain was exposed to the sky. It’s the weirdest thing to say, probably pretty disturbing to read or hear, but, this is the word equivalent to what it felt like. I slowly graduated to this step as the anxiety waned and it felt great.

I have never taken psychotropic, psychodelic drugs- I don’t even know what to call them- but, I would think this is the feeling that people are hoping to achieve with those drugs.

I felt open and connected. I felt like my vision was panaramic. I became aware of everything. You become a human and normalize the sounds, feeling, scents, etc. as nothing special in order to desensitize and focus on what’s important. The awakening takes off that blanket and allows you to feel everything for the first time again.

Pretty exciting, huh?

Awakening evolution

I noticed that following the shockwave of my atom bomb spiritual awakening that my priorities evolved. Having time was much more important to me than it used to be.

I noticed that my handwriting had become neater.

I became more aware of the thoughts running through my head,

I wanted to pursue learning more about my psychic/intuitive/psychic self

I had more energy.

I had more determination

I became more reflective.

If there is anything in particular I’ve become more aware of it’s that I could not have been ready for my spiritual awakening until it had actually happened I feel elation, ease, gratefulness, confidence and I don’t think I’ve felt all these feelings with the confidence and security that I do now or ever.


Side Effects to My Awakening

There were other things I noticed following the dawn of my spiritual awakening that I think are pretty interesting. Whether these are directly correlated with my spiritual awakening or due to something else, I am not 100%. But, these were things that occurred for months during the weekend and after ‘the dawn’.

  • Night sweats

  • Unusual sleep events:

    • Waking up vocalizing due to extreme emotions in dreams: waking up laughing, waking up screaming (in my dream, but, rousing myself from my sleep with loud talking)

    • Waking up smelling things (banana bread, pancakes) then becoming more fully awake and the smells disappear

  • Harder to focus

  • Time perception is off

  • Spelling becomes not great

  • More patient

  • Less concerned with how things are done and priority on just getting things done


The Life that Follows An Awakening

After the dawn

After a while, your infatuation dissolves. The greatest feeling you’ve ever experience disappears and you are left with memories of what used to be. It’s a slow fade, one that keeps you motivated, maybe even hopeful that it won’t go completely, until you notice that it’s gone- the feeling of love, not the actual awakening itself.

Eventually the new world you uncover does hold a few, greatly appreciated surprises but becomes just your world that you still go to work in and the world where you still have to fix that go**amn copy machine every day because it just can’t process paper correctly or write that thing for work that you, having reprioritized your whole life, now hold as the most insignificant thing you could do with your time and attention at any moment.

There’s definately a loss you feel when the honeymoon is over, the sensation of gratefulness, unity, infactuation disappears. I do feel a sense of frustration that your new normal doesn’t include that feeling anymore and it’s now just the byproducts of the love you had felt once.

But, now you have new purpose. And, sometimes, doing the things that fulfil that purpose give you a piece of that sensation again, even if it’s just a fraction of the intensity. It’s still worth it and it’s for a good cause.

That infactuation feeling may be gone but the motivation for me to work through more experiences exploring my psychic mediumship became the excitement and adventure I wanted.

A plan and a timeline

I continued doing groups with the workshop people which allowed me to practice on other people and experience more psychic mediumship experiences and learn more from different people, be around open minded people who wanted to learn, too. Between attending these weekly groups and practicing meditations on my own, I felt like I was exploring the new world I had been privy to joinging. Here’s a timeline of how I went about things after my spiritual awakening

3 months into journey- meditation that provided information that I could confirm and start to feel independent in my journey, grounded, on a good path.

6 months into journey- becoming more in tune with my baseline, understanding my abilities, what I’ve got and what needs much more development.

Practicing on my own was a new adjustment and a frustating one. I felt little confirmation on my own and didn’t have so much clarity like I had had at the workshop. I wanted to experiement but didn’t trust anybody to practice on or let in on my new truth with.

A second group event helped build up my patience with myself more.

9 months: testing out my abilities on actual people.

1 year - Seeing phenomena- lights in a dark room; Senses heightening: clairolfaction increasing, waking up to smells then fading as I get out of bed and get dressed (banana bread baking, pancakes. Sensing without intention - listening to a trainer then tapping into a dead relative who was telling me his life and the pride he felt in the trainer. Noticing more instances of ‘hearing/seeing/knowing’ something before it happens - like, Jeopardy answers. Understanding certain synchronicity symbols and testing their meanings, spirit. Unexplained sensations. But, starting to get back to my normal energy state- less optimistic, more moody again.

1 year 3 months: Empathatic sensations of other people’s conditions (preganancy, sickness), continuted synchronicistic acknowledgments.

1 year 6 months: Miss the optimism I once felt, the new world I had entered- the honeymoon. Now, feels like I’m back to my old life but with new understanding, new information, new priorities. Want to share my experiences, and grow more, becoming more comfortable with gradual growth.

Awake and continuing to awaken

Now, nearly at my two year mark, the world I had been exposed to is my truth and holds more truth for me to uncover. I feel motivated to want to share this with you simply because it’s what you should know about. It is your choice to look through that doorway. It is your choice to decide to step in or turnaway.

It’s become my purpose to show you the door, to let you in on what I went through, to see how it relates to your story and for you to make the choice- now, later or never. I brought you here. Now you decide the rest.


The Knowing

Life has been relatively back to normal. But, what I cannot go back to is unknowing- forgetting my new power, my new ownership, this new truth in the way this world works. Sensing something new, unfounded but a part of us all.

It moves me forward with new priorities, a new hierarchy.

I want to share this story, so I have.

I want to shine a light on it’s accessibility, because it’s there- always, and it’s free.

What a bargain.

Knowing is what I have gained but what I will also be attaining for the rest of my life.

Knowing is what you too can attain. What will be your trigger and what could your story be for your spiritual awakening?


How Other People Have Experienced Their Spiritual Awakening

Here are more Spiritual Awakenings if you are interested in seeing more about it. I love Aaron Doughty and I’m glad I got to include him somewhere else in my blog. He reminds me of ‘the County’ boys here in Maine. Sheer Lee’s experience and explanation of her Spiritual Awakening is outstanding and I would definitely recommend taking a look at her’s which talks about addressing the negative parts of you and ‘working with them instead of running from them’.


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Sarah Nickerson

Psychic Medium Intuitive

Helping gain awareness and get you started on your soul journey through understanding your psychic/medium/intuitive/healing abilities, the power and choice as a creator and intentional manifester, and helping guide you towards the higher-self you are and the intuitive language a part of that relationship.

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