Your Psychic and Other Soul Abilities Opportunity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Coronavirus has created opportunity
A pandemic continues and humanity’s awareness has heightened. This heightened state will help your psychic, intuitive and other soul abilities development. Here’s how.
Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’
Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
Obligatory Coronavirus Blog Mention
Well, here’s my obligatory coronavirus COVID-19 addition. It would be weird to avoid the subject and, after living through what the United States has gone through so far, I have found what is important to take away from our situation so far.
The world is reacting to a pandemic that we have not seen in the modern age: closings, quarantines, advisories, emergencies. It has an eerie reminiscence to post 9-11 days, with quiet roads, seeing few people, an underlining sense of caution where people tend to speak fewer words and act with a sense of urgency- though there is nothing that can be done to the past so that we can have a little relief. It is easy to get caught up in the mass fear. It is all around us through the media, in our community and in our homes.
Taking On the Sickness, With Sickness
I had an especially emotional week leading up to the pandemic here in the U.S. that leads me to believe my body was prepping itself for the mass emotions that would flood my energy. Perhaps you felt it, too.
My body continues to evolve in unusual ways that actually resulted in coming down with a fever, chills, stomach issues and migraine for a day. It came and went but having this during a time when sickness is being hyper-focused on made me even more conscious of the possibilities- for my health, obviously, but also what it meant for my community, my family in ways that went beyond caring for my body. I became more conscious of the stigma of being sick at a time when I should do nothing but stay confined.
I became aware prior to my illness that this pandemic harbors opportunity... of awareness. What you touch, where you are, who you are with. It is through this awareness, this mindfulness, that your psychic abilities can be seen, felt, heard. Being in the moment is what your awareness is and a great opportunity at a time when awareness is of the utmost importance.
Here Is Our Opportunity
Your mindfulness is your tool to tapping into a higher plane, a higher vibration. It is through awareness that you connect to that higher-self information.
What can you do right now to take advantage of that awareness? Experience it. Be aware of how it feels, what it smells like, what it physically feels like, what it says to you.
Feeling this quietness and lack of stimulation allows for you to work off of this baseline when it comes to tapping into your spiritual self, the self that connect psychicly, intuitively. Sit quietly, sit in your power- in your mindfulness with all attention to this moment.
Sit quietly and let your thoughts run through your mind.
Practicing this in the beginning of discovering your intuition and soul abilities allows you to understand where your mind/soul/body vibrates, that is, what it feels like to be you. What does your inner voice sound like? What does it look like when you imagine? Becoming familiar with this by exploring it, documenting it, turns a passing thought or sensation into discovery of how you “tune in” yourself.
From there, as you explore picking up psychic messages you will be able, with time and constant comparisons, be able to discern what is yours and what is “foreign”- outside of yourself.
Over time your soul sensing will bring you information, through a feeling, a sense, an image. It is your development that creates your ability to discern, to understand the difference between your own sensing and sensing influenced by something else.
Sometimes it is confusing because sometimes it seems to be common sense. In many ways your intuitive connection is common sense. But, there are times when your soul abilities can take on things that you are not aware of until time passes and things transpire.
Becoming aware of mindfulness in a clear sense, no thoughts, feelings, just sensing the moment, is how you compare your ability inclinations and messaging to a base line.
Connecting with just yourself, sitting quietly and being mindful is our opportunity right now. It is mankind’s opportunity right now. It is an opportunity to build a baseline and to start grounding ourselves to true priorities.
Soul abilities development Exercise
Here is your opportunity to take advantage of your heightened awareness during the coronavirus pandemic
Here’s an exercise for you. Next time you are out and you being so mindful of the germs around you, take a moment to sit in your power (deep breaths in, focus inward, find ‘the quiet’, then open your eyes to the world). The attention you put to experiencing the moment to avoid getting germs is quite similar to the attention you put into utilizing your psychic and soul senses.
When you step out of your car to pump gas into your car right now, you think of the things you will be touching on the gas pump: the credit card reader, buttons, the gas pump handle. These are all things that potentially could have germs... also, energy.
Now, turn your attention inward as your waiting for your car to fill up, and find your baseline, your ‘quiet place’. Clear your mind and let thoughts run through of who was last at the gas pump. Visualize what they looked like, what their health was, what shoes they wore, how they smelled, how they make an income.
Answering these questions, defining their energy by taking in the unbiased information is your soul abilities at work.
Will your psychic inclination tell you that the previous person had COVID-19? Perhaps.
Trust what you get.
Learn how you get it: a sudden visual in your minds eye, a knowing, perhaps feeling of their ailments or a flash of their happiness.
But, do not allow your bias to penetrate incoming information. This is where your learned baseline, your mindful moments of ‘clear attentiveness’ come to your assurance in order to discern what is yours vs. what comes from something else.
Final Thoughts, Perhaps
I do not want this to be a long blog post. I do not want to give more attention to the pandemic than you or I already have to give.
I do wish you good health, a clear mind and opportunity in a time when uncertainty prevails. Positive vibes and more growth, that is what we can do on our own.