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Know the Soul Abilities: Medical Intuition

Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’

Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.

What are Soul Abilities?

There are many different ways to use soul abilities that translates to psychic skills, intuitive skills, healing abilities or mediumship abilities. It is not how you sense but what you experience that makes a soul ability. Everyone has access to their soul abilities. Some people may be able to access more abilities than others. Some people will be able to have high skills in multiple abilities or modes. Which of these abilities is your strongest right now, how many can you tap into right now- these are questions that you need to investigate, have curiosity about and experiment with on your own.

For now, just being aware of the different soul abilities could open up definitions and clarity for the developing psychic, intuitive, healer or medium.

Here is your chance to get to know an ability and, upon reflection, see if you have experienced something that fits within this experience’s boundaries.

What is Medical Intuition

I had a hard time finding this exact term on the official word definers- Webster Dictionary and Cambridge Dictionary. But, when I ventured to a more specialized website - - here’s the definition they put out there that I think gives a general understanding of what ‘Medical Intuition’: ‘Medical Intuition is defined as a system of expanded perception gained through the development of the human sense of intuition.’


It seems to be an emerging practice in alternative medicine, as part of a collective for whole-system care for an individual. Whole-system is used to describe more than just physical care for the body but also caring for the mind and spirit.

An easier term to find is the adjective phrase of ‘medical intuitive’, describing a person who practices medical intuition.

A medical intuitive is able to ‘pick up’ on your systems (mind, body, spirit) and help narrow down our issues from their intuitive inclinations. From there, it’s up to the medical intuitive how they continue- either sending information to a traditional or non-traditional provider to find a diagnosis to treat the client, recommend to the client next steps to help resolve issues, etc.

One thing that I would like to mention and that has plagued me throughout the experience of finding information on these different psychic types is trying to find a voice of credibility on the internet when it comes to defining things. This is the first subject I’ve come across that my traditional sources of definitions did not have definitions. So, then I have to rely on less credible sources that are trying to sell an idea, so their ability to provide me with a definition goes hand-in-hand with trying to sell a course, a membership, or a reading. I find it really disheartening to be able to not be able to find one or two credible organizations that want to just provide information just to inform. Instead, I must rely on sellers’ and businesses’ definitions.

But, hold on- I’ve got a credible source.

My Experience with Medical Intuition

I have not actively focused my skill set on medical intuition but have had a few experiences in which I feel symptoms that other people are experiencing due to their condition. I would like to note that these examples were not purposely done. They were experiences where I was open and recieving without intention. But, I think these examples are good to mention because it could be relatable for the developing intuitive.

One example of that that I have mentioned at some point in the blog is feeling that I was pregnant (which I’ve experienced 3 times, so I have some experience with those different sensations), even taking a pregnancy test to see if I really was pregnant because I was feeling the abdominal stretching that you feel when you are pregnant and crampiness that also accompanies pregnancy occassionally. Then, I overhead a co-worker revealing that she was pregnant to another co-worker, which was not being announced quite-yet to the rest of the office. I have never been more relieved but was able to reflect that my intuition was able to pick up on this. Once I became aware of my co-workers condition, the symptoms disappeared. Thankfully. I’m all set with enduring another pregnancy- grateful to have experienced it and grateful for the little people that came of it but, pregnancy takes such a toll and I’m not up for that again.

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Another experience I had took place one morning when I was feeling the symptoms of a cold coming on in my office at work. My officemate next door was sick at the time and I could hear him having a hard time. He had been battling this brutal cold/flu for weeks. As I sat in the office next door to him, I started to feel the congestion, lung pressure, headache. I left not feeling good but, as soon as I was driving home, I felt fine. I am convinced that I was taking on my coworkers symptoms, poor guy.

I’ve also had medium experiences of taking on symptoms including pressure in my legs from someone in spirit’s vericose veins and migraine and dizziness from another persons head injury prior to their passing. Both times were resolved by focusing my attention elsewhere, which allows me to close my reception of energy messaging.

It’s as if you have the symptoms but, from my experience, they can be resolved by getting up and moving around, putting your focus on something else.

Questions Answered: Medical Intuition with Elizabeth Thorson

Now, like I said, I have no experience actively pursuing developing this skill so, I reached out to someone who does this for a living.

One of my side projects is researching psychic/medium/intuitives just to learn who is out there, where they are, what their skill set is and Elizabeth Thorson was one of those people on my research list. She lives in my state and thought I would reach out to her at some point to chat with her about her experiences.

So, here’s that opportunity and I get to share it with you!

Elizabeth Thorson works professionally as a medical intuitive and intuitive consultant. She works out of her practice in Camden, Maine and offers medical intuitive readings, life path readings, business strategy consultating, after death consultation, past life regressions and animal communication. She’s also done workshops and mentoring for developing intuitives.

Here’s a little more info from her website:

I work globally with clients of all ages, in person, phone and over the internet. My journey began a long time ago…… before age 5 as I became aware of my intuitive abilities that continued into choosing a traditional career in the healthcare field. Since 1985 I have been on an accelerated trajectory incorporating Science, Technology, Business Strategizing, Alternative/ Energy Medicine, Astrology and Metaphysics into my ever expanding practices.

My trainings and education span a wide range within the field of Energy Medicine and Metaphysics. I graduated from an intensive 4 year program in Intuition Science & Medical Intuition and was certified by Caroline Myss, PhD & Dr Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, as a Counseling intuitive as well as an Archetypal Counselor.

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So I chatted with Elizabeth in a video chat and asked her a whole lot of questions. You can see our whole conversation posted below as a video and you can get a copy of the transcript here for your own leisurely reading pleasure.

Here are the answers she gave me about being a medical intuitive.

What made you get into Medical Intuition?

Elizabeth Thorson: 

Let me just give you a little bit of background.  When I was a little kid, like 4 or 5, I just started to know things.  But, they were things that I didn’t understand, I didn’t have a vocabulary, I didn’t understand the feelings I was actually feeling.  So, I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m shutting this all down.’  So, I spent a big piece of my life keeping it shut down but I was always interested in the unusual, the paranormal, sci fi, all of that kind of stuff.

And then, I went on to go to nursing school.  I found a nursing school and when I got out of nursing school I just knew who wasn’t going to be in the ICU the next day, who wasn’t going to make it out of the OR the next day.  And then, I would start to say things like that to my fellow peers and they’re like, ‘What are you talking about?’  So, of course, you shut it back down again.

So, a lot of my skill sets went underground because there wasn’t a place for it, there wasn’t an outlet for it, there wasn’t the term ‘medical intuitive’.  There wasn’t a Caroline Myss at that point and time, who really coined the phrase ‘medical intuition’ or ‘medical intuitive’.

But, because I was working in a medical arena I couldn’t shut down the information I was getting. So, I would just log it and be like, ‘Okay, they won’t be there’ or start to see things, precognitive, I would see things before they were coming. So, I’d say to one of the docs ‘I don’t feel good about this’, ‘this patient’s going to go down the tubes- you need to be doing something’.  But, there was nothing at that point in terms of symptoms to do about it.  And then, they would crash in the middle of the night. So, because I had the precognitive stuff, I was aware, and so I was on top of the things going on with my patients but, could only do so much because it hadn’t manifested yet- it was in the future and it hadn’t happened. So, frustrating.  Very, very frustrating.  And, so, that’s pretty much where my skill sets came from.

Nursing has been an incredible laboratory for me.  Just incredible. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some amazing physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, PAs, who are very open to what I do.  So, the people that I worked with, they knew what my practice was on the side.  So, they would ask me things.  They’d say, ‘What do you think? Do you think this is a fracture?  What do you think?’ and I’d be like, ‘Yep- feels kind of like a fracture but, they’re not reading it that way.’  And, they’d say, ‘Oh, okay. We’ll explain it as a fracture.’  And then, later on, the doc would go, ‘Yeah, I think there is a fracture there.’ So,-

It’s things like that, things like that.  So, you know, I’ve always worked in the arena of life and death- folks in critical care, emergency room, ICU.  A lot of that kind of thing. So, It was an amazing opportunity because I could get information and then I’d go, ‘His white blood cell count is up’ or ‘this is off’ or ‘that is off’. 

How would you describe Medical Intuition if someone wanted a definition?

Elizabeth Thorson:

For a definition, it’s an ability to see what’s going on physically in someone’s body as well as what’s going on energetically and psychospiritually.

Is this Psychic/Mediumship or both abilities? Who are you connecting with?

Elizabeth Thorson:

I don’t actually use the term psychic.  That’s kind of an older term.  It brings up a lot of issues for people.  I’ll have people come to see me because they’ve gone to see a psychic and the psychic says ‘Your daughter’s going to lose her baby, your husband’s going to die January 1st. A red volvo is going to run over your foot.  And, people are scared to death.  They don’t present, they don’t filter.  Whatever comes in here <points to head>, comes out hear <gestures out her mouth>.  And people wind up very frightened.  So, that’s why I use a different terminology because when I think people are seeking out a “psychic”, they want to know am I going to graduate from college, am I going to get a boyfriend, am I gonna get married, you know, is my dad going to get better?  A lot of precognitive stuff, a lot of future stuff, and I don’t do that.  That belongs, I think, to somebody else, with far greater skill sets than I have. So, I don’t go there.

We are talking about the ability to receive information on whatever channels are specific to you.  Whether you see it, feel it, know it.

How does it feel to do a medical intuitive reading?

Elizabeth Thorson:

I see things like a video- what goes on inside my head is kind of interesting- kind of like a video goes off inside my head and I see things- I see x rays, I see MRIs, I see CAT scans, you know, I see lab results, that kind of thing.  As well as physical body parts, as well.

So, that’s kind of how it works for me.

First of all, I think, anybody that works as a medical intuitive, we each come with our own unique set of skill sets. So-

some people are just clairvoyant and they get it in terms of a video.  Other people are clairsentient, they feel the symptoms in their body.  And, other people just know.  So, everybody comes at it differently.  I get it in all directions.  It’s almost a trifecta- I see it, I feel it, I hear it, I know it.

I’m very visual, so, for me it’s easier for me to work off of a picture.  But, lots of times there is no picture, all they have is a name.  So, I have to work off the name.  And then I just shift into- it’s kind of like flipping the light switch- I just shift my gears and I start describing the individual, I start describing what might be going on psychospiritually, energetically but also physically.  I might even see that they have swollen legs and they are short of breath.  And so, I’m getting the symptoms, I don’t need to know specifically what is going on and, you know, I get things like, ‘I think there’s a gender issue here’, you know.  ‘I think they’re in conflict with what they’re assigned gender is.

So, it comes to me in many, many different forms. And, because I’m working blind- and I work blind with my clients, I don’t allow them to give me any medical information at all- I would rather miss it, honestly, than to be led down a pathway of, ‘Oh, I have this, this, this and this’.  I don’t want to know.  I don’t want to know.

More From Our Conversation

We went off on a lot of topics including ethics, popular mediums and so much more.

So, I would encourage you to take a look at the rest of our conversation that also touches on genetic components of intuition, me learning that ‘psychic’ is an older term filled with lots of negative history, the difference between psychic work and intuitive work and so much more.

Take a look at the transcript, which I’ve included.

See this content in the original post

Ways to Develop Psychic, Intuitive or Mediumistic Skills


Meditation is important to find ‘your baseline’, where you connect to your own physical, mental and spiritual self in order to compare experienced external energy/messages to. Practicing meditation allows for you to explore the psychic world and get to know yourself. This is your journey and this is how you lead your way.

For more information on meditation, check out my blog post 'Meditation Basics for Developing Psychic Abilities and Other Soul Abilities' and try out these videos so you can sit back and find your baseline.

Know Your Clairs

If you are not familiar with the clairs then you may not be able to identify how you receive with you psychic senses/soul senses. It is important to get to know them so you can get a clearer understanding of your own psychic/intuitive/mediumship/etc. abilities and the tools that you naturally use to receive energy and messaging.

Get to know the different kinds of clair by checking my previous blog post ‘Time to Meet the Clairs’.

Tips For Exercising Your Psychic, Intuitive and Mediumship Abilities

There are some tips I have for you when you are getting your psychic/intuitive/mediumship exercise on that will help you tremendously. In my previous blog post ‘Psychic Development Exercises: Developing the Soul Senses & Soul Abilities’, I had a section of tips that I infographed and you can see in brevity to the side here.

Here are your tips when practicing connecting with your psychic, intuitive and mediumistic self:

  • Keep an open mind

  • Meditate

  • Observe

  • Document

I had already mentioned meditation above, but let me give you a little more about the others listed:

  • Keep an open mind - don’t dismiss or let logic take control

  • Observe - don’t judge what comes in, just receive

  • Document - keep a journal of your experiences and try to include details

Additionally, I would add that, with time, observing how your ego enters your receptive process will help you get messaging better and reduce the strain of picking up on things. My previous blog post ‘Identifying Ego In Your Psychic Messaging’ can help you out with that once you have your bearings.

Elizabeth’s Tips for Those That Want to Develop Their Medical Intuitive Skills

I posed the question to Elizabeth on ways to develop your abilities to practice medical intuitiveness.

I think the hardest thing for people who don’t have any kind of a medical background, is getting the medical background. You know, I have over 25 years of experience in this arena. You know, in multiple different planes.  So, I can tap into that.  But, I think if you don’t have any background in any shape, manner or form, I think it’s harder, because then you don’t know.  Like, Carolyn Myss, as an example.  She had no medical background whatsoever.  She would just say ‘I see a pipe and the pipe is clogged at one point’ or ‘I see this and feels hard or it feels soft’.  So, she had to develop her dictionary, her vocabulary around this, over time.  Whereas, I’ll see it and I’ll know it’s a gallbladder or know it’s a spleen or know it’s the aorta because I have that background.  Um, so I think getting a background in anatomy and physiology would be really helpful for somebody who wants to do this.  And, because everybody gets the information differently, some people may just get the knowing - ‘Oh, it’s heart’.

Elizabeth’s Quick Tips On Practicing Being A Medical Intuitive & Training Your Intuition


Take in all the info you can, even if you don’t think you could be interested.

Don’t Diagnose

word of caution here, when you are practicing the world of medical intuition, you do not diagnose because that is practicing medicine without a license and you could go to jail for that.


First of all I think reading as much as you can, exposing yourself to as much as you can- even if it doesn’t make sense.  Even if you are not necessarily drawn in that arena, at least expose yourself to it because, the more you know the better you’ll get at getting information.  I think reading and experiencing are probably the two biggest things.  Practice, it’s really practice. 

Document Your Experiences

And people who are starting out, I tell them to start keeping a journal., you know, ‘I had a dream, this is what it was’ and six weeks later, ‘Oh, what I saw in the dream is now here’ or ‘I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt like something was wrong with dad, so I called, and dad was having trouble breathing’.  You know what I’m saying.  Cause you need to get that validation.  You need to know what your dictionary is, what your vocabulary is because it’s different for everybody.  Me with a medical background, you with a medical background, it’s going to be very different than somebody who has no medical background at all, like Caroline, Caroline Myss.  She got it as images, like a clogged pipe, you know?  That kind of thing.

Learning to Shift

And shifting out of your left brain, although your left brain is valuable- that’s your skeptic. Shifting into your right, creative, intuitive side of yourself is most important.  So, anything you can do that shifts that- artwork, meditation, anything like that.  Perfect example is Tyler Henry, the Hollywood Medium.  You know how he scribbles?  That’s his shift.  That’s his shift into his right brain and out of his left brain.

Web Resources For More On Medical Intuition

Social Media Resources For Medical Intuition

Facebook Groups

Medical Intuition and Healing

Reddit Communities

EnergyHealing: news for self-healers & Energy Detectives

Video Resources for Medical Intuition

Links to Other Things About Medical Intuition

‘We All Have Medical Intuition—Now Here’s How to Use It’ - - A Q&A session with medical intuitive Katie Beecher

Wikipedia Medical Intuitive Page

‘Harnessing the Power of Medical Intuition’ - Psychology

A Skeptical Doctor Learned Intuition, You Can, Too - Psychology


The Practical


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