Psychic Development Exercises: Developing the Soul Senses & Soul Abilities
Finally! Let’s test those psychic and intuitive skills.
Here are some exercises to test your psychic and intuitive abilities which includes tips when doing your exercises, exercises to do alone, exercises to do with a partner, apps, videos and online articles that can all help you learn your psychic abilities and intuitive skills.
psyPIX Practice Psychic Development Exercise
Test Your Psychic Abilities With This Simple Exercise Mailed to You
NextGEN Medium has put together an exercise kit utilizing a hidden photo and your third eye abilities! This kit was created with you in mind and includes guided meditation audio and a documentation worksheet.
This is a tool I use for mentoring those seeking to develop their psychic abilities and includes the same tools and tips that I pass along to my students. Place your order now!
Starting at $11.
It’s Time to Test Those Soul Abilities
You can read about psychic/intuitive/soul abilities all you want but, it’s not until you try it them out and gain some experiences when you can really determine your own unique skills.
Reading about it definitely gives you some insight, don’t get me wrong. Immersing yourself in information from other peoples’ perspective and experience can help you hone in on your skills even greater than trying to ‘fly blind’ and try to work it out all by yourself. Other people’s experiences can help your own skills, take it in wherever you can!
Soul abilities need to be experienced in order to understand what is yours, to be open to the possibility. Deja Vu, premonitional dreams and synchronicities are all taps on the shoulder that there is more to this human experience, more than that that meets our ‘ordinary’ physical senses.
Your interest in wanting to exercise your ability is the first and second step in the process- understanding that there are other abilities and other ways of sensing the world around us (awareness) as well as having the curiosity to test it out for yourself and gain some experience with how your abilities work (have this be a possibility in your world).
I’ve provided some exercises here for you to try out. You may find that you gravitate more to one than another. Take note of that because, that could be a clue to where your intuitive or psychic strengths lie.
I’ve also scowered the internet to find other exercises that could help provide you with experiences to test your abilities.
Tips for Your Soul Abilities Exercise Experiences
Keep An Open Mind
The most important thing to do is keep an open mind and have no expectations. This will make it so you ‘get out of the way’ and let your psychic/soul senses to take over. Your inability to just let things happen will be your downfall in your development, but you have the power to not allow that to happen, to practice letting go of your thoughts in order to open up your soul senses.
Meditate to Sit In Your Power
I would recommend meditation as a way to gain experience in your personal baseline AND meditation to be able to ‘sit in your power’, that is- find your quiet place. This place, within your mind and body, allows for your full attention to your psychic/soul senses.
Check out my prior blog post about meditation, if you need to ‘Meditation Basics for the Developing Psychic Abilities and Other Soul Abilities’. This blog post also has some meditations to get you started in finding your quiet place.
Passive observation is key. Don’t stress, don’t criticize. Don’t let the ego take over (see my last blog ‘Identifying Ego In Your Psychic Messaging’). Those lower energies are battling your receptiveness.
Just try to allow an openness to your observation that is all about the sensations in your body, the voices or words that pass through your mind or the visuals that arise.
Build a record of your trials and tests. Looking back on this information will show you your growth or allow you to make connections that a memory may not be able to provide. You can never go wrong when you take a second to give yourself some feedback.
Psychic and intuitive exercises to do by yourself
When you are just discovering your psychic/soul abilities and your soul senses, it’s very exciting but, not necessarily an experience you may want to learn with other people around. The process makes you feel vulnerable and you need to be able to allow patience for yourself without adding someone else’s judgement into the mix. This is understandable.
Here are some psychic exercises and intuitive exercises you can try by yourself. And, remember to DOCUMENT your experiences.
Guess The Next Song On the Radio
The Ribbon Game
A great exercise that you can do when you are in the car. What’s great about when you are driving in your car, riding the bus with your earbuds in, or any activity where you are basically on autopilot and doesn’t require a lot of thought is you are already in a mindset where you are sitting in your place of power- your quiet place. Unless something out of the ordinary pops up and needs you to have a high degree of focus.
Let your mind wander during a song then direct your mind to the next song coming up. For me, I will hear the beginning of a song play in my head. I would say this experience is similar to when you have a song stuck in your head.
I listen to music all the time and have gotten to the point where I don’t trigger the question in my head ‘What’s the next song?’ because, it will just happen on it’s own. You notice how there is sometimes a gap between songs on the radio? For me, I’ll be able to ‘hear’ the next song just before the current song ends or when there’s some sort of short radio inbetweener thing that’s played.
This is a great exercise that I have yet to try but was recommended by a well known psychic medium Janet Nohavec when I did a weekend mediumship course with her and that guy. What’s great about this exercise is understanding what vibration certain colors have.
Cut up a bunch of different colored ribbons and put them in a basket. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and reach into the basket and grab a random ribbon without looking. Janet demonstrated this by laying the ribbon on your chest and learning what each color felt like because each color will have it’s own vibration.
Soul ability work is energy work so, knowing how you perceive the differences in vibration will help you with discovering your soul abilities and expanding them.
This is one that blows my mind sometimes. What’s great about Jeopardy is it’s so fast paced that you don’t have time to mull. When a question is asked, what’s the first thing that comes to your head?
Sometimes you can recollect why you know the answer. Sometimes you don’t know why or how you do.
There have been a few times that I’ve been able to see numbers or names in my mind. Some days are a lot worse than others but you may find that it does some to hit your psychic spot a few times and make you go, “how did I know that?”
What’s important is to be mindful of how you recieve the answer, recollect if this is something you learned then record the experience.
Psychic and intuitive exercises to try with a friend
You may find that you need a partner in your development. This could be a great thing to have if you want to do more than just personal development because then you grow to be comfortable using your ability with others around.
I had one moment in particular that sticks out to me in my soul ability development experiences that involved a soul ability partnership with someone else. This one experience added to my belief in my abilities before I really understood the depth and breadth of it all. It gleaned an extraordinary insight in which I was able to see, in my minds eye, an object on a card that someone else was viewing but had hidden from me.
It was this experience that I am able to look back on and refer to as a ‘piece of the puzzle’ in building the belief of my own psychic ability. It also made me aware, again, when looking back when assessing my strengths, that I can pick things up telepathically and even with a visual sense.
If you have the courage and a great friend to try this with, this will do wonders for your soul abilities development. ASK PERMISSION FIRST! Using your perceptive abilities isn’t about spying or diving into someone’s life without their permission.
Meditate About A Friend
Play Headbanz
Telemetry Practice
Okay- this one doesn’t involve them being right in front of you BUT you should ask permission to do before accepting the challenge. What is in their future? Think about these subjects: love, money, travel, work. Don’t generalize, get specific: what happens, who does it involve, when does it happen. Document your messaging and see what evolves.
Another way to do this would be to document the date and time you do your meditation focusing on what your friend is doing at that moment. This was a great exercise I did with a development circle and had outstanding experience when my subject was able to give me feedback on the details that happened with her that aligned with my psychic meditation.
You know, the kids game. Or, get some Zener cards. Whatever- as long as there is a visual component that is hidden from you that your partner can see, think about, and visualize in their head. Make them use their senses to describe the object, person or place in their head without giving you any hints.
Do you “hear” their thoughts? Does something appear in your minds eye? Open up to what you are receiving.
Have your friend lend you an object that they have that doesn’t belong to them, perhaps a family heirloom. Your friend must know who it belonged to. It could be a watch, a necklace, a picture, a coin. Meditate with this object in your hand and document what you pick up. Tell your friend what you got and see what information gets confirmed. Do keep in mind that some of what you pick up on my be residual from prior owners of this object or even your friend themselves.
Other Resources for Soul Abilities Development Exercises & Psychic/Intuitive Training
Here are some other places that I’ve scowered the internet for you to have everything in one place.
Please know that I am not paid by any of the companies or people below to recommend these to you. These are just some good opportunities I found for you to exercise those psychic muscles.
Here are some apps, videos, social media groups and webpages/blog posts I found that could help you get some training in to discover your psychic abilities and intuitive strengths.
Apps For Psychic/Intuitive Development Exercises
Here’s links and descriptions of apps to use on your android device.
Are You Psychic? from IA Creative
Test your abilities with virtual cards. This one is free but there are ads. I’ve used this for a while but I always get bored of it half way through. You can play this by yourself or multiplayer and you can choose from decks that use different colors, symbols, numbers, landmarks or elements and choose how many to test yourself with. I tend to use the Zener deck but my kids like the elements.
This app using science to test your psychic abilities. From it’s description: “Although the gameplay is fun and easy to follow for anyone, all the games and analysis are based on legitimate psychological and parapsychological experiments to make sure the result is legit and scientifically rigorous.” It will cost $1.99 to try it out but people seem to enjoy it, according to the reviews. I don’t have personal experience with this app but, you might get something out of it.
ESP Project - Psychic Test Zener Cards
This app is the same concept as the ‘Are You Psychic’ app but, looks to open up experimenting with different psychic types/ abilities, such as precognition, retrocognition, telepathy, psychokinesis. I don’t have personal experience with this app but, you might get something out of it.
It looks like a lot of people enjoyed this app, maybe some more than others. The app has videos that the maker is recommending that you watch one a day. I don’t have personal experience with this app but, you might get something out of it.
Remote Viewing Tournament - Learn ESP & Win Prizes
This app is free in it’s full version and claims to help you see by remotely tuning in to a place physically far away. I haven’t tried this one but it looks very intriguing.
Here’s links and descriptions of apps to use on your mac device.
By IronZog LLC. This app is free in it’s full version and claims to help you see by remotely tuning in to a place physically far away. I haven’t tried this one but it looks very intriguing.
Are You A Psychic (IA Creative)
By Ian Andrew. Test your abilities with virtual cards. This one is free but there are ads. I’ve used this for a while but I always get bored of it half way through. You can play this by yourself or multiplayer and you can choose from decks that use different colors, symbols, numbers, landmarks or elements and choose how many to test yourself with. I tend to use the Zener deck but my kids like the elements.
By Exelerus. Another free app that allows you to use Zener cards to develop you psychic abilities.
By Nextep. Another free app but offers in app purchases.
By Russell Targ. This free app was apparently ‘developed under a NASA program by Russull Targ at Stanford Research Institute.’ This uses cards again, this time we have colored cards. I think I gotta try this one!
Social Media Soul Abilities Exercise Groups
Facebook Groups That Include Soul Abilities Development Exercises
Mediumship Development and Psychic Training Group - Pathway of Light
Description from Facebook Group: “In this group you can take part in structured mediumship and psychic exercises which are especially written for all abilities. You can take part in our absent healing posts and you can join in the just for fun exercises.”
Description from Facebook Group: “The intention of this group is to provide a platform to grow together as we gain understanding of our Psychic abilities. We will read and exercise to strengthen our psychic muscles to be whom we came here to be.”
The Psychic Journey 11:11 Psychics, Empaths, & Spiritualists
Description from Facebook Group: “This is also a group where we can ask questions and learn how to work on our gifts and help one another. This is a group where like-minded people can come together, free from the constraints of "normal" society and skeptics, and chat about the things most people do not understand. There is no judgment here. This is a welcoming group and we'd be delighted if you'd join us!”
Psychic & Mediumship Development
Description from Facebook group: “This group is for people who want to practice readings on psychic and mediumship development.”
Reddit Communities That Include Psychic/Intuitive Development Exercises
Psychic Development: Unlock Your Potential, Psychic Readings
From community description: This is a community, that promotes conversation through posts focusing on Psychic Development.
This subreddit doesn’t seem to be too active lately, but still thought I would share it with you.
From community description: Spiritual/psychic development with daily readings/channeling/exercises on Instagram/Facebook/YouTube.
From community description: /r/Psychic, the largest psychic community forum on Reddit, for those interested in extrasensory perception (ESP).
Psychic Abilities Learn How To Grow Them
From community description: Learn how to grow your Psychic Abilities here, with self-growth with Psychic Development. We all have some degree of Psychic Abilities knowing which one is stronger can help us. But, you do not have to be born gifted as we are all actually born with the gift.
Videos on the Web That Share Psychic/Intuitive Development Exercises
Other Soul Abilities Development Blogs With Great Exercises For You To Try
5 Fun Activities for Psychic Development from
How to Develop Psychic Abilities- Easy Exercises You Can Do Today from