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Know Your Soul Abilities: Mediumship

Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’

Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.

What are Soul Abilities?

There are many different ways to use soul abilities that translates to psychic skills, intuitive skills, healing abilities or mediumship abilities. It is not how you sense but what you experience that makes a soul ability. Everyone has access to their soul abilities. Some people may be able to access more abilities than others. Some people will be able to have high skills in multiple abilities or modes. Which of these abilities is your strongest right now, how many can you tap into right now- these are questions that you need to investigate, have curiosity about and experiment with on your own.

For now, just being aware of the different soul abilities could open up definitions and clarity for the developing psychic, intuitive, healer or medium.

Here is your chance to get to know an ability and, upon reflection, see if you have experienced something that fits within this experience’s boundaries.

What is Mediumship

Mediumship is often used to connect loved ones, those here in their bodies on earth, with those without their bodies in the ‘spirit world’.

Another way that people talk about this soul abilities is ‘talking to dead people’. Another way to say ‘dead people’ is discarnates, spirits, other wordly entities. Some mediums may connect with guides, archangels, your grandmother, your dog, or even Jesus.

Mediumship is all about being a messenger or an interpreter: one is able to connect with ‘other worldly’ entities using the soul senses. Information is obtained, deciphered and passed along to the ‘in-body’ person intended to receive the message.

Dominant Psychic Senses/Soul Senses Used

Whatever clairs are available are useful for mediumship. What is most useful is multiple skills during a session so a medium can truly take in all energy being given by the other entity. In a mediumship reading you must be able to provide specific information in order to provide evidence to your sitter that you are connecting with an entity. It is the teamwork of the entity and the medium in order to bring the messaging to the sitter and the work of the sitter to bring an openness to the reading. This flow of energy allows for a flow of information that is difficult to do when energy isn’t flowing for all energies, or people, involved.

There are varieties of ways mediums act as a conduit with entities, including another soul ability of automatic writing,

My Experience with Mediumship

Mediumship is the easiest form of soul ability that I can tune into. It’s my jam. It’s how I start all my readings. The dominant psychic senses or soul senses for myself include clairvoyance and clairsentience, meaning I can see imagery in my mind’s eye and feel their feelings and even physical pain. They tell me their stories and I can sense who they are with claircognizance, almost like they can implant details of their personality and life experiences directly into my brain.

I was not aware of this ability until I took a one day introductory course on mediumship and came to realize the other world that I could pick up ‘behind my eyes’. It was this one day course that spurred a spiritual awakening where I felt one with everything and I gained a new purpose and new insight. After the course, I continued attending a spiritual circle, surrounding myself by people who were interested in keeping in touch with this spiritual world. I also started experimenting by practicing meditation and asking spirits of family members to present themselves and give me some evidential information of this newly discovered skill. From there, I set up another experiment to doing sittings and reading with my Facebook friends- in person and via video chat.

All of this experimenting really got me out of my comfort zone but allowed for me to really understand the psychic, intuitive and mediumship skills that I’ve possessed.

Without attending that one day course, I would probably still be wildly unaware of the soul abilities that I possess.

Ways to Develop Your Mediumship Skills


Meditation is important to find ‘your baseline’, where you connect to your own physical, mental and spiritual self in order to compare experienced external energy/messages to. Practicing meditation allows for you to explore the psychic world and get to know yourself. This is your journey and this is how you lead your way.

For more information on meditation, check out my blog post 'Meditation Basics for Developing Psychic Abilities and Other Soul Abilities' and try out these videos so you can sit back and find your baseline.

Know Your Clairs

If you are not familiar with the clairs then you may not be able to identify how you receive with you psychic senses/soul senses. It is important to get to know them so you can get a clearer understanding of your own psychic/intuitive/mediumship/etc. abilities and the tools that you naturally use to receive energy and messaging.

Get to know the different kinds of clair by checking my previous blog post ‘Time to Meet the Clairs’.

Exercise Tips For Mediumship

There are some tips I have for you when you are getting your psychic/intuitive/mediumship exercise on that will help you tremendously. In my previous blog post ‘Psychic Development Exercises: Developing the Soul Senses & Soul Abilities’, I had a section of tips that I infographed and you can see in brevity to the side here.

Here are your tips when practicing mediumship:

  • Keep an open mind

  • Meditate

  • Observe

  • Document

I had already mentioned meditation above, but I would also add a few more to include:

  • Keep an open mind - don’t dismiss or let logic take control

  • Observe - don’t judge what comes in, just receive

  • Document - keep a journal of your experiences and try to include details

Additionally, I would add that, with time, observing how your ego enters your receptive process will help you get messaging better and reduce the strain of picking up on things. My previous blog post ‘Identifying Ego In Your Psychic Messaging’ can help you out with that once you have your bearings.

The ‘Get There’ Exercise

John Holland did this amazing exercise that is my go-to way to shut on and off the mediumship switch. This exercise helped me figure out where in my field of perception I focus when I’m receiving messages from spirit and where I get my mediumship messaging- an external message vs. messaging from me.

Here is John’s outstanding exercise:

Take 3 deep breaths in and out, each more deeply and longer than the last

Once there focus on a point in the middle of your forehead, stay there for a minute.

Then, draw your attention upwards, to a point that sits a foot in front AND above you. Stay there for a minute.

Now it’s time to shift. This shift is going to bring your attention to a new point where you can speak with spirit.

Count down slowly “3…, 2…, 1…” then shift your attention still a foot above your head but now a few inches to the right.

There- right there- is where I speak to spirit. I see them lined up in this little window, sort of a tear in the fabric of reality. I see people lined up. I see old women, old men, young men, animals. I see the expression on their faces, their hair. I feel their demeanor, their joy, their sadness and overall energy. Here is where you ask them questions, observe, feel.

It is up to you to discern their personality, what their relation is and MOST IMPORTANTLY what their message is, what they want to say.

Web Resources For More On Mediumship

Social Media Resources For Mediumship Development

Facebook Groups

Mediumship Development & Psychic Training Group - Pathway Of Light

Mediumship Development

Mediumship 101 Development Group

Mediumship Development Support

Evidential Mediumship Development Forum

💜 ENLIGHTEN - Psychic & Mediumship Development Group

Mediumship Development and Support, Global

Psychic/Mediumship Development

International Mediumship Development



MediumShip And Talking To Dead People

Mediumship Subreddit

Video Resources for Mediumship Development

Need help with your mediumship soul ability?

Check out NextGEN eCourses and 1-on-1 Programs.