Know the Soul Abilities: Automatic Writing

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Know the Soul Abilities Series: Automatic Writing

Get to know how writing enters the mix using your soul abilities of intuition or mediumship.


Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’

Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.


What are Soul Abilities?

There are many different ways to use soul abilities that translates to psychic skills, intuitive skills, healing abilities or mediumship abilities. It is not how you sense but what you experience that makes a soul ability. Everyone has access to their soul abilities. Some people may be able to access more abilities than others. Some people will be able to have high skills in multiple abilities or modes. Which of these abilities is your strongest right now, how many can you tap into right now- these are questions that you need to investigate, have curiosity about and experiment with on your own.

For now, just being aware of the different soul abilities could open up definitions and clarity for the developing psychic, intuitive, healer or medium.

Here is your chance to get to know an ability and, upon reflection, see if you have experienced something that fits within this experience’s boundaries.

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What is Automatic Writing?

Automatic writing is a form of channeling, much like mediumship, where you are connecting with a discarnate (someone without a body) and acting as a conduit to pass along a message to a specific person. What makes this particular soul ability unique is the creation of written words during the process without consciously writing. This ability could also be a way to channel a pure, higher self, as well, which would make this of the intuition soul ability.


My Experience With Automatic Writing

None. I have no experience with automatic writing.

I may have experienced the state-of-mind you need to be in in order to channel with automatic writing but, I’ve never actively sat down to get to know this psychic type.

But, I will not leave you with that.

Here I go going the extra mile for you ;)


Questions Answered: Automatic Writing with Latisha Reader

I reached out to a psychic friend of mine, Latisha Reader. We met at a weekend mediumship retreat and have kept in contact since. I got to try out my mediumship, intuitive and psychic stuff out on her and she gifted me with some automatic writing that she did for me in return.

*Another cool reason to be a psychic/medium- pretty cool skill to trade with. Free haircut for a psychic medium sitting…? Skills for skills, that’s the real money.

So, let’s have Tisha take over answer questions I have about Automatic Writing from a psychic/intuitive/mediumistic point-of-view of mine that is inexperienced in Automatic Writing.


What made you get into Automatic Writing?

With any psychic medium, I am always intrigued with how they became aware of this skill and Tisha is no exception. Here’s what she had to say about her psychic development and, more specifically, developing her automatic writing skill:

The quick answer is…A LOT of divinely led steps, experiences and meetings with people I’ve never met before. 

As far as my experiences so far with this passion go, I think if I wouldn’t have stayed open to possibilities and abilities outside of our normal human senses… I wouldn’t have ever gotten to experience Automatic Writing.

I knew I was a sensitive/intuitive person.  I knew I knew things. I knew I wasn’t alone.  I knew I was reading energy… but now what? 

I literally, by accident (meaning unintentionally), stumbled across a teacher who taught me how to allow what I was receiving, identify what it meant or who it was and, most importantly, interpret it so I could communicate the information in a way it made sense to the “sitter”.

This was what was to begin the last 25 years of Psychic and Mediumship Development. 

The development lead me to a reading that included my first letter from a deceased loved one.


How would you describe Automatic Writing if someone wanted a definition?

I started this week’s ‘Know Your Psychic Types’ post like I do with every other: a definition. It helps us wrap our minds around a concept that can be really difficult to actually know. I thought it would be interesting to see how Tisha would describe it seeing as though she practices this skill:

To me the google definition describes it perfectly. It is a Psychic ability allowing a person to produce words without consciously writing them.

I remember being very new to giving readings. As with any practicing Psychic Medium just beginning their path, experiencing self-doubt and self-consciousness…so did I! In fact, I still do! Anyway, as I was preparing for my first reading, taking my own individual steps to ready myself to receive, I heard the word “Dear”. It made me think of a letter so I wrote the word DEAR down …and a letter from a deceased Mother followed for about 4 or 5 pages.

I didn’t feel weird, like someone had just taken over my body or hand. I just felt like I was writing a letter like I’d done a million times…but at the end it was signed by someone else. Almost like dictation where you write down another person’s words, but to the physical world…no one else was in the room.

I was told later after the letter had been delivered, that how I physically signed that letter, was how her Mother signed every letter, card and/or sticky note to her family when she was alive.


Is this Psychic/Mediumship or both abilities? Who are you connecting with?

One thing that can be difficult to determine, or maybe even not even a consideration when it can come to psychic abilities, is where the information is coming from. I believe everybody has unique experiences that creates your own individual understanding of how things work. That means everybody can have different understandings of where psychic/medium information comes from. That is to say, psychic meaning “I’m getting impressions” or my energy is picking up on general impression, whereas mediumship would be “I’m being given impressions” or in direct contact with another being and more specified impressions. So, I wanted to see what Tisha’s thoughts were when it comes to where her information comes from:

I recognize that anything spiritually related that I participate in, when it comes to channeling, as “Holy Time”. It is time that demands respect and honor and the highest of ethics & morals.

This “Holy Time” with another individual coming to you for help has the capability to untangle, heal and assist that person in moving forward in their life.

Before every reading I pray/connect to God/our Creator, Spirit Guides, Angels and any loved ones of the sitter that have passed on to their next life.

Only the highest of good, only the brightest of light and only the highest vibrations are allowed anywhere near me or the sitter for this reading.

What happens next are both Psychic and Mediumship messages being interpreted. With me, it can also be one or the other starting off or can go back and forth. I would say it’s both abilities.


How does it feel to do Automatic Writing? Are you hearing things? Are you letting your hand write things? What Clairs are involved?

Now, this was a question that gets to the brass tacks of this whole post. Here’s how Tisha explains how she does her craft with her psychic senses:

Automatic Writing feels exactly like you are writing any other letter you’ve written. Only, you are writing a letter for your sitter for and from someone who loves them very much and has something to tell them.

I would say inadvertently you’re using all of the Clairs but, Clair-Cognizance (clear knowing) would be at the forefront. (This is zero effort with your mind…the only actual effort from the writer is the hand that needs to move the pen to form words).


How do you know you are hitting the right spot when it comes to channeling?

This question is one every psychic beginner wants to know- “how do you know if what you are getting is for real?”. I think every psychic/medium experiments to figure this out because you can go too far sometimes and your logical brain can start taking over creating information that isn’t messaging. Here’s what Tisha had to say about this question:

Every Psychic Medium prepares their own mind & soul in their own individual special way before a reading (or in my opinion they should).

You’ll know when you’ve reached the “sweet spot” when information is flowing, your pen is writing and it takes zero effort/thought/planning on your part. When it seems a stream of information is coming to you and through you that you were not privy to beforehand, it was not something you’d learned or heard before and it wasn’t from anyone you’ve ever met or even heard of before…’ve hit the “sweet spot” of connection. Let it flow!

Automatic Writing is divine information that leaves you feeling 100% surprised and exhilarated when it’s done.

Don’t forget to thank the Author of your letter.


Ways to Develop Psychic, Intuitive or Mediumistic Skills


Meditation is important to find ‘your baseline’, where you connect to your own physical, mental and spiritual self in order to compare experienced external energy/messages to. Practicing meditation allows for you to explore the psychic world and get to know yourself. This is your journey and this is how you lead your way.

For more information on meditation, check out my blog post 'Meditation Basics for Developing Psychic Abilities and Other Soul Abilities' and try out these videos so you can sit back and find your baseline.


Get To Know Your Clairs


If you are not familiar with the clairs then you may not be able to identify how you receive with you psychic senses/soul senses. It is important to get to know them so you can get a clearer understanding of your own psychic/intuitive/mediumship/etc. abilities and the tools that you naturally use to receive energy and messaging.

Get to know the different kinds of clair by checking my previous blog post ‘Time to Meet the Clairs’.


Tips For Exercising Your Psychic, Intuitive and Mediumship Abilities

There are some tips I have for you when you are getting your psychic/intuitive/mediumship exercise on that will help you tremendously. In my previous blog post ‘Psychic Development Exercises: Developing the Soul Senses & Soul Abilities’, I had a section of tips that I infographed and you can see in brevity to the side here.

Here are your tips when practicing connecting with your psychic, intuitive and mediumistic self:

  • Keep an open mind

  • Meditate

  • Observe

  • Document

I had already mentioned meditation above, but let me give you a little more about the others listed:

  • Keep an open mind - don’t dismiss or let logic take control

  • Observe - don’t judge what comes in, just receive

  • Document - keep a journal of your experiences and try to include details

Additionally, I would add that, with time, observing how your ego enters your receptive process will help you get messaging better and reduce the strain of picking up on things. My previous blog post ‘Identifying Ego In Your Psychic Messaging’ can help you out with that once you have your bearings.


Tisha’s Tips for Those That Want to Develop Their Automatic Writing Skills

I definitely did not wake up one morning and say “I think I’ll do some Automatic Writing today”. I was just open to any positive experience for my first Sitter.

My heart was ready to channel anything and everything, in any way, for the good of that Sitter.

Grace/Love/Unconditional Love/Messages/ Healing, whatever was needed for their body, mind and soul. I knew that out of my connection with God, Spirit Guides, Angels and Deceased loved ones…. SOMEONE had a lot more information about that Sitter than I did and loved them enough to come through with a message to find an interpreter…with a pen : )

Have this kind of heart and mindset whenever you sit and work with any/all spiritual gifts.

Our job as the Psychic/Medium/Interpreter is to deliver any and all messages that are desperately needed… to the one who showed up asking for help and is the receiver.


Tisha’s Quick Tips On Automatic Writing

  1. Set clear intentions- “Today I would like to try Automatic Writing” then write down the word “Dear” and see what happens.

  2. Stay open to any and all messages. One or All Clairs may come into play.

  3. DO NOT FILTER what your mind thinks is normal or right. Try not to 2nd guess what you are getting. The crazier it sounds to your logical mind, usually the more accurate the information is and the more it will resonate with your Sitter.

  4. When you start your letter (and you will), give your creative controlling mind a break. Let the letter flow. It will feel easy and smooth like you are not trying at all. At the end (if this letter is not for a sitter) if this is just practice, you could find out its for you. A message from your guides. You will definitely have a knowing of who the letter is for.

  5. So you are not surprised like I was… your writing hand may feel really tired/tingly or you may even experience some soreness in your wrist, elbow or shoulder. After I experienced that…I always write E.S. (end session) on the bottom of my last page of the reading or letter to let spirit know I am done and ending the session. You do not want to continue channeling for them all night…you want to control your On & Off. Acknowledge every time that your arm is being used for spiritual loving work and thank it for participating. I know it sounds funny…but it works. Immediate relief.


Thank you, Tisha!

I am so grateful that I had a resource like Latrisha Reader to reach out to so that you guys could get information directly from someone who works with this psychic skill.

I’m always interested in how other psychic/mediums describe how they experience their skills and I would say that that would be the secondary take away from this post: make these personal connections. Learning from others, in whatever form learning comes in, can only help your own progress towards understanding your own psychic abilities.

You can connect with Tisha by shooting her an email and be sure to follow her on Instagram @Latishareader


Web Resources For More On Automatic Writing

Social Media Resources For Automatic Writing Development


Spirit Automatic Writing and Art

Automatic Writing


The Contacted

Psychic Subreddit


Video Resources for Automatic Writing Development



Again, connect with Latisha Reader by email: and follow her on Instagram: Latishareader


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Sarah Nickerson

Psychic Medium Intuitive

Helping gain awareness and get you started on your soul journey through understanding your psychic/medium/intuitive/healing abilities, the power and choice as a creator and intentional manifester, and helping guide you towards the higher-self you are and the intuitive language a part of that relationship.

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