The NextGEN Medium Vlowg
The Constant Answer of ''I Don't Know'' with Spirituality and Psychic/Mediumship
A lot of times with spiritual stuff we just don't know the answer- we don't have a truth. We have guesses, maybe probable guesses based on our own experiences with the psychic/medium or spiritual world. This reddit question has me saying "I don't know", which is a phrase you need to become comfortable with in a lifetime of learning the truth, your truth.
Here's the question from the subreddit of Mediums:
Advice needed from other mediums about a spirit who doesn’t realize he’s dead
TL;DR: I currently have a neutral, harmless human spirit residing with me that doesn’t realize he’s dead. This is a first for me in my 38yrs of life- all spirits I’ve made personal contact with have known and acknowledged they were transformed into Spirit on some level