4 Obstacles of Opening Up & Receiving Psychic Messaging That You Are Likely To Experience
There are so many things working against you. Being aware of the difficulties can help your transition
We want to ‘see the things’. Know that there are many fundamental things that will work against you to witness receiving information using your psychic and other soul senses.
Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’
Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
Getting to the place of opening up and receiving
We have previously explored where it is that we receive messaging, the state of the body, the state of the mind.
It’s a place within your mind that takes in subtle messaging so it requires you to become undistracted by your physical senses, focusing only inside your mind. Taking in the suttle messaging from your soul senses, meta senses, psychic senses, this could be a vision, sounds, feelings and knowings.
When you open up, you activate your attention to focal points around you in space. At first, it doesn’t your messages don’t seem to have an origin, it seems to just happen but, with time you start to recognize specific focal points within your space that information can come from. These different spaces may indicate a certain clair you use, such as clairvoyance or clairaudience, as well as which soul ability you may be using, intuition vs. mediumship vs. psychic, etc.
The Difficulties of Opening Up and Receiving Messaging
You will be burdened by difficulties in trying to get to a place of ease when opening up and receiving.
The mechanics of how ‘connecting’ works, trusting an unseen entity to give you information that means something, trusting in the process of development and the challenges of what witnessing this new world can present itself obstacles during your journey.
Lucky for you, I’m a few steps ahead of you and able to identify the difficulties I’ve come across and have listed them below. Not lucky that these are obstacles but lucky that when you experience these difficulties for yourself you can recognize you ARE ACTUALLY on the right path in your development.
Opening up your awareness, utilizing your soul abilities and receiving incoming messaging shouldn’t be an easy transition to someone who is brand new and searching out for how to do all this.
This information below is here for everybody going through the process- EVERYBODY. Nobody is immune to the difficulties of opening up and receiving messaging.
See if any of these obstacles are a part of your process now and know that you aren’t alone in experiencing these.
The mechanics are foreign to you
You are not used to passively observing inward
Opening up and receiving/observing is something we are not used to doing because, we are conditioned to be constantly distracted. We are not used to just sitting and focusing our attention inward. Our attention is taken up by using something external of ourselves. This act within itself is very hard for people. I come across so many people who say that just can’t meditate and it concerns me.
If you are unable to focus your attention inside than I don’t know how you could receive subtle messaging. If you can find the place that allows you to focus then you are in good shape. If not, you need to find a comfort in this or I’m afraid connecting with your soul senses and soul abilities will be a very thing for you to accomplish.
You don’t understand your energy and how it works
We are clueless to the influence of our energy- the information we give off through our energy. It tells everybody everything, yet we don’t understand its influence and information that is given without our knowing consent.
Our energy is capable of telling everything about ourselves without us even being aware that that is happening. We also don’t understand that we take in information from energy. We don’t understand that our energy is influenced by others’ energy, sometimes we take on the energy of others.
If we truly understood the extent that our energy controls everything, we could understand the actual power that we have.
You don’t recognize and aren’t aware of the soul sense abilities
Not only do we not recognize how our energy works but, we aren’t aware of the senses we have that take in the information from energy.
We are taught to understand this world through our physical senses. We are not, however, conditioned to taking in information through our psychic/soul senses.
We aren’t taught how to focus inward, internally in the mind and take in ‘our imagination’. Additionally, we are taught that the imagination is not a place of truth.
The process that you are looking to advance in is learning to discern your soul senses AND trust that these psychic/soul senses you possess are actually a way of taking in information.
2. You gotta trust
You need to trust in yourself like you never have before
We need to trust the imagery that comes in, the gut instinct in it’s meaning and have confidence that it means something.
We are conditioned to be somewhat helpless when it comes to power, truth and value. Someone else decides that stuff in the world we grow up in. In this new world, you are in charge. You are not a victim of what happens to you. You take the wheel and WELD your own power, CREATE your own truth and DECIDE your own value.
We need to learn to trust ourselves in a way we’ve never experienced before… and DAMN DOES THAT FEEL GOOD, YO!
You need to trust what can’t be seen or measured
Having faith in something illogical is hard for the egoic mind to handle. At the core of observing and taking in information is learning to trust what you get. Not trusting what comes through, dismissing what the senses give you, second guessing or overanalyzing is an act of the ego.
Hey, the ego is just doing it’s job. It’s up to you to separate yourself from your ego, objectify it as a piece of you, and understand that this part of the self is going through some hard truth’s right now. Be compassionate in it’s role, be forgiving of it’s instinct but, ultimately, the ego will be a huge obstacle to overcome in witnessing and working with your soul senses and soul abilities.
Trust the information. Get used to this phrase because it is at the core of observing and taking in information.
3. It’s a messy process
You have expectations
How do you know what you’re doing if you don’t go in with a mission? Connecting by opening up and observing is easiest if you go in without expectations. But, we are human, we need a plan or we feel out of control. I get it.
Here’s my advice. Don’t have expectations. Your ego can’t handle having expectations right now. Just take in information as it comes as much as you can. Once you start seeing the truth, it gets easier for the ego to submit.
Easier typed than done.
It is not a linear or one-size-fits-all learning process
There is no set of instructions. Everybody needs different things, everybody has different obstacles, everybody has different truths to have to face when you get to the point of your development of ‘opening up and observing’.
To think this is a step-by-step learning process is a very logical human thing that you need to bypass. Take interest in what draws you in, then discover the process as it comes to you- don’t force yourself into the process or you won’t feel and understand its beauty.
It takes time and patience to tune
That 'connected place' is quite foreign to us to begin with, as is the place we go to in our minds to 'open up', to prepare to take in what our psychic/soul senses are receiving.
For those beginning exploring the process of grounding and opening up or trying to discern the transition from a grounded state to an open state, there may need to be multiple times of transition in order know what ‘groundedness’ or ‘openness’ feels like for you. You may need to tap into your messaging first, have experience in it’s spectacle, have verifications of your imagery, before you really start to dissect or feel compelled to familiarize yourself with the process.
Breaking down the steps, you see a lot in this process. But doing these steps doesn’t take a lot of time to shift from one act to another. Defining this is understanding mechanics but, it will take time to discern these in your process.
Allow yourself time in learning where your grounded state is, where your attention is drawn, how you observe with what soul senses.
4. Reframes the world you thought you knew
It challenges what you know of reality and norms
There are many misunderstandings of soul abilities, soul senses, energy and our innate skills. We are led to believe that a select few people have psychic abilities. This, from my truth, is incorrect. The imagination is a place of untruths. This is incorrect, too. But, these are some of the ‘truths’ that we grow up with and must challenge in this new reality.
It means the impossible is possible
The soul world is a world of possible impossibilities and, with this, opening up and observing will change everything you understand about the world you live in.
This is quite a mindfuck but, it is amazing to know that what you see is only part of your reality.
You start to understand, with time, that the information you receive is bounded by your own understanding of logical/illogical, impossible/possible. It is your place to make the impossible possible. It requires openness to possibility where witnessing fact is irrelevant.
You set the controls, Major Tom. You set the limits. How much boundary you put in your ‘openness’ can separate you from the decent messengers to the outstanding ones.
You need to face yourself
Seeing the world in a new way, witnessing truths that only you can witness, challenging the norms of the world you share with other people who “don’t get it” will be a true test in your priorities and how true you can be to yourself.
The ego will do it’s job and try to maneuver around the people you love, the people you care about, the people who’s opinions you care about. But, all this maneuvering to protect the ego gets very tiresome. It’s scary to juggle the ego with your new truths.
Remember that being true to yourself is being pure in your higher energy self. The ego will add impediments to your energy flow. After a while you learn to let go of what the ego wants because it’s making things too hard.
Once you recognize the burden of the ego, it’s time to be honest, be courageous, detach from the ego and LET IT GO.
When undertaking the acts of grounding, opening up, and receiving messaging, understand that you are learning a new language, breaking what you’ve been conditioned to do. And this takes time.
Recognizing where the obstacles could arise will be helpful in a journey that really exercises self doubt. Know you are not alone with these obstacles during your process and signs of the obstacles means you are truly developing and getting to a new place of understanding.
Charge on, my friend.