The Act of Opening Up And Observing Psychic Messaging
The act that gets you to ‘that place’
In your quest to ‘tap into’ your soul abilities, understand your soul senses, begin to witness your abilities, and learn to trust what comes through… you must open up and take in what comes through.
Here are the steps where you start receiving your messaging through your psychic/soul senses and utilize your soul abilities (psychic, intuition, mediumship, healing).
I am doing these two pieces of the process together because when I first started exploring my soul abilities, I was not so aware of these two steps, opening and observation, as two separate steps. In fact, it wasn’t until a hundred readings in and who knows how many meditations, that I see the separation of what was once one step for me.
So, using my own example of how I became familiar with these steps, we’ll do them together.
Let’s help you get familiar with these steps in the process of taking in psychic messaging or messaging from your other soul abilities.
Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’
Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.
What is ‘Opening Up’ and why do you do it?
From the state of groundedness, the act of opening up is initiating the gathering of information using your soul senses and soul abilities. It is choosing to lift your focus from a blank slate of nothingness, from your groundedness, to expanding your awareness around you. This expansion is setting your web or net of antennas out, that energy that you can cast out like a fishing line and a lure, to take in external energy and receive and take in energetic information as visuals, sounds, knowings and feelings.
What I am physically doing with my body doesn’t really matter because, my focus isn’t on what is physically around me or what my body is physically doing. My focus goes in my mind. It is almost like a dark sheath covers my vision and my attention shuts off my physical vision to turn on my ‘mental’ vision. If you are quietly sitting in your groundedness, then this state that your body and mind are in will be a natural transition to that opening up process.
Opening up, to me, is just unfurling my net. It’s not quite at that place of reception/observation quite yet. But, it is at the cusp. It can be a seamless transition from opening up to observation/receiving that I may have seen as one act when I first started exploring my messaging but now I see as two separate things.
In the way that I see it, the act of opening up is an assessment step, a threshold setting. How possible do I want to be right now? How far do I want to cast this net? What is happening around me that can only be taken in with my mental senses?
Opening up is the act of being open to any possibility and any information using just my mental senses. This is a place to be submissive and allow external information to impede your thoughts.
These brief nano seconds of casting my net usually draws my attention to a psychic sense automatically.
Observing and receiving messaging
We’ll use the word observing but also know that this doubles as the act of receiving messaging or taking in messaging. You are observing the information with your psychic senses.
When you find you start paying attention to bits of information, be it visuals, sounds or feelings, this is when you’ve gone to the next step of observing.
You experience these bits of information through your psychic/soul/mental senses, otherwise known as your clairs. You can get visuals of information, sounds of information, it could be a mix of emotions, visuals and physical feelings.
The information you are receiving is a mental conversation between two bodies, a conversation exists between minds, energy and many entities without bodies. It is a foreign language to learn and adapt to.
Focal points of observation
With time, you may start to recognize that when you open up, you activate your attention to focal points around you in space. This is from my own experience. This may be different for you but, this is what I have experienced.
During your observant time of taking in messaging, the space in and around you is explored with the navigation of your attention.
When you are first starting out messaging doesn’t seem to have a focal point of origin in the space around you and it’s hard to define. But with time, focal points in space have become more specific in where I retrieve information from my different soul abilities.
With time, these focal points start getting more and more precise in the space around you. When at one time I seemed to get psychic messaging like a wall in front of me without any particular place that it seemed to come from, I now recognize a focal point that is a few inches out from my body and close to my upper right torso area as the place where I put my attention. That is where I physically focus with my eyes, even though I am getting visualizations in my mind. For some reason, have a focal point where I get my psychic information that is different for my intuitive information that is different than my mediumship information really helps my process, whether I have a say in how this all works or not.
How do you know you are ready to receive?
Do you want to do it? Then, do it. Go for it.
If you are new to this stuff and asking this question then, I would recommend being in a peaceful state-of-mind so you can concentrate. Maybe not when the house is on fire or you have to be at a meeting in 5 minutes. But, you know, free will- you do what you want.
But, let’s say you have worked on your ‘art of groundedness’ and have been in that for a minute and want to switch to activate ‘gathering information’ mode. How do you know you are ready for that transition?
The act of opening up is welcomed at your choosing. At first when you start exploring your messaging place, your observation place, you might not recognize what grounding is or what opening up is like for you. So, at first you’re just going in blind, feeling around to just experience something. Which is fine. I’m a big advocate for doing what excites you in this process and wait to be more invested in the mechanics when you care- which may be out of excited interest or as a way to understand what is frustrating you in the process. Either way, you care to know- that’s good.
There is no one else that can tell you when you are ready and, again, it may take many experiences for you to judge when you are ready to observe.
Developing a routine or a ritual in the process may help you with the act of opening. It could be as simple as doing a countdown in your head “3,… 2,…. 1… and go” or the visualization of flipping a light switch. Maybe it could even involve putting your attention to place in your space, such as right above your head about 6 inches (I’ve heard that’s where the higher self can be accessed…?)
Some people call this ‘a shift’ and my interpretation of that is a shift in awareness and attention, where you put your attention, more specifically.
How do you observe, where are you?
This is one of those things I gotta use my hands to explain because our vocabulary just doesn’t do this question justice.
In my place of observation I am putting a casual attention on my body and my 'inner canvases', where I've recognized where my messaging comes in. This takes time to become familiar with and the intricacies of these canvases aren’t automatically recognized at first
When I am observing, I sense that I am using my mind’s eye, or my place of imagination. But, that is just my mental sense of vision, my clairvoyance. I am also observing information coming from sensations on my body, observing emotions (focused my chest), and or knowings (cerebrally focused).
Once information starts appearing, usually very visual for me, I start to focus on these bits of information which will start to take me to another step in the process, interpreting.
Honestly these three steps of opening up, observing and interpreting happen so fast it’ll be hard to dissect them at first but I see this in my process and think it’s good to outline to try to create a logical understanding for those looking to explore this skill. But, I will say it again, don’t get bogged down with the process, dig in where you want to be. And, that’s probably at the messaging part. I get it- it’s exciting. But, know that there’s more to the process than seeing an image and once you start seeing the separate steps for yourself, it’ll be cool to see the breakdown and understand the mechanics for your process.
Shift Exercise
Developing a routine or a ritual in the process may help you with the act of opening. It could be as simple as doing a countdown in your head “3,… 2,…. 1… and go” or the visualization of flipping a light switch. Maybe it could even involve putting your attention to place in your space, such as right above your head about 6 inches (I’ve heard that’s where the higher self can be accessed…?)
Focal point exercise
Imagine a point that is 3 feet directly in front of you. Now imagine a new point that is 3 feet above that. These are two examples of pin pointing a particular focal point that is in space, where you could potentially receive information from a particular soul ability (psychic, mediumship, intuition) through a soul/psychic/mental sense (clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance).
Explore the different focal points, far away from you, inside of you, just beyond your reach. Observe what happens. Maybe having a focal point, any focal point, will initiate messaging to begin because you aren’t focused on ‘what is the message?’ or ‘I need to see something.