The Higher Self’s Tool: Dreams
How the Higher Self Uses Dreams As A Tool for Your Soul Journey
Dreams can be the initial peek into receiving messaging from the higher self. What’s behind how your higher self and intuition use dreams as a tool for your soul journey and why you shouldn’t invest in dream dictionaries.
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Understanding the Role of Dreams
Dreams are a mystical, magical place for us. They show us an alternative way of living that we otherwise may not see as a possibility for ourselves. Many people don’t remember their dreams or dismiss their dreams. Others have outrageous dreams, nonsensical dreams or otherworldly and profound dreams.
How dreams affect people shows the power that the dream experience has.
For me, one dream I had when I was 12 or 13 became a defining moment of experiencing my psychic self for the first time. Since then, I’ve had many dreams that showcased my psychic abilities and my mediumship abilities that I understand now as just that but, at the time wasn’t sure what to make of them until I uncovered the scope and gained control of tapping into my soul abilities.
Dreams are integral in the higher self relationship and are worth your attention if you are looking to gain control of your psychic skills, mediumship abilities and intuition. Let’s discuss that.
Basics of dreams
Dreams are how the brain runs when we sleep. Dreams can be experienced through visualizations, smell and emotion. You can see colors, others see in black and white. Typically, it’s seen from your perspective, it’s out of your control to experience dreaming, it sometimes doesn’t make sense or has really crazy story lines. You can also wake up feeling emotionally moved by a dream, as if you actually experienced it in waking reality.
There are many different theories about why we dream, including to build memories, to work out our feelings about something, cleaning out unnecessary information in the brain, reviewing situations or there is no reason why we dream- it’s just random crap that happens in our sleep.
Of course, in the soul world, ‘no reason’ does not exist in this world, everything exists for something. And, it’s no different for dreams.
Dreams As a Tool to Your Higher Self
So, why are dreams so important to the soul world?
Perhaps the most common, unusual experience that everybody experiences are having dreams. They could also be seen as the first peak into our soul world and how we start building an awareness and relationship with our higher selves/ intuition.
Dreams are something we experience everyday. They happen when we are at, physically speaking, our most vulnerable. To have the waking self shut off to open up the unconscious mind is an act of surrender for the mind and recovery for the body. This place is the opportunity for the higher self to get some attention and be heard.
In our waking life, we are bombarded with protecting our body and warding off threats of our ego. We are in a reality we have set and are working hard to maintain that reality, even if it’s not the greatest one. And that’s where the higher self comes in. If we are living our life in reality that is not most suitable for us, our higher selves want to step in and guide us towards a happier place. Dreams are one of the tools that the higher self can use to open us up to a different reality.
If you are one that is constantly focused on the past or focused on the future, dreams are a way that the higher self can hold you still and get your attention, to give the messaging that you ignore and don’t know is being transmitted to you during your conscious, waking time.
Dreams can be thought of as the direct connection to the transmissions of your higher self. It is purely your higher self’s landscape, your higher self’s world to direct you, to inspire you, to warn you, to inform you.
How Dreams Serve the Higher Self
Like I was saying, dreams are the direct message that the higher self can serve to you without any interruption. It has your undivided attention and you are kind of a prisoner in your dreaming state. That sounds bad, but, you can’t avoid what it’s trying to say to you in the unconscious state.
Why dreams are important depends on how you work with your higher self in waking life.
If you don’t acknowledge or know of the higher self, dreams are where your higher-self or your intuition can communicate with you. Sometimes this may be the only place you allow it to have it’s say. And, if you don’t pay attention to what your higher self imparts on you during sleeping sessions, you might be subject to really getting the message in more dramatic ways, either through your dreams or during your waking life. If you don’t pay attention to what it wants, then you are not living your life to your higher purpose- this is the goal of your intuition or your higher self. It wants to get you to a different place. If you are resistant or not paying attention to your intuition, events will transpire to force you to pay attention. Most times you could see this as ‘a trying time’ or ‘a time of great difficulty’.
Alternatively, if you do work with your higher self and are in touch with and listen to your intuition, be it knowingly or unknowingly, dreams are a way to exercise expanding possibility and changing your reality. Paying attention to what your higher self wants to impart to you through your dreams and taking it’s guidance into consideration puts you indirect contact with following your higher purpose. Dreams are the easiest way it can impart that to those you may not be aware of or understand its influence in our lives.
For those that work with intuition as a relationship, you may find you can’t recall your dreams or, the opposite, your dreams seem really radical. This is because you have a healthy relationship in the conscious reality with your intuition, a give and take, a balance of listening to it, trusting in it and practicing your free will in your waking life.
How to use dreams as your tool
Dreams are critical in our soul journey in that they expose us to an alternative reality. Ironically, we feel that our waking reality, or at least our learned interpretation of it, is the true state of reality. Dreams are a way to challenge that thinking. Dreams are a way to get our attention and to inspire action in our waking reality, to be influenced by the higher self’s messaging in our dreams to create our new reality.
In the case of premonitional dreams, which may not be realized for a period of time, is there something different you experience in your premonitional dreams as opposed to a ‘higher self state of the union address’? Premonitional dreams could be the tap on the shoulder to make you simply aware of your abilities and that you can take control of this ability in your waking life.
I spoke to one gentleman who was plagued by premonitional and traumatic dreams which included a car accident where his father died in the dream but, once transpired, in reality had a close call. My message to him- what are you ignoring or not aware of in your waking life that your psychic self needs to ‘haunt’ you with these dreams during your sleep? He being a successful man in a logical field of work probably dismissed his intuition because it was not logical, there is no science and so it doesn’t fit into his logical world. It is time to start listening, surrender (maybe not completely) the logical world and open up the possibility. If it bothers you that much, it’s time to try something different.
Consider writing down your dreams and seeing how it makes sense to what is going on in your waking life. Knowing now that the higher self is trying to inspire change with that dream, what is it trying to communicate to you?
Dream Dictionaries
The last thing I want to note about dreams is interpreting dreams. You can go to a book store and find many dictionaries that tell you the meaning of the different elements of your dreams. We think of these dictionaries like a common definition. However, to denote a meaning to symbols is different for every individual. What is important to know about dreams, and this even goes for imagery you experience in the waking world, is that symbols, colors, names, mean different things to different people.
Think of dream dictionaries as a possibility of meaning and not the definite meaning. More of a suggestion. Culturally, there can be similar meanings given to objects that mean similar things people. But, it inherently can not be the same meaning- your experiences are different than someone else.
So, when it comes to dream dictionaries, don’t bother, in my opinion- unless, it is a dictionary you create for yourself. This could be very useful for developing your language with your higher self and interpreting meanings of your imagery for others.
In fact, uncovering what I have in these past few years, anything that tells you how to interpret the imagery you experience is not going to be 100% legit because it's your own personal experience that builds the meaning not a book published by some other person at another time perhaps from another country, etc.
I think there is a lot to gain from writing down your dreams and analyzing them but, I don't think there's a deep dive of meaning that dream dictionaries want you to believe.