The NextGEN Medium Vlowg


NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson

Reddit Answers: How to deal with the body after death

Going to subreddit of r/psychic someone is asking about spreading ashes of a friend who had passed. The person who passed had a tumultuous life and the friend wants to be sure to help the person heal via the ashes of the body. Interesting subject here. Let's take a look at their question: Quick Question about Spreading Ashes and the spirits/the dead . A good friend of mine died in July. She was 51 years old, an addict, was on methadone…

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NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson NextGEN Medium Vlog Sarah Nickerson

Reddit Answers: If the Universe is looking out for you, why do some people perpetually suffer?

Going to subreddit of r/spirituality asking a brief question that requires a whole lot of thought. Let's dive deep into some fundamentals and theory on why people can live a life of suffering. If the universe is looking out for you and divine timing is real, why do so many people live tragic lives their whole life?…

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