Reddit Answers: Psychic Interference and Inconsistent Abilities

Looking at the subreddit of r/psychic we've got someone experiencing a change with their psychic abilities. Is it bad or is it evolution, baby? Here's the question and post:

Psychic Interference

So I've been doing readings for a while now and to practice, I would pull out a tarot card, keep it face down and channel messages through to try and guess the card. I would say 70% of the time, I would be almost spot on and 85% of the time, messages relevant to the card would come through. Recently, I am getting very vivid psychic messages, but during the exercise, I am bot accurate at all. I've noticed that it's like I am living a separate reality from my spirit. The best way to put this is, I am awake, but my psychic abilities are out of sync with the world. I was very good at giving readings, but now my confidence has taken a dip and am currently refraining from offering readings. Please help me folks... Thanks :)

Sarah Nickerson

Psychic Medium Intuitive

Helping gain awareness and get you started on your soul journey through understanding your psychic/medium/intuitive/healing abilities, the power and choice as a creator and intentional manifester, and helping guide you towards the higher-self you are and the intuitive language a part of that relationship.

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