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Former skeptic turned believer

Taking a look at the subreddit r/Mediums for this question from u/Interesting_Tea_7022:

First Psychic Experience - Skeptic to BELIEVER!!!

First reddit post. Jumped on to share my experience. My world was rocked today. My closest buddy had visited a local "astrologer" a couple weeks back with one of his friends. He enjoyed the experience, and recommended it. I was open to trying it. Naturally skeptical and cynical about many things in life, I did a research binge before I went to visit the astrologer. I learned all about psychic reading tactics. Cold readings, hot readings, I learned who Uri Gellar and Ray Hyman were. I also have a degree in Psychology, and am very familiar with possible psychological tactics that might be employed on me. Within a half hour, this astrologer hit so many incredible points of truth regarding my life. It was beyond the Barnum-Forer effect. It wasn't general information. It was incredibly specific detail regarding my past, present, and future. I said nothing at all. Did not react. Was wearing everyday clothes, but a colorful shirt. Relatively blank facial expression. Purposefully. He was accurate about my past break-up leading to a massive life change. That he knew about my research binge the night before and that I am the type of person to do that sort of thing, even though I said nothing and reacted not at all. He had a stack of tarot cards. From the shuffled deck, he took the next three cards and lined them up. They all had warriors with swords on them. He said "This could have been your life, but not anymore". I was rejected from the Navy OCS program two weeks ago. I told my buddy days ago that I was skeptic. He shared with me his experience, and that the astrologer told him who he was in his past life. I told him the one thing that would shake my world is that if he somehow told me that I was a sailor in a past life. My last name is similar to "sailor" in Italian. My Italian bloodline had come from a past line of sailors. It's why I had the thought to join the Navy. He said it. He fucking told me that in my previous life I had drowned in water. My ship sank. And I drowned. There are more things he got correct, even though I did not give him any clues. I wrote them all down after my session. Still processing this experience, quite certainly in a form of shock. Is this normal? Thoughts? What the fuck? tl;dr - psychic scarily accurate now freaked out