Steps to Become A Psychic
Steps to Become A Psychic, or Something Like That…
Have you put 'Steps to Become A Psychic' into a search bar? If so, what you may be looking for is something a little different. Here's a breakdown of what you're searching for, the misconceptions involved in this phrase, what you should be seeking out instead and the steps to get to where you want to be with your psychic abilities.
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‘Steps to Become A Psychic’
Sounds like a phrase that you would use to find answers that you yourself are looking for.
Maybe you did use that phrase. In fact, a lot of people have.
But, is the phrase that you should be searching with to find what you are looking for?
Let’s breakdown this phrase to view the misunderstandings with this phrase, consider the different things this phrase implies, what this phrase suggests what you should be searching for instead. With these understandings I will suggest what you should be looking for and answer the questions that you may be asking to get you toward the development that you are seeking.
Breaking Down the Misconceptions In ‘Steps To Become A Psychic’
Like I said, ‘Steps to Become A Psychic’ is a popular search term on Google. That’s why I’m writing about it. And, this phrase shows a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings in our culture of what learning your soul language is really about.
Issue #1: ‘A Psychic’
The first issue we come across is the phrase ‘a psychic’. This phrase indicates that some people are psychic while others are not. My understanding of psychic abilities, along with mediumship, healing and intuitive abilities, are universal. We all share these abilities. Some may be stronger than others with these skills but, my truth is that we all have the skills at our disposal.
Issue #2: ‘Become’
The next issue is ‘become a psychic’. Again, this conveys an understanding that you are not psychic now, that you are without those abilities. The good news is that if you are looking for this phrase, it is in your realm of thinking that it is possible. This is a step in the right direction.
What psychic abilities are and what you are not paying attention to
Continuing with that last thought, there are two ways to misunderstand ‘becoming psychic’.
One is that you are not aware of what psychic abilities are. Psychic abilities are sort of lumped up with mostly clairvoyant (psychic sensing in which you use an ‘inner vision’) abilities in sensing the past and sensing the future. Another way to misunderstand this, that is quite similar, is that you don’t know what to look for or what to be aware of to see this in your own abilities.
Not being fully aware of what psychic abilities are or being able to recognize psychic abilities hinders the process of your awareness of identifying yourself as one with this ability.
One thing that comes with honing in and developing your psychic abilities is an ability to objectively discern your own way of experiencing your senses, an awareness of yourself, which, in turn, builds your understanding and awareness of your psychic abilities. You may naturally use your psychic abilities already but, because it’s so ingrained in your day-to-day existence, you may not be aware that it happens or the extent to how often it happens. The key would be to focus your awareness, when you remember to do so, on how you experience the world. This does take some practice to get out of a frame of mind that we instinctively go to- one that has you in ‘auto-pilot’ and just doing ‘all the things’. It’s a mindless, thoughtless but task-filled state of mind that is constantly completing tasks and thinking about the next thing you have to do or worrying about something that you are avoiding or coming soon.
Being in a place of mindfulness, focusing on nothing but the present - that is, what you are feeling, what you are seeing, what you are sensing- is the place where you can more carefully find your psychic abilities at work. Picking apart the different sensory experiences in a place of mindfulness will help you discern your psychic senses (how you receive your psychic messaging) from your physical senses (how you receive your bodies mechanical or chemical messaging).
Wait… you are aware of your psychic abilities? Then, this is what you are ACTUALLY seeking
Now, if you are aware that you have psychic abilities, you’ve witnessed them but are intrigued to uncover more, then you have a special opportunity. Despite this phrase not being the optimal choice for your search, it is one that shows you’ve had the awareness to discern your psychic senses from your physical senses AND that you can draw on an experience to let you in on what your stronger ‘psychic senses’ are. This means you already moving forward on your path to a greater awareness of your psychic abilities, your soul work.
Ok, so if this is you and you were searching for ‘Steps to Become A Psychic’, then you are looking for a deeper understanding of your psychic abilities. You are probably looking for a way to trust and control your abilities, how to tap into them when you want as opposed to them happening randomly. Maybe you are even looking for the professional aspect of serving people with your abilities. If that’s you, it’s a wild west and there’s no certification to buy or course to take that makes it official. That’s your call.
Issue #3: ‘Steps’ implies simple, procedural process. Don’t expect that.
Last up for this phrase that I can pick apart is the word ‘steps’. Soul work is by no means procedural. It’s not putting together IKEA furniture. Putting steps together is assuming that understanding the soul’s language is linear. It’s not impossible but, there are so many places of understanding for all individual people, I’m not sure that ‘steps’ can be achieved. There are many moving parts to understanding the soul’s language that requires experiencing to ‘know’. It’s not logic, it’s feeling that makes you understand.
What you really want to train if you are brand new to this stuff is your intuition
So, what are you looking for with this particular phrase that this phrase won’t help you find? Probably how to trust your psychic abilities, how to train your psychic abilities, how to control your psychic abilities. Ultimately, however, where you want to start if this ‘soul work’ is brand new to you is learning the language of your intuition.
The intuition is your motherland. It is your individual GPS in a world where everyone has their own. It receives messaging and tells you where to go. It is also the foundation of your ‘soul work’. Understand it’s language helps ease you into the concentrations of soul work, like your psychic ability, mediumship ability or healing ability. It works for you, it talks to you and gives you the answers that you wish other people could tell you. It’s your best friend that is a part of you but also connects you with the rest of the universe. It’s kind of amazing.
I recommend you look for ‘How to develop my intuition’, ‘how to learn my intuition’, ‘how to sense my intuition’.
Your intuition will build that foundation of learning a new language in a new world that is the most convincing of an existence beyond the one that we can see, touch, smell, taste and smell. It is a new world that allows us to sense these things without the physical world even being there.
Steps to become a psychic… er, rather, steps to train your psychic abilities, steps to train your intuition, or, more appropriately, steps to train you to learn the language of the soul
So, here are the ‘steps to become a psychic’ in a way that fulfills the step process you are looking for but will lead you down a path you may not be able to understand quite yet:
Figure out which psychic senses are most heightened for you. See my clairs page. You gotta know what you are working with.
Figure out where to focus to receive messaging using a strong psychic sense. Takes experiementation and multi-focal, global awareness.
Learn to focus without expectation. Go there without a task or plan. Meditation helps (see mediation post) but don’t go too deep.
Practice receiving messaging
Practice receiving messaging, without judging or criticizing yourself
Document your experiences. This helps you notice patterns. This helps you understand your own references and build a dictionary of references and meanings. Again, experimentation and time.
Don’t let your ego get in the way.
Decide when you’ve seen enough to know when evidence shows you the truth. Be objective, be honest, be easy on yourself and give yourself credit.
Accept your ability
Decide what you are going to do with your abilities
Once you complete all that, expect to have remissions, doubts, victories and guilt. It’s all a part of the process.
The question you should be thinking about now when it comes to your psychic development or intuitive development
Lastly, or firstly, think about that last step. Maybe, this is the question you should be seeking the answer to. Knowing now that you have psychic abilities and you just need to train yourself, what are you going to do with them? What greater purpose will they serve?
What will you do with those psychic abilities when you learn to control them?