Questions You Ask Google That Hint At Your Psychic Ability and Other Soul Abilities
A search engine can be a confidant
Questions you’ll trust Google to answer that reveal your soul abilities- psychic abilities, mediumship abilities, intuition.
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Questions you won’t ask another person
I was thinking about doing a blog post about questions, more specifically questions you ask if you think you are psychic or if you wonder if you are psychic.
Then, I realized I had a way to figure out how many people are asking the biggest answer-er of them all: Google.
There are kinds of questions that you and I have asked of Google to find out our psychicness, our intuitionness or our mediumshipness. Questions that speak to our capacity of experiencing our soul abilities. Is there a quick quiz I can take or an infograph to see that can confirm my soul abilities and exercise them?
We all turn to Google to ask questions that we wouldn't ever ask other people. We are curious people and Google does not judge. Also, Google is built to help you find what you are looking for- without bias, without misinterpretation, without a judgey look, without a tear in it's eye.
Because, Google has no eyes. Only G’s, O's, an L, and an E.
Come on, that was funny.
I took phrases that I knew some people would be searching for that would coincide, from my experience, with experiencing the use of my soul abilities. I took to the Google Keyword Planner Tool to get some numbers on how many searches are typically done to look for these specific terms on a monthly basis without any location restrictions.
I’m going to take a few examples of searches that you may have done on your own that could hint at experiencing soul abilities like psychic or intuitive stuff. I also wanted to show you how many people are searching for these same phrases so you can see that you are not alone in searching these things out.
Some of these searches may reflect the same questions you've googled
This article is a way for you to be able to identify your questions with those that others ask, too, and about the same fascinating subject that makes you wonder if you could possibly be a part of "that world". Que the Little Mermaid.
To see how many people are searching for these similar soul ability' phrases could show the commonalities we share as individuals.
There are a few areas we’ll touch upon that you may not have seen coming- that you wouldn’t expect to have pertained to experiencing your soul abilities at work.
Let’s start with the obvious one…
“Am I psychic?”
Who could you go to to ask this question?
Someone that is open to the idea of psychic ability. Someone that knows what to do if you say "I think I’m psychic.”
Do you have someone in your life like that? If so, you’re one of the lucky ones. It sounds like you have a great partner to get to know your soul abilities a little easier.
For the rest of us, people have their own needs for attention or alliances with religion that don't help our cause of uncovering our psychic, intuitive, mediumship or healing abilities. Isn't it easier to ask a nonjudgey and super informational search engine? That’s what I did.
I will say that not knowing the “soul abilities” terminology was my first hurdle in doing searches for, what I believed were, my psychic experiences. But, once you start getting going, you start going down a rabbit hole of blog after blog and video after video of all kinds of crazy information about psychics and mediums and 5D worlds and crystals and all that stuff.
Sometimes there's just too much information. Sometimes, I'm just not into all of the crazy spiritual world stuff. I want to explore and I want to be open to what’s out there in the spiritual world but some of it is hard to digest.
Testing out the skills
What ultimately helped me in my soul journey was getting in a group and trying out my skills.
But, if you aren't quite ready for that adventure and need some more convincing, here’s an opportunity to identify the searches you've done with some of the ones in this article. Do any of these questions sound familiar?
Now, please keep in mind that the tool I’ve used is the Google Keyword Tool and it doesn’t give exact numbers for monthly searches. The tool does, however, give you information in a more general sense, such as: no searches per month, 1 - 10 searches per month, 10 - 100 searches per month, 100 - 1,000 searches per month, 1,000 - 10,000 searches per month, 10,000 - 100,000 searches per month and so on.
Also note, that these results are the average worldwide searches in a month.
Here's what I found:
The term ‘Am I psychic?’ is searched 1,000 - 10,000 times monthly.
‘Am I clairvoyant?’ is searched an average of 100 - 1,000 per month
‘What is psychic power?’ is searched 100 - 1,000 times per month.
‘Signs I am psychic’ and ‘Am I a physic’ were searched 10 - 100 times per month.
‘Psychic’ is a tricky word to spell which is why we do have a spelling error as part of our research, but, people are asking for the question and we know what they mean. A search engine could possibly miss that but, I digress.
Trying to search for anything resulting in ‘what is a psychic’, ‘am I psychic’ or ‘do I have psychic powers’ shows an interest in the subject and most likely is asked due to the happening of a personal experience. I think it’s perfectly plausible to suspect that people searching these terms have interest in the subject and may want to identify an experience they have had. Is it psychic? Is it nothing? Is it what they know as psychic but maybe it’s intuitive or mediumship? That’s part of the difficulty of soul stuff- society’s understanding of terminology versus those in ‘the know’s’ clearer, more accurate terminology.
Let’s get in a little deeper now.
“Am I an empath?”
What does searching for empath stuff have to do with your psychic abilities?
Empath is a very trendy word and it’s a part of reception of your soul abilities, specifically nested under intuition.
An empath is someone who takes on the emotions and feelings of others. If someone is feeling sad you take on that emotion, even if you step in to try to make them feel better, you still take on that negative emotion as your own. As an empath, you take on what's around you. What happens around you can be taken in to become internalized.
If someone around you is sad it makes you feel sad. If someone around you is angry you take on negative emotions, like anger.
As an empathy, you are picking up on other people's energies, their high energy emotions, like joy, and their low energy emotions, like fear.
I didn't have the phrase empath growing up but, taking on energy and emotion was very overwhelming for me and still can be, which is why being around people is very draining for me. Maybe you can relate. There are other times when being around people charges me and I feel like I could light a thousand light bulbs.
For those who relate, here are the search results for searches related to ‘empath’:
‘Am I an empath?’ was searched between 1,000 and 10,000 times in a month.
100 - 1,000 searches monthly for ‘Am I an empath quiz’, ‘Am I an empath test’, ‘Am I an empath or just sensitive?’, ‘What type of empath am I’, ‘What kind of empath am I?’, ‘I am an empath now what?’, ‘Why am I so empathetic’, ‘What kind of empath am I test’, ‘Why am I an empath?’, ‘How empathetic am I?’
Ultimately, you want to be someone who knows of your psychic/ empathic abilities but also be one that can control what you absorb or have the ability to avoid absorption.
Medical signs & symptoms with a dash of medication side effects
Oh, lordy. This third point hits home hard for me in a lot of ways. But, let me start this whole thing off with this:
What you’re searching for could very well be a result of an underlying medical condition. *
But, that being said, there are things that soul abilities emulate that could be described or confused as certain medical conditions.
Sensory medical diagnosis signs & symptoms
I can imagine someone having a weird experience then Google searching medical stuff, like ‘What is a medical condition where I smell things that aren’t there?’ or ‘why do I smell flowers when there are no flowers around?’ or ‘why do I see things that aren't there?’. Again, these things could very well have underlining medical diagnosis origin but, these are things also experienced with your soul abilities:
1,000 - 10,000 monthly searches for ‘Phantom smells’.
‘Smelling things that aren’t there’ was searched 100 - 1,000 monthly, as was ‘Phantom odors’.
Anxiety & depression
Something else you may look up as would be anxiety and depression. Taking on others’ energies can really mess with your own. This is integral to soul ability work.
I had medical issues growing up that took me a long time to get straightened out but, are still ongoing to a lesser degree to this day. Anxiety, depression, intestinal issues- these were my constant worries for nearly two decades. It has taken years of medications, medical tests, medication changes, blood tests, genetics tests, diet changes to find that there was no biological or chemical reasoning for my issues. But, what I didn't suspect was the effect of my soul abilities at work, without my awareness, as being a part of this twisted, aggravating experience.
I am convinced, and this is my own theory, that anxiety and depression are symptoms of the underlying issue that people are not being actively connected to their soul and soul abilities.
For me, anxiety and depression would be searches I would Google. Let’s take a look at those terms.
10,000 - 100,000 monthly searches for ‘Signs of an anxiety attacks’ and ‘Anxiety attack symptoms’.
1,000 - 10,000 monthly searches for ‘Panic disorder symptoms’.
Psychological medical diagnosis signs & symptoms
Hearing with your higher senses is called clairaudience. If you experience this, which could be related to any soul ability (mediumship, psychic, intuition), you may search for what society has deemed as mental illness, a diagnosis such as schizophrenia. Diagnostically you could be searching for perhaps personality disorders or neurological disorders or maybe psychosis.
There were 10,000 to 100,000 searches for the following phrases and keywords: ‘Signs of schizophrenia’, ‘schizophrenia symptoms’. Lesser searched at 10 - 100 searches for ‘Hearing people’s thoughts schizophrenia’ and ‘Hearing voices not schizophrenia’.
Medications & side effects
And, now, let’s take a look at what treats some of the symptoms of medical issues: medications. So many medications, so little research and so many of us willing to pop a pill to eliminate a symptom, but not really understand what the problem may truly be.
Medication side effects were by far the most searched phrases and key words that I researched for in this article. My personal experience with anxiety and depression medication always resulted in some sort of undesirable side effect, even altering traits that I took a lot of pride in like my attention to detail or my personal drive.
It’s no wonder that people are looking at the side effects of their medications as reasons why they may be experiencing something that could be a psychic or intuitive experience, especially since side effects of medications can be pretty broad and alarming.
Taking a look at medications that treat ‘mental issues’, we build a search list based on searches for the side effects of these medications.
Here are the results medication side effects searches that resulted in 100,000 - 1,000,000 monthly searches: ‘Prednisone side effects’, ‘Gabapentin side effects’, ‘Metformin side effects’, ‘Zoloft side effects’, ‘Lisinopril side effects’, ‘Lexapro side effects’
10,000 - 100,000 searches monthly for phrases such as the following: Sertraline side effects, Tramadol side effects, Amlodipine side effects, Doxycycline side effects, Trazodone side effects, Wellbutrin side effects, Escitalopram side effects, Xanax side effects, Amitriptyline side effects, Adderall side effects, Cymbalta side effects, Venlafaxine side effects, Abilify side effects, Effexor side effects.
So, Now What?
Actually, yes, that phrase is a part of my research for search results that we should talk about.
Once the question ‘Am I psychic?’ is answered naturally you want to know what the next step is. I was surprised to see how many searches there were for this more specific kind of question, showing that there is a broad awareness in psychic abilities. Maybe not a true understanding of what psychic abilities are, however. Nevertheless, psychic abilities are being searched for and so is knowing what the steps are with more pointed searches.
Not a lot of searches compared to our other more popular results but, people are looking for these:
‘ I am psychic what do I do?’ 10 - 100
‘I have psychic abilities now what?’ 10 - 100
‘What to do with psychic abilities’ 10 - 100
I’m happy that there is an awareness of psychic abilities, that people are looking for it in themselves. I do want to be sure that we become more aware of what the soul offers with a broader, as well as more concise, understanding of soul abilities. Psychic is just a piece. Intuition, mediumship and healing are also in the mix and just as accessible, intuition the most.
If you are one of those people asking ‘What do I do now?’ then, you need to decide if you want to work, learn and commit to understanding your soul abilities. You need to grow to understand it, like riding a bike or learning how to read.
Once you’ve decided that you do want to learn and you are up for the commitment then it’s time to be quiet and listen.
In the end, you will never be out of questions so, get comfortable asking them.
But, what will change, in time, with your questions?
The intention of your questions and also who you ask. And, you won’t need a wifi for that ;)