An Inconvenient Evolution

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The Burdens of Being An Evolving Soul Worker

Sometimes the more important information doesn’t come at the most convenient time.


Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’

Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.


The imperfect growth of my soul journey

If you hadn’t noticed there’s been a shift with NextGEN Medium. And it’s the very purpose of what I want to share with the world. And it all revolves around one little word: psychic

When I started NextGEN Medium, I found it difficult to connect with definitions, to find definitions, to find consistency in definitions when it came to the uncovering and understanding of soul abilities. Who could I trust that could give me definitions, to help me clarify my experiences and to gain my understanding?

I started NextGEN Medium to share my truths, to share my understandings, to be honest and upfront with my experience. I wanted to be a trusted partner in your uncovering that could share the doubt and obstacles that we share in traversing our soul journeys. I also wanted to become that trusted partner to clarify definitions, to build consistency and to help aid others in understanding in their soul abilities based on my own experiences.

I stand solid with my intentions of imparting my doubt, my frustrations and my evolution. I’ve built NGM with the intention of a naked reflection of my experience.


Misunderstanding ‘psychic’

I’ve come across a very basic understanding that I thought I understood. Now I see this understanding as a glaring misunderstanding.

In the excitement of sharing my journey, my understanding of a key word become challenged.

The word psychic.

‘Psychic’ in my new journey was all the phenomena that was unexplained: empath, precognition, intuition, automatic writing. It was a word that encompassed everything that was considered a soul ability.

To me, they all used the same psychic senses for me- clairvoyance, clairempathy, claircognizance.

To be clear in my experience, however, I could sense the difference between mediumship and psychic. There was a clear distinction between these two soul abilities that I understand. But, in my newly evolved unfoldment, there was no distinction between ‘intuition’ and ‘psychic’ experiences.

Talking with the medical intuitive, Elizabeth Thorson, she pointed out a difference of intuition and psychic that I slowly simmered on for months. She explained that psychic and intuition were separate entities.

That means that not all soul abilities reside under the umbrella of psychic.


Testing the theory


As I sat with this new piece of information, I wanted to see the distinction for myself.

I could clearly sense the difference between mediumship and everything else. It was information from a source that I could see in my minds eye and that had proved time after time that it was an external source of information. It had multiple evidential pieces that allowed me to separate this soul ability from others. It did, however, use my soul senses just like my psychic/intuitive abilities- clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairempathy, etc.

Then, there came a time to focus my attention on intuition versus psychic abilities. I noticed how I received information seemed to be from the same place, using the same higher senses, seeing imagery similarly.

As I continued to find the distinctions, I grew to discover their differences, which became distinguished based on where the information came to me within my perceived physical place as well as the clarity of messaging. Psychic information came from the same senses but I would seem to focus my attention at a particular place to the left and front of my body. It’s messaging also seemed to be more interpretive and symbolic. Intuitive information came from my core, inside my chest, even with a feeling in my chest, and information came much more literally and less symbolic.


Challenging my ego

With this slow and honest discovery, I had to face an egoic challenge.

I was giving people wrong information.

I was ignorant to it, unfortunately, but was true to my intentions and cause.

Psychic is not an umbrella term for all of the soul abilities. It is only one of the soul abilities.

I was told I misunderstood, I considered the information, I tested the information and now I see the distinction. And now, my understanding has evolved.

Psychic to me now, is a more limited skillset, including precognition or postcognition.

I now see intuition as the closer, more intimate skill that works more directly with the higher self and more directly with the higher self of others. Using my intuition is checking in to home base. Intuition is probably the least glamourous skill but, I see how it builds the foundation for your other soul skills.

It is your soul abilities starter kit.

We’ll be diving much more into intuition, exercising intuition and building that in the future.

This new emergence of understanding had me confront that what I was telling the world was wrong.

I dislike the insecurities I feel when I am wrong.

I dislike postulating what people think of me when I am wrong.

I dislike thinking that people’s understanding of this world grew with misconceptions that I put out there.

So, I’m setting it straight.

The shame, guilt and embarrassment is natural for me to feel when my ego is being challenged. I did not intend to misinform so I shouldn’t hold that against myself. But, I do feel responsible that unaware, ignorant misinformation was put out there.

But, I’m new. Just like you.

You are reading this trying to understand this world for yourself. So am I.

Part of me needed to put this out there to get this off of my chest.

But, another part of me wants to share the humility of seeking out understanding of this world.


Just being honest and imperfect

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Frankly, there is no one guidebook that everybody can turn to to understand the soul world, getting to know your intuition or becoming familiar with your psychic, mediumship or healing concentrations. There aren’t even consistent definitions are some very basic things to do with your soul work. Look at me- I have to roll off psychic medium intuitive every time I need to describe what skills I’m talking about. I’ve shortened it to soul abilities, which also encompasses healing, which I haven’t really dove into quite yet.

I set out to bring honesty in my journey so you can resonate with one vulnerable person who wants to pull back the curtain so you can see just what exactly is going on with soul stuff, so you can identify with it, so you can say ‘I’m a part of that’, so you can connect to one person who’s not too far off from you in your journey.

This is an opportunity for you to see the true-to-life evolution of understanding. What was once my truth has evolved. New information was put in my periphery and now a new truth has come to be. That is the goal of being a human, gaining more experiences to have a closer understanding to truth.


One final note

There are a lot of people out there questioning their understanding right now. They have to choose to surrender the war of their ego/identity or continue the protection of the ego/identity.

Choosing between fallibility versus an ideal.

Being human versus denial of humanity.

Surrendering the identity is allowing change and growth with little egoic pain and lesser energetic influence. Protecting the identity is allowing for fear, anger, despair, digging deeper into low energy emotions until you’re beyond the bottom of emotion and not even human anymore, a de-evolution. Continually protecting the identity causes a build up of egoic pain that becomes a unscaleable mountain and perpetuates a heavy, low energy emotional tailspin that is almost impossible to break out of.

Continue to bring kindness and compassion to the forefront, as much as you can.

You need to bring this right now and people need to feel it right now.


Check out NextGEN eCourses and 1-on-1 Programs.

Sarah Nickerson

Psychic Medium Intuitive

Helping gain awareness and get you started on your soul journey through understanding your psychic/medium/intuitive/healing abilities, the power and choice as a creator and intentional manifester, and helping guide you towards the higher-self you are and the intuitive language a part of that relationship.

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