A Spiritual Journey Chosen And The Importance of Seeking Out Others
One thing I’ve learned throughout my own spiritual journey is how drawn we become to others who have experienced something similar. You feel it, you sense it. Through my journey, I have found people who have a similar purpose in wanting to share their transformation and offer their tools to build a community. I have asked Kristin Bobb, a certified coach, spiritual mentor, healer, and intuitive channeler, to bring something to you as you continue to understand your spiritual path and define more of your own personal truth.
I always ask guest writers to write about whatever they want with the stipulation that it is inspired thought and action that fuels what they decide to write about. This is how we serve. So consider that the reason why you are reading this particular blog entry could be a synchronistic moment for your development now and into the future.
Thank you, Kristin, for your contribution and to you, the reader, take in the thoughtful words Kristin is opening up to you and reflect on it’s truth for you. More information about Kristin, her offerings and work are available at the end of the post. Enjoy!
~ Sarah
I never thought I would ever be a spiritual person. For the longest time, spirituality was the same thing as religion to me. And that was something I didn’t want very much to do with at all.
I knew from a young age some of the religious rhetoric just wasn’t the whole truth. I had no idea how I knew it, but I could feel it in my body. I didn’t share my thoughts or even articulate them to myself really. Then at age 20 my father died and I really disconnected from any idea of a benevolent god presence. I did try to find a ‘church home’ when my kids were very young. I did that in order to at least expose them to traditional views of God and allow them to choose for themselves, but to no avail. Every church we visited felt off to me. Many felt like desperate cult members trying to claim me as one of their own. Some of them were over the top yelling and healing in tongues and just way too much for me to feel safe. They just weren’t a good fit and I also had some real concerns with most of the foundational teachings and the fact was that most of it just didn’t ring true for me.
On the other hand, all of that woo woo spiritual stuff was pretty interesting, from a distance. I believed there were some people who had some pretty special gifts, but that they were few and far between with the rest being complete charlatans out to make a quick buck off of poor souls looking for comfort and guidance. I certainly had no special gifts and would never want to be one of ‘them’. They were just too weird for me. I was just a normal girl.
Ha. How things can change.
If you had told me back then, who I would be today I would have laughed in your face. Then I probably would have done everything I could to avoid ever ending up as that type of person. That would have been such a shame, as from that perspective I would’ve only seen the judgments in the way of my own truth instead of the magic wrapped up inside. I would have missed out on all of this magic I’ve experienced in discovering my own gifts. I would’ve missed out on the spiritual connection I have cultivated within myself, as well as the beautiful connections I now have with like-minded individuals in my local and online communities. I would’ve missed out on the deep healing I’ve experienced in myself and all of my relationships, especially with my children and with my husband. I would’ve basically missed experiencing Heaven, right here on Earth all because I wanted to be ‘normal’ and fit in. I didn’t want to be associated with or considered a weirdo, no matter what I might be missing out on.
I would’ve basically missed experiencing Heaven, right here on Earth all because I wanted to be ‘normal’ and fit in.
Luckily, no one saw it coming to warn me, not even me. I now truly believe we cannot miss the things that are meant for us and the divine twisting path that led me here is proof of that. Unique situations led me step by step and if you’ve been led you’ll understand. You really can’t make this shit up! I was a full on skeptic as far as energy healing, psychic senses, and miracles were concerned. I believed and knew we were all connected by some sort of energy or spirit that was God/Universe/Source, but I had no facts or experience to back that up. I just knew.
The full story of my awakening will have to wait for another day, but I will say I started out on a mission to heal myself in a natural way and studied science every step of the way. I found scientific studies backing up a lot of things that I had previously thought were woo woo or magical. As I healed myself my extra sensory gifts became more and more apparent. And as I practiced using my ‘intuition’ - again in a scientifically backed way through muscle testing - I opened myself up to a whole new world. As I healed my energy I became more sensitive and more aware of subtle information that had been hidden from me previously. I eventually had a true spiritual experience. When you’ve had one of these experiences you truly cannot deny it. You feel the connection and ‘oneness’ in every cell of your being. Even still, it took some time and proof for my mind to fully get on board and trust what I now knew and felt to be true. When you are ready to connect to your true self and source energy, it will always respond and lead you through your own unique process to knowing the truth for yourself. All you have to do is ask and then trust what you see and sense. Source is always ready and waiting to connect with us, but we have to choose it.
During this ‘awakening’ process - which is just awakening to new levels of consciousness and self awareness and understanding - I felt really lonely. Anyone who has walked a similar path will confirm that it is not easy to separate yourself from all that you’ve known to be true. All of the people that you’ve always interacted with, all of the ways that you’ve lived your life with all of the beliefs you’ve always held. To take full self-responsibility for all that you’ve created in your life to this point. To open up to a new truth and whole new way of being that completely destroys the comfort and safety you’ve fought for and found within your current reality… it is one of the most courageous acts. It is not easy. But, as more and more people have gone before us, it is becoming easier and easier.
To open up to a new truth and whole new way of being that completely destroys the comfort and safety you’ve fought for and found within your current reality… it is one of the most courageous acts.
The hardest part for us is standing out from the crowd in our uniqueness. Risking being judged, ridiculed, cast out from the herd. Sadly, that has been a reality for many people for centuries. Which is why we feel the inherent need to avoid a ‘woo woo’ path or spirituality all together. Casting our own judgments of others being weirdos keeps us safe from opening up to that path for ourselves. We have subconscious generational trauma and energy from being cast out from society, prosecuted and even killed for standing in our own truths, using our gifts freely and especially for using our innate power to create and affect our reality. That kind of trauma still feels very real in our bodies even today. So we conform and make ourselves small to fit in and gain acceptance. This is normal human behavior as we are tribal by nature and meant to be in community.
The more you decide to look for and notice it, the more you will see it.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but it’s a WHOLE NEW WORLD out there today! Of course there are still people who will judge you. But, haven’t you noticed how they judge everything? You really can’t win the game of trying to be pleasing to others. You will never please them all.
And have you noticed how many beautiful souls are out there, fully shining the brilliance of their own uniqueness, right now? It’s amazing really. The more you decide to look for and notice it, the more you will see it. The more you turn away from the judgy ones and forgive them for where they are and refocus on what’s best for you and most important to you, the more they disappear from your reality. That’s how the brain works, via the reticular activating system. It’s actual science.
But there is a loneliness we experience as our closest relationships shift and change and in some cases fall away completely. We aren’t used to being with ourselves and usually find that we actively avoid it by filling in the space in our schedules with other things: busy work, other people’s problems, distractions, noise… these are preferable to sitting with ourselves in silence. Preferable to observing our mind, observing the sensations in our bodies, to try and get to a place where we can begin to know who we really are, not who everyone else thinks we are, and not who our minds think we are. Who we really are at the core of our being. This process takes time alone with intention and dedication. As we move through this stage of awakening and begin to feel our true selves and connect to our needs and desires, we begin to consciously choose the things we want to experience in our lives. This is when community becomes so important.
Like-minded authentic humans to connect and share with is a medicine like no other. Humans are tribal by nature and we need to be accepted by others and connected to others to feel safe and supported. Finding conscious friends is such a delight because we can be all of ourselves without hiding and holding back, and know that we are loved and accepted unconditionally. That we are all one. And that anything we need to learn or overcome will be clearly mirrored to us in our close relationships with others. Community allows us to grow in new ways and stretch in new directions to explore ourselves in increasing expansion and collaboration.
Like-minded authentic humans to connect and share with is a medicine like no other.
In community we find our powerful gifts reflected to us by others. They see the beauty within us that we haven’t yet fully claimed as our own. We connect our energy with others through open vulnerability and true intimacy allowing ourselves to feel truly seen, safe and supported. We are able to effortlessly upgrade our own energy fields and subconscious minds with wisdom, knowledge and energetic activations that will serve us and the collective far beyond what we can imagine, just by being connected.
People right now are starving for real connection. Many are in the ‘spiritual closet’, so to speak, and feeling the pull of their hearts and souls to do something different, to go against the grain, to stand out and live their own way. More than you’d think, they are wanting this but hiding in the shadows. Not feeling safe, not knowing who to turn to, or who would accept them as their true selves. People are waiting for others to show them that it’s safe first. And there is nothing wrong with that. I did that, too, until it felt like the right amount of healing my own wounds and the right timing for me to stop hiding and stop playing small. And it FEELS SO GOOD to be fully expressed!
In community we find our powerful gifts reflected to us by others.
If you are resonating with this, I have a couple of suggestions for you:
Set strong intentions that you are worthy of authentic, supportive and loving connections with others.
Deal with any stories, thoughts and beliefs that come up in opposition to this claim. Deal with them by feeling into the charge in your body (discomfort, pain, tension) and releasing the physical sensation first. Tell the new story of how you want it to be and how you want to feel.
Trust your discernment and follow your intuitive nudges. Sometimes you feel like sharing a weird thought on a taboo topic with someone you barely know or someone your mind says will judge you and disagree, but if you have the inspired thought to share something - LISTEN! Trust yourself and the energy that attracted you to this person in the first place.
Like attracts like always. When you meet someone who feels like family or someone you just immediately like and feel connected with, invite them to be friends. Learn to get out of your own way by getting out of your comfort zone. The worst they can say is no, and if you don’t even ask it’s already a no, so…. What have you got to lose?
Keep an eye out for community events, groups and individuals that give you that excited connected feeling in your heart and soul, and act on it! You can trust that the next right step will always be presented to you, over and over so you can’t miss it, but you do have to take the action to make progress.
If you find you are stuck in any of these steps and unable to see your way through why it isn’t working for you or feels unavailable to you, please reach out to any bright community spiritual worker you are drawn to… me or Sarah or anyone else you are drawn to… and ask for help. We have been where you are and we want to help. It’s in our hearts and the mission of our souls to light the way for others to find their true selves, true power, true purpose in this life. Allow and receive the support, my friends!
Please join my free Facebook group Intentional Energy to check out the free resources already available to you there and to receive any new resources, lessons, support, new offers to connect, etc. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally to ask any questions.
All of my offerings are on my website www.intentionalenergy.us under the shop tab. Learn to lead yourself with ease and grace and pleasure through working with me 1:1, joining my group coaching program - The Power of You, or attending any of our local or destination community events (Intentional Energy is currently accepting applications for our next group connection retreat in Sedona Arizona! Details on the website!) My energetic frequency healing art and merch is also available on the site!
If you’re in the Bangor ME area, we have small groups for connection and sound healings every Friday night at 6pm. A beautiful way to start dipping a toe into a new way to experience your life. Angel Connection in the mall has community classes and events that you can tap into as well. It’s important to sign up in advance for these events, so send us a message.
More and more local people are sharing their gifts and connections with a new way of living. I have found all to be open hearted and welcoming to new people with love and understanding. Join us and let’s create new authentic community connections. Healing can be messy and confusing and it can be a whole lot easier with friends who’ve been there.
With so much love,
About the Guest Author
Kristin Bobb, certified coach, spiritual mentor, healer, intuitive channeler
Kristin Bobb is a certified coach, spiritual mentor, powerful healer, and intuitive channeler who helps people access their unique gifts, realize their unlimited potential, and use their internal power to create their desired outcomes in life. She teaches others how to master their emotions and alchemize energy through reconnecting them to their inherent gifts. She is a divine channel for messages and creativity, a visionary for the new earth, and an activator of inner truth and knowing in others. Kristin offers intuitive coaching sessions, energy & sound healing sessions, and general therapeutic and practical advice based on her wisdom, training and connection to source. She also teaches valuable online courses and organizes and leads intimate connection retreats for small groups.