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Know the Soul Abilities: Energy Medicine

Start Uncovering Now with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Ability Discovery Online Workshop!’

Get started on your soul abilities (psychic, mediumship, intuitive, healing) discovery and ownership with the NextGEN Medium ‘Soul Abilities Discovery Workshop’. This four-course instructional workshop has been designed to expose, enhance, troubleshoot and align you with your innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Begin now with the first course ‘Discover the Soul Ability Mode (Psychic, Medium, Intuition, Healing) That Is A Best Fit for You, which includes a soul ability assessment to get you started in witnessing your soul abilities at work right now.

What are Soul Abilities?

There are many different ways to use soul abilities that translates to psychic skills, intuitive skills, healing abilities or mediumship abilities. It is not how you sense but what you experience that makes a soul ability. Everyone has access to their soul abilities. Some people may be able to access more abilities than others. Some people will be able to have high skills in multiple abilities or modes. Which of these abilities is your strongest right now, how many can you tap into right now- these are questions that you need to investigate, have curiosity about and experiment with on your own.

For now, just being aware of the different soul abilities could open up definitions and clarity for the developing psychic, intuitive, healer or medium.

Here is your chance to get to know an ability and, upon reflection, see if you have experienced something that fits within this experience’s boundaries.

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine Definition and Other Terms

Here’s an official definition from the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, using International Journal of Yoga: “any energetic or informational interaction with a biological system to bring back homeostasis in the organism.”

Otherwise known as: energy therapy, energy healing, vibrational medicine, psychic healing, spiritual medicine or spiritual healing.

Energy Medicine Basics

Energy medicine is a practice with a goal of rebalancing energy in the body, the biofield.

Energy medicine is based on the energy field in and around your body. Theories in energy medicine describe different ways that energy flows through the body. A disruption in the flow manifests itself in physical, mental and spiritual imbalances and effects, what we consider ailments. Energy medicine itself is used to discover and resolve these disruptions through intuitive and psychic means as well as channeling energy to make subtle changes to an energy field to create homeostasis in a field that is not functioning properly.

Energy Medicine is a way of healing ailments in a patient using energy shifts by a practitioner which can cause healing.

NextGEN Medium

What Makes Energy Medicine Difficult to Prove

The process of energy medicine uses subtle energy influences. This kind of energy medicine is described as putative and is what a majority of energy medicine schools of thought are based on. We are talking so subtle that modern instrumentation can not detect it and can not measure it. This inability to detect the subtle energy shifts makes for a hefty case for skeptics, on both sides of the Energy Medicine’s validity debate. On one hand it can not be measured so you can not submit it for scientific theory. On the other hand, you can determine that modern science could prove it some day but needs more instrumental advances in detecting such subtle differences- at some point, but not today.

The Multitudes of Practices in Energy Medicine

First of all, Energy Medicine is lumped into our modern medicine’s branch of ‘alternative medicine’. But, there are many schools of thought when it comes to explaining, understanding and putting into practice Energy Medicine that this subject could take years to really get a basic understanding of the field as a whole.

Different ways to practice: hands on, hands off and distant or absent (remote).

Here are just a few of the fields, theories and school of thought associated with Energy Medicine. These span the globe and ages, some thousands of years old:

  • Biofield energy healing

  • Spiritual healing or psychic healing

  • Contact healing

  • Distant healing

  • Qi Do

  • Therapeutic touch

  • Reiki

  • Qigong

  • Spiritual healing and psychic healing

  • Healing touch

  • Hands of light

  • Esoteric healing

  • Magnetic healing (not magnet healing)

  • Crystal healing

  • Intercessory prayer

  • Qi (chi)

  • Prana

  • Innate Intelligence

  • Mana

  • Pneuma

  • Vital fluid

  • Odic force

  • Orgone Chiropractic

  • Polarity therapy

Veritable vs. Putative

Veritable energy medicine are fields of energy medicine that can be quantified and measured by science.

Veritable energy includes:

  • magnet therapy

  • colorpuncture

  • light therapy

Then, we have putative energy medicine. Putative energy medicine can not be quantified and includes a wide swath of energy medicine practices, including:

  • Spiritual healing and psychic healing

  • Therapeutic touch

  • Healing touch

  • Hands of light

  • Esoteric healing

  • Magnetic healing (not magnet healing)

  • Qigong healing

  • Reiki

  • Crystal healing

  • Distant healing

  • Intercessory prayer

  • Qi (chi)

  • Prana

  • Innate Intelligence

  • Mana

  • Pneuma

  • Vital fluid

  • Odic force

  • Orgone Chiropractic

  • Polarity therapy

Quantum Mechanics and Energy Medicine

Quantum mechanics seems to be a supporting theory for energy medicine, a way to combine psychics theory with energy medicine theory. It involves a healer being able to channel bioelectromagnetic elements to align energy in their patient. String theory, apart of quantum mechanics theory, is thought to be a part of this process, as are electromagnetic frequencies and additional theory of the small particles of electrons acting as antioxidants in the energy medicine application and process.

Energy Medicine’s Place in Modern Medicine

Energy medicine is becoming more common place or mainstream as seen on Northwestern Medicine’s website as a service they provide: Energy Medicine Services.

Ways to Develop Your Baseline for Energy Medicine Skills


Meditation is important to find ‘your baseline’, where you connect to your own physical, mental and spiritual self in order to compare experienced external energy/messages to. Practicing meditation allows for you to explore the psychic world and get to know yourself. This is your journey and this is how you lead your way.

For more information on meditation, check out my blog post 'Meditation Basics for Developing Psychic Abilities and Other Soul Abilities' and try out these videos so you can sit back and find your baseline.

Know Your Clairs

If you are not familiar with the clairs then you may not be able to identify how you receive with you psychic senses/soul senses. It is important to get to know them so you can get a clearer understanding of your own psychic/intuitive/mediumship/etc. abilities and the tools that you naturally use to receive energy and messaging.

Get to know the different kinds of clair by checking my previous blog post ‘Time to Meet the Clairs’.

Exercise Tips

There are some tips I have for you when you are getting your psychic/intuitive/mediumship exercise on that will help you tremendously. In my previous blog post ‘Psychic Development Exercises: Developing the Soul Senses & Soul Abilities’, I had a section of tips that I infographed and you can see in brevity to the side here.

Here are your tips when practicing mediumship:

  • Keep an open mind

  • Meditate

  • Observe

  • Document

I had already mentioned meditation above, but I would also add a few more to include:

  • Keep an open mind - don’t dismiss or let logic take control

  • Observe - don’t judge what comes in, just receive

  • Document - keep a journal of your experiences and try to include details

Additionally, I would add that, with time, observing how your ego enters your receptive process will help you get messaging better and reduce the strain of picking up on things. My previous blog post ‘Identifying Ego In Your Psychic Messaging’ can help you out with that once you have your bearings.

Web Resources For More On Energy Medicine

Social Media Resources For Energy Medicine Development

Facebook Groups

Magnet therapy

Acupuncture & Magnetic Theory

Council of Biofield Scientists

Biofield Tuning Students/Practitioners Group

Friends of Deeper Tuning - Biofield

Energy and Emotional Healing

QI-DO Wellness

Reiki Healing

Reiki Learning and Teaching

Qigong Everyday

Qigong is a Way of Being... The Group

Peace of Prana

Reddit Communities

Alternative Medicine






Video Resources for Energy Medicine Development

Websites & Organizations Dedicated to Energy Medicine Development

International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

The Society for Acupuncture Research

More Articles to Take A Look At Regarding Energy Medicine

Global Wellness Summit. com: 2020 Global Wellness Trends - Energy Medicine Gets Serious Science of Energy Healing, Q&A with acupuncture practitioner Jill Blakeway


Wikipedia: Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine University. Org

Psychology Today: Energy Healing

Not sure what your soul abilities are?

Check out NextGEN eCourses and 1-on-1 Programs.