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Why You Being An Empath Is Hard For Other People

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Growing appreciation for ‘empath’

There was a time when I was pretty pissy about the word ‘Empath’.

I have since come to term with the term in more recent days.

Originally, I disliked how people would use the word empath willy-nilly but could be unwilling to reach further into the understanding that empath experiences are a result of soul abilities- you know, be aware of this bigger, wider soul world that I want everybody to know that they themselves are a part of. The world that seems unreachable but obviously you experience, especially if you adopt the term ‘empath’ to describe yourself.

Additionally, I also worry that people accept themselves as an empath but see it as an excuse. You have power of this soul sense, you are not a victim of it and you are responsible for its influence on you.

And, lastly, that empath, again, is a term that signifies a person. Very similar to the psychic situation, where ‘an empath’ suggests some people have it and others don’t. It’s a tool not a person and it has degrees of strength in all of us. No one is excluded from this tool.

Okay, I said my peace.

Now, I’ve come to see how it’s a positive term, even if it was (maybe still is) a trendy term. It being trendy gets under my skin, too. Yuck.

I see that people willing to embrace the term empath gives me hope that people can see themselves in a world that is beyond the normal physical senses. If people are willing to accept that emotions of others influences your emotions, then we are step closer to see that there is more than just the 5 traditional senses, which can lead to a larger awareness of the higher-consciousness, soul abilities and other stuff like that. Mainly, that the possibilities become greater and that minds are more open to possibility.

What’s this all about, again?

So, let’s remind ourselves of clairempath abilities.

This is a soul/psychic/meta sense that allows you to feel the emotions of others. This term also includes feeling physical pain of others as well.

I can see how this ability would fit in with mediumship and intuition concentrations, not so much psychic work, however.

This term confused me in the past because of another soul sense, clairsentience has pretty much the same definition- sensing emotions. There does seem to be a distinction with the physical pain aspect, in that clairempath does include this in it’s definition but clairsentience does not. If anybody has a reason as to why there’s two different terms for nearly the same thing, please email me. Another example of the inconsistencies we all face with trying to understand the soul world.

I’m going to be sticking with the clairempath side of things, however, because there also does seem to be a deeper sense that this is felt when I see people describing this soul ability.

For this post, we’re going to focus on just the emotional side of things, by the way. We’re leaving the physical clairempathy out of this one.

The unknowing empath

The trouble with the empath ability is it can happen without noticing, an unconscious happening, an unintended transaction.

Some people may not even realize that they take on the emotions of others. They might feel so used to it that they can’t even distinguish that their emotional state is a result of the influence of another person’s emotional state.

I can imagine, and have experienced myself, the feeling of being emotionally out-of-control.

Why am I crying? Why am I so angry all of a sudden? I’m exhausted by my emotions!

So, we have this instance of the logical and emotional chaos one can have with clairempathy without being aware of this ability that you possess.

Living in a world with an empath

For people around those with highly sensitive clairempath abilities, it can be even more tumultuous.

Those with uncontrolled clairempath abilities can seem dramatic, unstable, annoying, attention-seeking, crazy.

One diagnosis comes to mind when taking on the chaos and mood instability that I would connect uncontrolled clairempathy to, and that would be bipolar disorder. I’m not saying that if you have clairempath abilities that you have bipolar or if you are bipolar then you are probably clairempath but, in a holistic sense there could very well be a connection.

You can imagine it would be hard for someone to be able to be sympathetic when they don’t understand what is happening to the highly-sensitive, and unrecognized clairempathetic.

Showing an emotional reflection

Another way that clairempathy can be a burden to those around you can be what is mirrored back to the sender, the person sending the emotions.

Now this is isn’t so much a problem when it comes to higher energetic emotions, like joy or gratitude, but, does become a problem when low energy emotions, such as anger or insecurity, are what is being emitted and received.

People send off low-energy negative emotions for different reasons. In the case of manipulation, this is where the highly sensitive clairempathetic can suffer consequences of reflecting negative emotions back to the sender.

Growing up empathic

My childhood wasn’t terrible but, it had it’s troubles.

I honestly don’t have traumatic feelings from my childhood but, there were behaviors I learned in order to ‘get through’ the difficulties of my environment.

I made it through, angry and simmering, until I moved out after graduating high school. Then, I had to learn how to adapt to a new world of quiet and stable atmosphere, and emotional stability that was hard to come by growing up.

One memory I have from a few years ago was my mother bringing up that I was a ‘difficult child’. I really wasn’t but, FOR HER, I was difficult. As I reflect on this unfortunate set of words given to me, I recognize what was difficult for her. She herself has a highly emotional person. Now that I’ve grown to recognize clairempathy abilities in my everyday life, I can imagine that that was active in my childhood into my adulthood, as well. Primitively at first, most likely, but would become more diverse and spectral with age, I would guess.

Being a clairempath I would take on her emotions, right in front of her, without recognizing it, which she didn’t like. When she was angry, intimidating and confrontational, I wasn’t supposed to be angry, intimidating and confrontational, too. That would just get her more fired up. She didn’t want to see a reflection of herself, she wanted to see that the impact of her feelings would result in control over me.

With time, I would just avoid her because it was emotionally exhausting being around her. Plus, everybody else would have to deal with her highly charged emotions for the rest of the day or longer.

Traversing the work world with clairempathitic abilities

With that example, there is another way that I’ve experienced having clairempathetic abilities that can be difficult for people around me.

And it specifically has to do with a boss I had.

I remember going into a one-on-one meeting with him where we was barrading me with reasons why I was a terrible employee. Another way to say that a little less bitter would be, he was giving me a list of ways to improve being an employee in a way that was pretty pointed and not very sensitive.

I took it in, kind of stunned, even feeling numb in my body, not even aware of what emotion I was showing but, being sure to keeping things composed and to continue listening. Maybe he was fishing for a reaction with this completely inappropriate meeting because eventually, exasperated, he looked at me and said, ‘I’m telling you these things and you’re emotionless! I don’t get it!’

What he didn’t realize is that my seeming indifference was a reflection of his indifference. He hated that. He hated what was being mirrored back to him. He wanted me to react, to show I cared about the terrible things he was saying to me.

Burden of the unknowing empath

And this is the hard truth the highly sensitive clairempathic people have to deal with. You take on the negative energies of what other people send out. There are times when you reflect it back, which isn’t going to help the situation. There are other times you take it with you and spew it all over the people you love. That sucks.

But, having the awareness that this is what can happen and being open enough to see this as yourself, is a step in the right direction.

Your responsibility as an aware empath

Here’s where you take control and take responsibility.

What is happening is your receiving bubble, the energy you put out that is also a spider web that picks things up is given no limit. You need to suck it in. Think of your energy just like your personal bubble you grew up with. That energy needs to be pulled in when you notice that emotion is building. Do that by closing your eyes, picturing your energy beyond your ‘personal bubble’ then imagine it, by your own intention, shrinking back. Bring that bubble back so it is just barely around your own body. You could even bring it back to be within your body only. That’s your call.

It’s that easy. Dumb simple, how they say. It’s not complicated and now………

You are now responsible for your clairempathic abilities. You know how it works and you know how to control it. Now you need to learn when it’s happening and exercise your control.

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