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Synchronicity Examples For Those Curious About Synchronicities

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What are synchronicities?

Synchronicities use numbers, objects and other things to grab your attention in improbable ways.

Synchronicities can happen multiple times over time.

Synchronicities have meaning and trigger an emotional response, usually surprise.

Here’s a more in-depth look at a definition of synchronicity from a previous blog post, that also gives you steps to learn about your synchronicities.

Think of it as a nice, gentle way that Spirit is trying to get your attention, as opposed to a shocking way which could be a car accident. That’s one of my stories.

Synchronicity examples

My big fat synchronicity example for the world to compare their syncronicities to

I had my spiritual awakening a few years ago, where I spoke to the ethers to announce to my dead biological father that every time I become aware of a cardinal, I will know it’s him visiting to give me assurance in my new understanding of what my role is on this earth.

Why him? He passed a few years ago and I never really got to have a relationship with him. Despite how little our presence was for each other, he actually impacted my life greatly by gifting me a book on divination when I was 12 or 13. From there I got into dream interpretation and tarot and all kinds of other new age-y stuff. Now, after years of leaving that stuff behind as adolescent curiosities, I have uncovered my own psychic medium abilities in which I am able to communicate with people who have passed on and am now aware of telepathic and psychic visions, smells and knowings that may not have been uncovered if my awareness had not been tapped at an early age, from the readings provided by my biological father.

That is why he is helping me on my journey now. His biggest presence in my life was to take place after his physical passing.

Since announcing to the universe that a cardinal represents my biological father, there have been multiple examples of cardinals crossing my path, at work, when I travel, at home, while being the expert, while being a student and when completely in the dark with what my next move will be. There is a cardinal that visits me at work. I’ve heard cardinals in my neighborhood. I had an instance when I traveled to go to a workshop to expand my mediumship abilities with world renowned mediums (and that I was convinced I wasn’t advanced enough to attend), sat on a bench outside of my hotel to find a pair of bright cardinals sitting next to each other.

I hear them and I know it’s him. I see them I know it’s him. I see them on people’s flags hanging above their front steps, painted on their mailboxes and, more recently, on a beautiful Christmas card sent over the holidays.

It is a sign to me that he is around, that he is assuring me of my progress.

I see him less nowadays because when I did need him, when I needed those signs, I was uncertain about my abilities and whether this path was mine to tread. With each step synchronicities assured me of, was another step that I would invest the energy of my next step in in trying to go down the path that seemed too much of a dream to be real. I kept getting signs to continue. So I have.

Now, I write blogs, record a podcast, film and edit videos all about what I’ve come across and what I know as my truth as a psychic medium in order to help others become aware of their own innate abilities.

Now, this is still a topic that the internet does not seem to be too caught up on so, let’s change that.

My examples of synchronicity to get you started

Here are synchronicities I've had recently to compare yours to. I actually keep a list of recent syncronicities in my Google Keep list, specifically as it's own list just so if something happens while I've got my laptop out I can quickly jot it down.

Here's what's on the list currently:


Here's a great example of synchronicity. I've expressed that I'm not a huge fan of table tipping (I will still go and see it, however. I will still give it a chance) and was chatting about it in a recent podcast for NextGEN Medium. When I visited my Facebook later on in the day, I came across a 'Table Tipping Workshop' from a Spiritualist Church in the area (that I love, btw). They don't post a lot of things so it was a wild coincidence that it was on my mind and then appeared in my FB feed that day (it even shows in the screen shot that it was posted 20 minutes prior). In that moment, it called to me as a sign from Spirit that I was on the right path. Not sure the synchronicity was calling attention to the topic but, I do assign it an assurance of speaking my truth and Spirit is letting me know I am going the "right direction".


It was at this time that I was trying to come up with a name for NextGEN Medium and actually had a different name picked out with business cards printed and everything. Once I was selecting the domain, however, I decided to go with a different name. I hate naming things. I used to be in a band and naming it took forever, naming the songs was an act of God. My sons full name didn't get decided until I was in the hospital and suited up and having contractions. It's just such an important thing that means so much. I'm still not convinced of my son's name, btw.

So, when I pondered what to name this venture I picked something that I was still on the fence about. Even if I had picked the perfect name I would still have had a hard time committing to it because I'm waiting for that moment of absolution from myself that comes for other things, but not names, apparently. So, I decided on NextGEN Medium, still felt iffy, but went with it. The next morning, I was talking to my coworker who brought up an old system he used to work with. Can you guess what it was called? 'NextGEN'- not 'NextGEN Medium' but jut 'NextGEN'. That was confirmation for me, and a heavy burden lifted, that NextGEN was going to be the name. And, then, I could move on to worry about other things.


I think this explanation is pretty clear in that I was listening to Aaron Doughty, a guy who wants to “expand your consciousness” on YouTube, talk about the 'Slide Technique'. There was a point in his video in which he said the phrase “slide technique’ and, at that moment, I slid on some ice. I brought my attention as to why this would be a synchronicity so listened closely to what he had to say following my slippage.

Listening in, I realized that I have been doing the slide technique for a long time on my own, even as a kid. This was a realization that I'm still sifting through but interpret as Spirit wanting me to practice this more. Which is great. I like doing it.

Want more? Here’s a blog post I made just for Synchronicity examples that I found on Reddit. List yours in the comments, if you’d like.

Beginnings of some tea spilling synchronicities…

Here’s what I came across for synchronicity but, I’m not satisfied I must admit. I find that a lot of people are talking about coincidences but not going beyond to find meaning behind the events. My advice to the Redditors wanting to know “WHAT DOES IT MEAN?” need to take a look around when things happen, especially if you feel like things are happening in clusters. That’s usually a sign that something really wants your attention, your job is to figure out why it wants your attention. I would predict there’s an opportunity for life change that someone is trying to give you a heads up on. Take that with you

Here’s some coincidences that involve signs. When you accumulate your experiences together, that’s when you start learning how to communicate using synchronicities and start leading an easier more fulfilling life.

Here’s where you can start:

Umberto D.

Umberto D. from

Constant time

Time to Wake Up! from Understanding

Alice In Wonderland

'Alice' from u/hsdgvr via r/Synchronicities on Reddit


'Number synchronicity at least once a week' by u/IndividualVehicle from r/Synchroncities on Reddit

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